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Public Boards/Beginner 
furyofroy (Jan 10, 2004)
This has been a very special night for me. It could be the lack of sleep is affecting my brain, or it could be ky's revealing fan-art. Either way, I'd like to show my appreciation for everything everyone has done for me. This may not be as glamorous as what I've received, but It's all I could muster, considering what time it is.

ky, Fin, and Porcelain: Thank you for caring enough about me to take the time to draw me fan-art. It's a rarity, and an extreme honor. I wish there was a way I could make it up to you.
Wasil: You've put up with my behavior more than anyone else has. You're an important person in my life, and I hope we stay together for a long time.
VV: I think you know why I'm grateful. Thanks for giving me a chance to succeed.
Nyao: I've heard of weird artistic idols, but I have to take the cake. Thank you for looking up to me and giving me confidence.
Xodiak: You lovable goblin. You're the greatest sick, twisted artist I've ever known.
and Marcello: Thank you for putting up with my young foolishness. This site is the best oekaki board I have ever walked on.
If there's anyone I've missed, I can assure you it was unintentional.

I love you all as my second family, and will stay here for as long as you can tolerate me. I guess you can tell I'm a little emotional right now.
10 comments – latest 4:
nyao (Jan 15, 2004)
*snif sniff* thank you dadie! *cries* I'm happy that I've made a difference (well not really) in ur life! ^^ I'll love you as always! ^^
rogue__wolf (Jan 15, 2004)
dude, you rock... seriously, i love your art!!! congrats on becoming a mod!
Xodiak (Jan 17, 2004)
You are an extremely talented and wonderful artist Fury of Roy. How do you make your drawings so attractive and sexual... it is mysterious, but I enjoy them all, so much! >;D
Maiko (Jan 17, 2004)
awww i'm touched XD
Menchkin you are such a sezzy beast and j00r awesome
i'll always have a place for you in my heart
drawn in 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Nanibunny (Sep 30, 2003)
hm I think that I might get rid of the outline on the rose .. it doesnt look right O.o
6 comments – latest 4:
Nanibunny (Nov 17, 2003)
drawn in 35 min
hm.. . i was playing around with the bg
Angeleyes (Nov 17, 2003)
hey i love more then my drawing nat
Trey (Jan 9, 2004)
This is so cool. I love your style. It's something I'd like to see on the front of a greeting card or something. That's what it reminds me of, anyhow. :) I love the way you did the's what makes your style, and it pulls it together with the way the farie looks, with the liney wings.
nyao (Jan 25, 2004)
woooo.... that's really pretty and original idea! ^^ I luv the rose and colour of the faerie! ^^
drawn in 2 hours 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
AngelOfDeath90 (Dec 30, 2003)
It's dumb, I know, but I had to submit SOMETHING. Well, I hope you all aren't too disappointed...I hope its alright...this is my first drawing...
4 comments – latest 4:
nyao (Dec 30, 2003)
OMG!!! yah!! U came bak! *huggles u* it's prettie nice and simple, has shadin, good! ^^ *pats u on the bak*
AngelOfDeath90 (Dec 30, 2003)
Thanks, nyao. To other people who are looking at this for the first time, I really dedicate th is one to nyao because she's the one who pestered me into drawing this abomination.
nyao (Dec 31, 2003)
aw.... i didn't pester u into this.... i just wanted people who have accounts to do stuff other than JUST stare at all the amazing pictures people drew....
mazi (Jan 1, 2004)
ok ok this needs a *lot* of work. the shading in the tree is ok but theres more than one piece to a tree. go look at one, theres a million leaves. yeah ok so you might not have to draw *every* leaf but try some textures. and mountains, hills, and the sky arent all white. fill them in some. try different colors.

try harder. -_- (or i'll dance around menacingly..)
drawn in 14 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Porcelain (Dec 29, 2003)
I know I won't have time to finish this, so yeah, I'll do it tomorrow. I'm not using any references for this -- so don't bother asking me. -_- Trying to do it from memory.
22 comments – latest 4:
SaheraNights (Feb 25, 2004)
HOLY!! GOD!! I LOVE SEPHIROTH!! AND CLOUD!! I HOPE TO GET AS GOOD AS YOU ONE DAY!!but back to being a begginner for me -_-
sephiroth54321 (Aug 18, 2004)
I see I have a fan
Mipunai (Aug 18, 2004)
Awsome pic X3 I love the hair
SanzoGirl (Aug 28, 2004)
!! thats good! realy good!
drawn in 5 hours 9 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Loogie (Dec 30, 2003)
It is all purple and stupid looking- hooray!
I suffer from artists block, all I can draw lately is eyes. That makes me sad. :'(
2 comments – latest 2:
nyao (Dec 30, 2003)
everyone gets blocks.... i like sketchie and purplenes! ^^
HJ (edited Dec 31, 2003)
Whats an artist's block? 0_x -? And I really like the purplie tones as well.
drawn in 20 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
TGgold (Dec 30, 2003)
Just a sketch....Haven't drawn here in a while ^_^ I love the ShiPainter WC tool ^_^
3 comments – latest 3:
littlebunnyfu (Dec 30, 2003)
supermonkey (Dec 30, 2003)
Nee, Hello TG. Same one from BakaNeko? Yes? Uh huh? Yes, thought so.

Anyway, nice pic. I like this style of shading a lot as well. ;3
nyao (Dec 30, 2003)
oooo... blood... nice.... i luv the expression, especially the eyes... so much sorrow....
drawn in 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
MooKittee (Dec 30, 2003)
The blue eye is too far from the egde of the face... o____________o;; Noticed that when I was sticking in the snowflakes... ;;
5 comments – latest 4:
littlebunnyfu (Dec 30, 2003)
oooo! preety!

*eats the snow!*
nyao (Dec 30, 2003)
coot! I uv her haapie face and different coloured eyez! ^^
Tylop2 (Dec 30, 2003)
Very beautiful first Piccy ^^ Nice shading, and cool background. Keep up the good work :D
Deformed (Feb 24, 2004)
Welcome to 2 draw!! I look forard to seing your new pics!!!
drawn in 2 hours 11 min with PaintBBS
ladylime (Dec 29, 2003)
trying to make lineart...its super annoying
3 comments – latest 4:
ladylime (Dec 30, 2003)
drawn in 3 min
hmm my foot fell asleep
tappie_chan (Dec 30, 2003)
lineart may be annoying, but it can decide the quality of a pic. this is cool, though (the lineart isn't bad). the green part of the BG is very interesting, and the character is cute. i'd like to see more of her ^__^ .
nyao (Dec 30, 2003)
*nod in agreement* yes yes.... lineart is my least favorite thing... that's why i always spend the most time doin it... *sighs* any way... i like the floatiness! ^^ and her hair... it's all wavie....
Tylop2 (Dec 30, 2003)
Vry well done eyes....*stares at the eyes*...Anyways Well done, nothing wrong with the pic, as far as I can see.
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with PaintBBS
Nekoyasha_15 (Dec 30, 2003)
This is my first drawing here, and i must say it was quite fun. but this is'nt my best drawing but it will do.
4 comments – latest 4:
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Dec 30, 2003)
she's so cuteness! nice first, and welcome to 2draw!
tappie_chan (Dec 30, 2003)
your style is very cute, yo! the circles in the BG are pretty...they add a simple beauty to the pic that is very aesthetically pleasing. i like your name too. hee hee hee ^__^. welcome!
littlebunnyfu (Dec 30, 2003)
That is adorable!

nyao (Dec 30, 2003)
yes yes... very coot! ^^ i like coot blobness and her floatiness and her tongue and the blue floatin thingies on the back! ^^ welcome! (did some1 mention my name for no reason? *confused*)
drawn in 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
marcello (Dec 30, 2003)
Now that I hopefully have your attention, let's get down to business. First, on a matter of using 2draw: Post as unfinished hidden! We don't care if you have to leave (suspiciously 5 minutes after you started drawing), or only spent 5 minutes on it, provided we don't have to see it. If you post as unfinished hidden, only you can see the drawing (by clicking on your studio at the top of any page on 2draw). And moderators can't delete what they don't see. This also ...
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