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Public Boards/Beginner 
nyao (Aug 17, 2003)
just had an empty mind... and saw the amazing drawing of ahhock83 at oekakicentral... so i wanted to draw like that... well... turned out bad... not at all like his pic...
6 comments – latest 4:
Merulotte (edited Aug 18, 2003)
Don't be so hard on yourself. I go to OekakiCentral, and when I saw your picture (this one) it instantly reminded me of the front-page image I saw of it!
If you just keep practicing, you can exceed beyond anyone. It just takes time. ^_^
It's really nice, though. You did well.
Aunvi (edited Aug 18, 2003)
Ummm the link takes you to a stupidly drawn art theif dude.
Merulotte (edited Aug 18, 2003)
Aunvi: Try copying and pasting the link... OekakiCentral has a direct linking dislike..
dragon_girl (edited Aug 18, 2003)
I love that drawing its to good to be true
drawn in 26 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
concannon (Aug 17, 2003)
Everybody loves hats. And look, facial fuzz. (Ph34r the lame-ass background.)
7 comments – latest 4:
nyao (edited Aug 17, 2003)
ooo.. cool... i luv the sketchiness... and the hat is nice. ^^ but i luv the mustache on his chin. hee hee....
AmericanIdolUSA1 (edited Aug 18, 2003)
This picture is very good. I am not in intermidiate. I am not good enough yet. I am still trying to experiment and use different tools. I am learning though. I am only in practice boards...
forgotten-memory (edited Aug 18, 2003)
Sort of reminds me of Johnny depp, what with the fexy cheekbones and the lovely dovely smirkinopsis.

<3 may I have him? it can be my unbirthday present from you. =3
evil_cloud (Apr 6, 2004)
.......remind me Irvine Kineas (ff8 char). I really like the hat!
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Marienkind (Aug 16, 2003)
good. paint's behaving now.

edit: that eyebrow bothered me.
19 comments – latest 4:
Mipunai (Jul 31, 2004)
O_O I love the hair
Cordelia_Pink (Aug 20, 2004)
it looks like... I dunno! But great job! I like his white hair.
revolvere (Aug 26, 2004)
This is amazing. You did a great job on his expression. ^^
He reminds me of my grandmother's brother when he was young. [He was completely white haired at 19.]
Anyway, if this was on dA, I'd put it in favourites like that!
Animegirl250 (edited Apr 4, 2005)
^^ He's a cutie! Can you hook me up? or not..
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with PaintBBS
Marienkind (Aug 16, 2003)
paint went insane in the middle of my picture, so i stopped. i didn't even get to fix his eyes or anything... o_o
9 comments – latest 4:
Yuki-Kage (edited Aug 16, 2003)
mmm mm good! he looks tasty! sorry. Im in a hungry mood right now. Is he like.. your signature charater? Cuz I mean... he has the same white hair thing goin' on... o.O ... o well!
taori (edited Aug 16, 2003)
Purple lineart. Sweet.
Zappo (edited Aug 16, 2003)
Wow Marien your on a roll!
nyao (edited Aug 16, 2003)
wow.... i luv the hair... such a pretty white....
drawn in 1 hour 46 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Zinc (Aug 14, 2003)
asflm;gsdh';... 6 hours.

Edit: I'll make you a special one for your birhtday, Vis.
7 comments – latest 4:
amuy (edited Aug 14, 2003)
luv tha coloring...howd ya do it!
lumpypixels (edited Aug 15, 2003)
Nice work!
mazi (edited Aug 15, 2003)
thats aweome *_*
Marienkind (edited Aug 15, 2003)
wow. it's so fresh and clean. armando, you're so sexy... ;_;
drawn in 5 hours 57 min with PaintBBS
mazi (Aug 14, 2003)
more lain-inspired stuff.. just a quick one before i get back to some work. hm. the sky was fun to do though.
15 comments – latest 4:
joe_shmo (Oct 15, 2003)
i thought it looked like lain then i read the comments wowo this is amasing!
false_truths (Jan 15, 2004)
before i read your comment and other peoples comments, my first thought was, "lain! cool!" lol.. the picture is so good, i like the background.. .^__^
Look (Jan 24, 2004)
simple and nice! i like the color
davincipoppalag (Feb 12, 2004)
This is have really captured the scene.. it looks real.. nicely done
drawn in 40 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
kenshina (Aug 13, 2003)
happy birthday to Nyao And to my dear little sister! Sorry for the late picture for you're birthday Nyao ><
3 comments – latest 3:
nyao (edited Aug 14, 2003)
thank you! happy b-day to your sister too! ^^ I really like the pose. ^^
concannon (edited Aug 14, 2003)
This is so cute...^^;; I adore the coloring, and her eyes. Dunno why. Are you new, by the way? I was gone for about two weeks....vacation. I feel I missed a lot. ;_;
kenshina (edited Aug 14, 2003)
...Yea I am new here. But now I discover... that the time.... Is.... Is there a probleme with the timer?
I don't think I took that long... It use to be arround 1hour and 30 min! Hmmm can someone explain me with the timmer please?
drawn in 53 min with OekakiBBS
EverDream (Aug 13, 2003)
Finally finished. Tried for the animated cell feel.
To explain it a bit I've always wanted to get a pic with a strange angle esp. with a building.
31 comments – latest 4:
Mila-Valentine (Nov 3, 2005)
Woa! This is amazing! The animation is just stunning! I love the way you draw the background!
Ryuichi_kun (Nov 9, 2005)
I have one word for you....prettyful
Trace_Balthier (Jun 6, 2007)
This is really awsome! nice job on the coloring!
davincipoppalag (Nov 4, 2018)
sittin inthe rain
drawn in 5 hours 44 min with PaintBBS
kenshina (Aug 12, 2003)
:q I suppose this is really my first time I use to draw something like this... >< well hmm howd ya think?
7 comments – latest 4:
Yuki-Kage (edited Aug 13, 2003)
cute! I like the little person-y thing she's holding in her hand. The hair is really good! Keep on drawing!
Minitsaru (edited Aug 13, 2003)
nice... but what is she looking at?
Morloki (edited Aug 14, 2003)
Very nice! I like the line art. It's smooth. Coloring is pretty good too. My only peeve is her eyes. She should be looking down at the girl (?) in her hand, but she's just staring into space. Still pretty good though. Keep it up!
kenshina (edited Aug 14, 2003)
GOod question! :q well first when I draw her, I did'nt think about drawing that little girl ,doll or something. Soo =_+''' she was suppose to look <that way but now I whanted that she look the doll or girl... hmmm dunno=_= BTW THANKS FOR COMMENTING
drawn in 1 hour with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Maiko (Aug 12, 2003)
this mouse sucks... >>
uhm, this is for Nyao, late birthday present...i've no clue who you are but..oh well ^__^ happy birthday, love your art
1 comment – latest 1:
nyao (edited Aug 13, 2003)
thank you! ^^ this pic is really cute. ^^
drawn in 19 min with OekakiBBS
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