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Public Boards/Intermediate 
lori (Apr 10, 2008)
used a ref., "Old Woman Dozing" by Nicolaes Maes, or something like that - I could add more, but I think I'll leave it
8 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 10, 2008)
This is really good, damn.
lori (Apr 11, 2008)
thank you
Aakyra (Apr 11, 2008)
Lovely work, Lori!
lori (Apr 12, 2008)
drawn in 1 hour 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Axil62 (Apr 10, 2008)
7 comments – latest 4:
gel_o (Apr 10, 2008)
This is very good and a very interesting perspective.
Axil62 (Apr 10, 2008)
Hey thanks guys. Perspective was the motive.
Xina54 (Apr 10, 2008)
Someone to look up to eh? is it you? and what on earth is that sticking out from near the ashtray? But seriously, the perspective is great - I loved watching you develop the figure in the animation.
Miss_DJ (Apr 15, 2008)
perspective achieved..nice.
drawn in 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Roytje (Apr 10, 2008)
19 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Apr 17, 2008)
So lovely, all those pretty cors in the skin. I get so shy about using different colors in skin. Maybe I need this inspiration. :)
Roytje (Apr 18, 2008)
Merci, merci :)
Miss_DJ (Apr 19, 2008)
wonderful roy!
brenndurdrykkur (edited Apr 28, 2008)
drawn in 2 hours 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
UnWanted (Nov 26, 2007)
8 comments – latest 4:
UnWanted (Mar 17, 2008)
drawn in 35 min
... sex
Great_white (Apr 9, 2008)
Hope he drops some good items!
mooki (Apr 9, 2008)
doooood...that face is gnarly. great draw so far.
Sweetcell (Apr 28, 2008)
Well for the horns of course use grey, but stay in the red tones, they'll blend better. Funny to say but the new 2draw logo have some good examples of greys.
drawn in 12 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Mary-Mephiles (Apr 9, 2008)
2 comments – latest 2:
mooki (Apr 9, 2008)
the scary thing is, when you zoom out the teeth actually look photographic..
anyways this is very cool, nice job
Lopt (Apr 12, 2008)
Werewolf Sonic scares me ._.! RABIES RABIES

Anyway, this is pretty cool, the eyes are very well done.
Go you!
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
MelissaMissy (Feb 9, 2008)
This doesn't look exactly like Miley but I had another pic of her that looked almost exactly like her when she was like two or three years younger but then my sister...with good intentions at mind...tried to show me something with a layer and it all disappeared! :*( I'm submitting it now just so if something like that were to happen again I don't lose her completely! I like her but not as much as the other one. I'm not finished yet so lets hope she looks more like her with hair!
17 comments – latest 4:
SanzoGirl (edited Feb 21, 2008)
Kay, lets straighten all this out.
Yes, asking for comments is basically asking for attention, which does get annoying.
If you want advice, put "asking for advice/crits"
Sweetcell didn't call you a whore, she called you an attention whore, which is someone who wants attention and asks for it.
It's different that a whore, who is someone who sleeps with everyone.
Lets stop this pointless e-fighting and lets all get along! D:
MelissaMissy, as much as it seems like Sweetcell was being mean, she's just trying to help. She's been here for as long as I've been, and is a site elder, I guess you could say.

Just focus on your art, and improving as an artist, so that you could be the best you can be~
You can ask for advice, but yes, when you ask for comments, it seems like you want attention.

Kay. ~v~
deathking (Feb 21, 2008)
Hi, please critique my comment!!!!!!onetwothreeexclamation!!!1113382 (i love dragging things out)
MelissaMissy (Feb 23, 2008)
It seems...It isn't.
I thought we already sorted it. But okay...but you're sort of dragging yourself into it. Anyway, okay.
And deathking, what??
mooki (Apr 9, 2008)
deathking i believe, is mocking you.
and sweet cell is right.
drawn in 1 hour 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
MelissaMissy (Apr 9, 2008)
I think he's cute :) I sorta had a reference but I didnt use it :P Also, I was looking at my previous pics ad their comments and I must agree I did use my ge as an excuse, especially when I was 1o. Im 12 now :) I wont use it as an excuse now though. :)
2 comments – latest 2:
mooki (Apr 9, 2008)
good. cuz age is no excuse at all.
look at fuckin mozart.

nice hair effect.
toonlink101 (Apr 15, 2010)
i would by it for 10,000 it's so cute!!!
drawn in 57 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
crucob (Apr 9, 2008)
the only reference i used was for costume purposes.. the poses and anatomy were from my head
all in all, i think i got down what i saw in my head for the most part and as far as i'm concerned.. this is finished
7 comments – latest 4:
TheCrimsonKing (Apr 10, 2008)
cool dude
crucob (Apr 10, 2008)
thannx for the kind words, people.. i was half expecting someone to flame me, and say this isn't advanced, lol
yea, davinci.. it's the new version of thor.. he looks like a warrior now, not a pretty boy, lol
mooki, i'm surprised, u didn't have anything weird to say, lmao
Met (Apr 16, 2008)
holy poopy WHAM! You were right, good sir.
Roytje (edited Apr 17, 2008)
You put a lot of work in it. Nice :)
drawn in 1 day 2 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/The Post Board 
cereal box
Axil62 (Apr 9, 2008)
Who all opens the cereal box the way the designer of said box intended? I do.
Public Boards/Beginner 
shadow5510 (Apr 8, 2008)
its not that good but hey its my first drawing on here
2 comments – latest 3:
shadow5510 (Apr 8, 2008)
drawn in 7 min
its not that good but hey its my first drawing
MelissaMissy (Apr 9, 2008)
Its colourful :) Its not excellent but with practice you'll be better. Welcome by the way. You took a long time seeing as it's not that detailed. Tip: the sky goes all the way down :)
mooki (Apr 9, 2008)
tip: melissamissy doesnt know what shes talking about, and really is a complete bitch. i dont think she tries either.
welcome to 2draw, im sorry you had to experience her. i like the colors alot, and i hope you draw more here for practice and fun
drawn in 1 hour 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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