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Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Plaid Mantis
(Jan 19, 2005)
LOOK! On the tree branch! It's PLAID MANTIS MAN!!Feeling lousy? Watch this awesome video. It might cheer you up. http://www.veer.com/ideas/move/
sincity (Jan 19, 2005)
This is awesome. That video is weird, but feel goodish. :}
thug (Jan 20, 2005)
fantastic, it reminds me of a loonytoon character that wore a plaid suit , when he moved the plaid pattern stayed motionless. anyway this is one of your best
HunterKiller_ (Jan 20, 2005)
Oh mesa likes this one ^.^ Very wierd, very funky.
laurael (Jan 25, 2005)
You have great talent, AC...Sheesh...that lineart is awesome. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Dec 19, 2004)
Drawing beards/fuzzy shit is the worst -_- . This actually took 94 days of constant drawing to finish...k, so maybe it didn't...nor did it take a day and 4 hours... but yeah.... Merry Christmas >:)
IkariIreuL (edited Dec 20, 2004)
Looks Like a part of the Mexican´s El Día de los Muertos [ The Day of the Dead ]
ZaKi_nii-san (Dec 20, 2004)
XD! Love the fuzziness man. That is some awesome job right there..
mukumuku (Dec 26, 2004)
"theres children throwing snowballs, instead of throwing heads, i cant believe my eyes, absolutely no ones dead" that song/scene is my favorite part of that whole movie. this looks great
laurael (Jan 25, 2005)
I like the red as much as I like the fuzzy...nice. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jan 25, 2005)
yep....its a face
Anna (Jan 25, 2005)
And this is a great face, kejo! :-) I love his expression.. as though the sun is too bright. Very very nice job.
kejoco (Jan 25, 2005)
Thank you anna, your comments are always mucho apreciado =)
sincity (Jan 25, 2005)
very cool. Love it. :}>
davincipoppalag (Jan 25, 2005)
This is a nice new style for you kejo. I like these faces. |
Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Sep 11, 2004)
Had to get it done..going out on vacation tomorrow. Got tired of waiting for hurricanes to come so we are cruising out to Bermuda to find us one... EDIT: did some new age playin around with it
Gigandas (Sep 28, 2004)
Dang....some neat textures going on there, davinci. I also like the deep space effect you got in the tilted leaves and beyond them...
davincipoppalag (Sep 28, 2004)
Thanks Giggy!
Cordelia_Pink (Jan 24, 2005)
Aww, it's a pretty yellow butterfly. I like it!!! Good thing its wings don't have the pattern that scare ya. ^_^Some new playing with it
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jan 19, 2005)
Daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Grand Daughter of Ay and Tiya, The Sirians. Existence choice and action of Thoth.Chromosome count of 46+2. That's some strange shit.
emmamommalag (edited Jan 19, 2005)
They were such eggheads. How they used to breathe.
HunterKiller_ (Jan 23, 2005)
No wonder those Egyptions were so smart. 46 + 2 chromosomes and that huge brain.I think i read somewhere their heads were squeezed into that shape by some kind of head garment thing. And it was suppose to be 'attractive' =S
TheCrimsonKing (Jan 24, 2005)
Just the family of Akhenaten and Nefertiti had 46 + 2 chromosomes. In result their heads were elongated, they had larger ears, long necks, big hips, and skinny legs, and taller than the tallest 44 + 2 humans. |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jan 24, 2005)
I don't know...
cyclops (Jan 24, 2005)
...hahaha beetlejuice makes me laugh...great pic
Doodlibop (Jan 24, 2005)
If he's who I think he is, he has a twin and my mom was friends with him O.osame guy on the howard stern show...?
thug (Jan 24, 2005)
yeah, this is the guy on the Howard Stern show, he's got the IQ of a wad of meatloaf
solve (Jan 24, 2005)
i heard for 1000 dollars you can pay him to be at a party. i must do it if it is true.i cant believe he is in porn. awesome work! |
Main Forums/The Post Board | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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Kilala (Jan 19, 2005)
I hear a ring. I look up... time to start another day. I hear a scream. I look down... time to say goodbye forever. I hear a cry. I look left... time to fix a broken heart. I hear a voice. I look right... time to talk but no one's around to listen. I hear nothing. I look ahead at what appears to be my life... but it can't be... it's so empty. I don't move. I don't feel. I'm just there... to be consumed with greef and lonlyness in this world that knows nothing but hate, greed, sor...
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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RokGolam (Jan 17, 2005)
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jan 19, 2005)
Most artists have 2 or 3 true artistic epiphanies in their life time, sometimes none. I, Cloxboy, have just had such an epiphany. I call this breakthrough "Idle Bowels". Sometimes, when all is right in my mind and soul, the essence of my being flows out and into my work, this is one of those times. Today will be the pinnacle of my artistic career, albeit the phenomenon that is me. I always knew this day would come, now I can die.
spiritdweller (Jan 19, 2005)
:) so glad all is right with you...
davincipoppalag (Jan 19, 2005)
I would think ,artistically, that would be akin to a major orgasm..a recurring one. Good for you Clox.. I love your stuff anyway, and if you think you have had an epiphany..I wanna watch!
sincity (Jan 19, 2005)
Time for that colonic. Mr' chicken dude. Cool pic, very funny. :}
clockworkkubrick (Jan 20, 2005)
I'm going to do the funky chicken dance now. O_o No one will stop me. O_o;;; Seriously awesome pic. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jan 17, 2005)
quickie boredom drawing
davincipoppalag (Jan 17, 2005)
Nice quickie kejo. good eyes..nice texture
emmamommalag (Jan 17, 2005)
Looks like a demon with leathery skin. Nice work.
kejoco (Jan 17, 2005)
Thanks guys, its actually from "The last temptation" by Neil Gaiman and Michael Zulli on darkhorse comicsHunterkiller, 11 minutes isn't much for this, there's not a whole lot too it. Small canvas, essentially b&w, little detail
Alex-Cooper (Jan 17, 2005)
hahahahahahaha. Thats my deviantart icon. as Alex-Cooper. |
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