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Main Forums/ 
Sadly leaving 2draw...but how?
craptastic_spaztic (Jul 8, 2004)
Sadly I have decided to leave the 2draw community. Not for any reasons from the community, just don't have time to visit and draw anymore with my schedule. It has been very fun. I was just wondering how to go abouts deleting my account and all. Anybody?
For Those with Mac OS X & Java Problems
stellarbeams (Jul 12, 2004)
While researching something else, I came across a fix for some Java problems on the Macs with OS X. If simply downloading/installing a new browser (I tried Mozilla) doesn't help you to load the applets, this may be of interest to you. Apparently, the OS X system will only allow the Safari browser to access the latest java plugin. All other browsers are defaulted to the 1.3.1 version. One developer has a fix for this that can be found here: PLEASE NOTE: The f...
1 comment
Public Boards/Advanced 
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Feb 19, 2004)
1955 Chevrolet BelAir
27 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Feb 28, 2004)
people, use email, people.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Feb 28, 2004)
lol @ Marcello. You kiddos don't want me to come over there with a switch, do ya? (And I'm only 23 yrs older than him - don't push it.) Yes, Sim, she is an angel and I'm sure your Mom is proud of you, too.
dixielandcutie (Mar 4, 2004)
lol, at all of you. sim...washed and and flat? omg. put on your glasses man. its a style, and i happen to like it a lot. and yea, her daughters pretty darn cool too ;p
Cordelia_Pink (Jul 11, 2004)
Ohhh, very nice. lol Although I'm not very fond of cars (well, I'd like to have one but don't really care about the brands) this is a pretty well drawn out car lol even though it looks old lol j/k Anyhow I like some of your work. They're really getting better. =) GJ
drawn in 9 hours 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
What The Hell Does "Modify User" Mean O.o
101_Torchic_101 (Jul 9, 2004)
Can Someone Tell Me, Please?
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
MD_Anonymous (edited Jul 2, 2004)
This might have already been addressed but I was wondering when the documentation would be completed. (So its not under construction.) I know the mods have a ton of work just keeping this site in order, but I'm hoping that the documentation would help me (and probably others) a lot. Thank you!
Main Forums/ 
how do I send a memo?
cmb (Jun 28, 2004)
I want to send a memo to a friend on the site to help with a collaboration- and if they dont want to join in then send another memo to the mods to delete the collab if no one is interested in working on it- I have opened up the memo box, gone to select a user, chosen the person- clicked OK- but nothing happens - what am I doing wrong please? I know the system works as I have recieved memos and also sent replies.... is it to do with bandwidth or something? thanks in advance for your help
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Fin_beast (edited Jun 27, 2004)
Well... I did this wallpaper tonight and I was quite proud of it so I thought I'd share it with ya'll. I did it on photoshop. Yes... the text is totally random. :D Does anybody know how most people do these sorts of things normally or what programs they use?
Main Forums/ 
Removing ones self from a collab
foxman8245 (Jun 26, 2004)
I was added to help on a collab wich I did. Problem is... I am sick of looking at it in my studio. The girl who started it hasnt been on since May!!! Can a Mod remove this from my studio?? Or do I have to wait untill she decides to come back on to this site? Ive allready sent her a memo to remove me with no success.
Information/Site Updates 
New Moderators list
method3 (edited Jun 15, 2004)
A lot of people have been asking about a list of moderators, therefore one has been created in the docs right here. So now you know who they are. BTW, if you wanted to you can go to docs from the front page, then site documentation, then under "Other Links" there's a link to the moderators list. Or you can even type in "" for the list.
Public Boards/Advanced 
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jun 9, 2004)
You don't want me to pull out my reference for this one.
(Mine has a 6" barrel... I drew it w/ a 4" here because I wanted it this size and couldn't make the canvas wider.)
31 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jun 12, 2004)
Good job on this one Mizz Cindy. I like the depth of the bg and how the gun stands out.. nice one (and so nice and Crisp)
laurael (Jun 12, 2004)
Awesome gun, nails, flame and's so damn fun to shoot guns...isn't it?
Urei-sama (Jun 13, 2004)
oooooo this looks so COOL!!!! i love the movement with the bullet, i can just see it fly!. the steam is alittle earlie though dont you think? all of this is exquisid. really
STUPAC (Jun 27, 2004)
WOW DBA thats the best gun i've ever seen drawn! I like your other pics too. You need to come back to inklink! You're spending too much time here! LOL... this is mum btw
drawn in 10 hours 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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