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Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
A suggestion for an ambitious added feature for this site
davincipoppalag (Mar 11, 2004)
How about setting up some kind of "users manual" for the applets. I realize a brief description of each tool appears when you hold the cursor over the tool, but not all of us grew up with these infernal machines. To some of us, a CD is still a bank product, and telephones still have wires attached and it would be helpful.. The descriptions that appear really don't go far to explain what the tool is actually for, ie: what effects you can achieve by using it, or how to use it effectively. I th...
South Paws?
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 8, 2004)
I am really curious about something, and I thought this would be a good place to take a little survey on it... I have noticed (when I pay attention to it) that when doing anything "artsy", such as going to a museum, art gallery, openings, even playing drawing games, that the left-handed people generally outnumber the right-handed people. This would sort of confirm that we left handed people are in our right mind, which is the creative side of the brain. (Not to say, by any means, that there are...
Public Boards/Beginner 
Kasha (Mar 8, 2004)
I dunno what the hell that thing is.
8 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Mar 8, 2004)
cept it's not a lemur... it's something else
Kasha (Mar 8, 2004)
then it's a magigalusmafiguls.
davincipoppalag (Mar 8, 2004)
...its a magigalusmafiguls that put its paw in the wall socket?
method3 (Mar 14, 2004)
It could be a freaky monkey, hehe. Does the title for the picture mean anything? ie, is it a mars alien thingy?
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
furyofroy (Mar 7, 2004)
Reaction when I got my tablet to work with OS X. :3
7 comments – latest 4:
Neko (Mar 8, 2004)
Oh, the brutish manliness. Finally the man truly conquers over the savage beast!

You have little moustache with sideburns and a beard? woot.
method3 (Mar 8, 2004)
Mwahahaha, funny pic. "I R TEH L33t Haxx0r!!" and then you throw your tablet into the air, it crashes to the ground, and then you cry like a little girl. Anyway, other than that, teh pic r0xx0rz.
mazi (Mar 8, 2004)
lmao awesome. j00 |2 p|2377j 1337.
Ari (Apr 6, 2004)
YOU USE A MAC?!?! Yay! ^_^
Awesome pic, very kawaii! ^_^
drawn in 51 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/ 
Sharaki (Mar 7, 2004)
Every time I click Draw a Runtime error appears.Then when I actually get to the canves siza and click draw a small rectangle containing a square,triangle and circle is at the top of the page.What is this and how can I fix it?
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Meh art site
witheringsoul (Mar 7, 2004)
I really love getting comments and I always reply! ^_^ So, Please...Go to my deviantart account. of my new stuff is photography and manipulations but if you look through my gallery you'll find all my old art. n_n Thanks!
Public Boards/Intermediate 
ToraNeko (Mar 1, 2004)
Now isn't this just an awe inspering title? lol
37 comments – latest 4:
Neko (Mar 6, 2004)
Reading all that arguing made me angry. Then I scrolled back up to see the picture and I got happy again! Such is the power of art.

I could just fall in love with this picture. Everything's there, all placed to it's right place making this a balanced masterpiece. The colours, lineart... heck, even the slight reflection on the water or how them fingers show through the water.

I like the original, felineish creature, as it reminds me of a fursona I created for my best friend. She, too, has horns and cat-like features and hooves. Even the hair-colour reminds of her. And am I bitching about copyrights? Hell no.~ Since it's said that a room with a hundred chimpanzees, given the time and typewriters, could type the whole Shakespeare productions, then why couldn't two people in this world come up with similar-looking characters? Not to say that they remind (as Marcello said) in any other real way that both are furries and have horns.

And if my comment starts the whole stupid, insensible whining all over again, I'm sorry in advance.
Alinnia (edited Mar 8, 2004)
'Artistic Moderator' also seems to be a popular oxymoron these days, eh, Marcello?

After a wonderfully busy weekend, and a successful college art sale... I have finally found the time to make my final comment on this peice. Sure, it's a nice peice. The drawing is nice. The coloring is nice. The idea is nice. But the character design is not original... it's as simple as that. It disappoints me to see such uncreative artists... and irrisponsible moderators. It's irritating to know that the 'attitudes' of the DeviantArt Admin have migrated on to other sites that /seem/ to have so much potential...

I really don't know if these 'programmers-turned-art-board-mods' understand what they've gotten themselves into. I know of many, hardworking, original character designers, many moving into the feild of animation, like myself, who constantly have their character designs copied and stolen, and the administration of the site do /nothing/ about it. (Some administration are MUCH better than others... Tiemann of the TLKFAA is rather strict about copyright laws... and he's well-respected for that.) If /I/ didn't think I was being ripped off, I wouldn't've said anything. Anything at all. ...

(And YES, ToraNeko, as a matter of fact, before most character designers come up with a new concept, we DO search the internet quite thuroughly to see what current designs are out there, and what is at the height of pop culture in the current time, to make /sure/ our concepts are different than those around us... it's all part of our responsibility as designers... If you can't take on that responsibility... DON'T DO IT.)

And of COURSE the world is built on modifying different things. My character in and of himself must be made of at least 12 different concepts from existing characters from popular series'... but you'd never know. It IS a hybrid of 2 different animals.. animals aren't copyrighted.. however, within the thousands of combinations one /could/ have made with these animals, why should 2 designs look /that/ simliar at all? And when I say look at the image, I mean put both of them side-by-side and compare. NOT look at /one/ picture for two seconds, and then ('try to') look at the other for two seconds.. of course you're going to conclude and assume without looking.

It's sad that artists can't use the internet as a tool for their work, and not be safe. And when I say artists, I don't mean the fanboys, fangirls, and wannabes that frequent these sites. I mean the artists who know what they're doing. The serious ones who plan on doing this as a career for the rest of their lives. Not some little hobby that they do once in awhile. It's sad that those serious about their practition have to be cautious about what they do, and what they post, in fear of the concept of those who can't seem to reach beyond what they see right in front of them.

Personally, I don't think these sites should be supported anymore. No 2draw. No DeviantArt. No Elfwood. No VCL. No mass-oriented art sites at all in existance. There are too many fan-wannabes that look through them... wannabes that just don't appreciate originality for what it is. Private galleries are the way to go, and I can assure you that artists DO NOT need any of these silly sites to get exposure, or to share their art with other people. Sure, I thought it was fun in the beginning... but now it's just out of hand. Moderators are irrisponsible... most 'members' and 'critics' even moreso... equality is null.

These sites no longer have my support. No funding. No art. No reccomendations. Only warnings to those who may wish to join. Don't post your ideas on these sites.. fan-wannabes /will/ steal them..

And those who haven't had their ideas ripped-off yet? ... Watch. It'll happen. Then you'll know how /I/ feel.
marcello (edited Mar 9, 2004)
All I can say is: OMG LMFAO

Find me some people who actually agree with you, because there sure are a lot of people who do not. Copyright law is not being broken here, so do not make it sound like someone is doing you a great injustice.

edit: at the expense of my linear algebra homework, I am gonna actually try replying to your message. Although I find it hard to stop laughing.

'Artistic Moderator' also seems to be a popular oxymoron these days, eh, Marcello?
Despite what you might think, the moderators for a site are to help me, not you. No where do we claim to be artistic moderators or professionals in the field of critiquing or judging your pictures. We are not paid enough for that.

After a wonderfully busy weekend, and a successful college art sale... I have finally found the time to make my final comment on this peice.
Sorry to take you away from your busy schedule. But aside from your effort to make yourself sound superior again, you really need to learn how to spell. A college student has no excuse for misspelling 8 words in something that short, especially with words such as "piece," "irresponsible," "field," "thoroughly," and so on. And none are typos.

I really don't know if these 'programmers-turned-art-board-mods' understand what they've gotten themselves into. I know of many, hardworking, original character designers, many moving into the feild of animation, like myself, who constantly have their character designs copied and stolen, and the administration of the site do /nothing/ about it.
First off, as we do not know of every character or drawing submitted on the internet, we really cannot do anything about pieces that no one says anything about. In this case, there is no relation at all between the characters to give you any case.

(Some administration are MUCH better than others... Tiemann of the TLKFAA is rather strict about copyright laws... and he's well-respected for that.)
Then e-mail him and send him this link, and have him CC me a reply, I want to hear his opinion.

before most character designers come up with a new concept, we DO search the internet quite thuroughly to see what current designs are out there, and what is at the height of pop culture in the current time
Care to share how one goes about doing this? How would someone find your design, for example, and know to avoid copying it? Search for "original furries with horns" on google?

And when I say look at the image, I mean put both of them side-by-side and compare. NOT look at /one/ picture for two seconds, and then ('try to') look at the other for two seconds.. of course you're going to conclude and assume without looking.
Again, you continue to insult my intelligence. And though undeserving, I spent quite a bit of time looking over both of them, side-by-side to see if I could see what you meant. Alas I found quite the opposite, as I detailed in my previous messages.

It's sad that artists can't use the internet as a tool for their work, and not be safe. And when I say artists, I don't mean the fanboys, fangirls, and wannabes that frequent these sites. I mean the artists who know what they're doing. The serious ones who plan on doing this as a career for the rest of their lives. Not some little hobby that they do once in awhile. It's sad that those serious about their practition have to be cautious about what they do, and what they post, in fear of the concept of those who can't seem to reach beyond what they see right in front of them.
Quite sad. Definitely not safe, in fact, you might even get a virus! *shocker* I want to find someone serious about their "practition." (P.s. I am mocking you here, because your is amusing.)

Personally, I don't think these sites should be supported anymore. No 2draw. No DeviantArt. No Elfwood. No VCL. No mass-oriented art sites at all in existance. There are too many fan-wannabes that look through them... wannabes that just don't appreciate originality for what it is.
Do not support them, then. No one is forcing you.

Private galleries are the way to go, and I can assure you that artists DO NOT need any of these silly sites to get exposure, or to share their art with other people.
You realize you sound like a snob when you say that, right?

Sure, I thought it was fun in the beginning... but now it's just out of hand. Moderators are irrisponsible... most 'members' and 'critics' even moreso... equality is null.
This is your problem, you are so caught up in the politics of it that you cannot do it for fun. 2draw is not a place to post your resume, it is to have fun drawing in one's spare time.

And those who haven't had their ideas ripped-off yet? ... Watch. It'll happen.
Wow, if something this "similar" is the worst that will happen when someone rips me off, I guess I should not be too worried about anything!

Then you'll know how /I/ feel.
I shudder at the thought.

And in conclusion, your design is not that great. I mean, come on, it is a furry.
Dainamo (Mar 9, 2004)
Marcello... most people against furry art don't find originality in their peices... I've seen a few rants and such where furry artists feel 'unloved' as opposed to a person who copies 'anime' art
o.o *shrugs* But that's just me.. find one of those people supporting her? Well I'd be one :3
Watch as I end up on some.. hit list now or something x.x;;

.... and yis, Mr. Tiemann is very strict about such things... I doubt Alinnia will be stopping here anymore so I'll deliver him this postage and stuff, alrighties? :3

Sometimes I just wish some peeps would see eye to eye instead of thinking their views are always correct...
Although posting to the pic...
only thing I see wrong with it is the tongue... x.x Too red for my tastes.. other than that, it's a fine peice. If it was copy designed or not, I like it :3
drawn in 3 hours 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
furyofroy (Mar 3, 2004)
I promise I'll draw some porn soon.
15 comments – latest 4:
sephiroth54321 (Aug 18, 2004)
it looks like hobbes
Mako_Neko (Jan 19, 2005)
He really reminds me of Hobbes. Hobbes has always been my favorite tiger. He's WAY better than Tigger will ever be *smiles* But yes, I really like this piece!
DrsFan (Jan 31, 2006)
Your right IT DOES look alot like Hobbes.Exept hobbes is naked
davincipoppalag (Jan 14, 2019)
hes back
drawn in 1 hour 21 min with PaintBBS
Enforced rule about posting
method3 (Mar 3, 2004)
Do not create a thread or post asking why your picture has been moderated in some way (edit, set to unfinished, deleted, etc). The moderators are fair in their judgement of pieces in order to keep the spam down here at 2draw, do not create more spam asking why your previous spam was removed. Read the rules again if you're not sure why something was moderated.
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
lilypad (Mar 3, 2004)
i want to get a tablet, but i don't know which ones are better than others. i also want to know how much they cost. I want a goo, nonexpensive one so if you could help me, that would be most certantly great! ^^'
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