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Main Forums/ 
quintessence (edited Jun 12, 2003)
Has anyone else noticed that the little external stats button in the statistics section of the main page's right-hand column tends to get replaced with random (shrunk) drawings from the boards? I've seen it happen a few times now. I have screenshots saved somewhere. It could just be me. I have been known to hear phantom Zelda music coming from my carpet when I get tired. o_x
Public Boards/Beginner 
Porcelain (Jun 12, 2003)
o_o These are fun.
3 comments – latest 3:
Marienkind (edited Jun 12, 2003)
i fear. (bows). tastes good.
concannon (edited Jun 12, 2003)
Looks less like the shrimp this time. *relief* Cool shading. Like swirlies.
NekoBecca (Mar 31, 2004)
o_O Even your simple art is brilliant..-Does the one clap continue thing-
drawn in 6 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
furyofroy (Jun 12, 2003)
I tried to do a piece resembling the art style of Dr. Comet. His art is soooo awsome...his girls are super-cute, too. So tell me what you think.
8 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (edited Jun 14, 2003)
I love Dr. Comet! Awesome drawing furyofroy! >:D
TheLIVR (edited Jun 15, 2003)
Kore wa totemo bitchin desu.

(Translation: That is totally bitchin)
Spudz (edited Jul 6, 2003)
ahhh!!!...kawaii!!! ^_________^
Puchiko-chan (edited Jul 11, 2003)
So very cute! I love this drawing style.
=^. .^=
drawn in 32 min with OekakiBBS
Ari (Jun 12, 2003)
This second-grader I know, Kelsey, was in a swimming accident last saturday. She's at the hospital now, in a coma, and they don't know if she'll live. But they think she will.
I drew a picture of her, as a small tribute.
6 comments – latest 4:
concannon (edited Jun 13, 2003)
Hope she's okay...great picture.
Ari (edited Jun 13, 2003)
She died this morning. I cried all the way home on the bus.
Maiko (edited Jun 13, 2003)
that sucks.....and she was only in second grade too.....
like can be so unfair sometimes, but i'm sure she's happy
in heaven...
mkkmypet (edited Jun 14, 2003)
Oh man... Im crying right now... Poor little girl... Are you going to the funeral?

PS. That's just terrible... She was only in second grade... Did you know her very well?
drawn in 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mazi (Jun 12, 2003)
yay for trinity.

i dont like the lettering.. might make another attempt at it if im bored..
7 comments – latest 4:
mazi (edited Jun 12, 2003)

the matrix has me.. but yeah. its the scene in the first one where theyre doing the infamous bullet dodging and trinity puts her gun on the guys temple point blank and says in the coolest voice possible "dodge this." and BAM.. its just beautiful..

concannon (edited Jun 12, 2003)
Bwa.......utter nifty this. UBER nifty. Now do Neo! I command you! ....erm, let me rephrase that. DRAW Neo.

Follow the white rabbit.
mazi (edited Jun 13, 2003)
will do. neo.. hrm.. gotta find a good pic of him..
forgotten-memory (edited Jun 14, 2003)
free your mind, neo.

bwee! Trinity is the coolest! I love the way you shaded her outfit. I want her outfit. really badly. ;_;
drawn in 1 hour 8 min with PaintBBS
alienated (Jun 12, 2003)
Can you believe that I got booted out of Oekaki Central?! Those people are crazy! For that I send sephiroth upon them.....Bwaaaaaaah!
13 comments – latest 4:
alienated (edited Jun 14, 2003)
Thank you everyone. I used to post in the main hall or where ever else my work wasn't DELETED because of "lack of quality". It used to be fun when Niko was in charge, but I like it here a LOT better! *smirks*
Thanks again for the nice comments!!!
Loogie (edited Jun 16, 2003)
Sephy! ^^ Oekaki Central is mean to me, too...
Ari (edited Jun 18, 2003)
Yeah, they scare me...
Oooooh, coolness!!! I don't see how anything this cool could have been deleted because of "lack of quality". WHAT lack of quality?? This is amazing!!! Keep up the good work! :)
RabidMalikFanGirl (Oct 23, 2003)
I was doing a very bad karaoke to Real Emotion from FFX-2 when a saw this...

Me: These Thousand Words, Have Never Been SpoKAAAH!!! HOLY---

This is AWESOME!!!! It's so purty ^^ *steals THIS picture as well*
drawn in 4 hours 55 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
jtptan (Jun 12, 2003)
I dunno. Just bored and randomly doodling. Made her hair bubble-gum pink and gave her combat boots for no reason whatsoever. mih.
2 comments – latest 2:
concannon (edited Jun 12, 2003)
Love the background and her bandage/robey thing. However, the boots kinda resemble socks. ^^;;;
jtptan (edited Jun 25, 2003)
They do!
There, I think thats a little better
drawn in 55 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
mazi (Jun 12, 2003)
not sure.. he just happened
3 comments – latest 3:
Turtlebuster (edited Jun 12, 2003)
very cool. is that the "toy machine" monster?
mazi (edited Jun 12, 2003)
the which? i just made that design up.. O_o
concannon (edited Jun 12, 2003)
Cheers for randomess. Like the horns.
drawn in 56 min with PaintBBS
quintessence (Jun 12, 2003)
Added in some tone bits this time. ^^ Teeth are very annoying to draw.
3 comments – latest 3:
Knockoff (edited Jun 12, 2003)
Woaw. Great picture quin. Good job.!
Ari (edited Jun 12, 2003)
Oooh, black and white! Coolies! Looks like a photograph that's been "art-ified". Coolness!
concannon (edited Jun 12, 2003)
So...pretty....gyawd. And this one does look a bit more like her, so kudos. And the teeth are very well done, and I say congratulations for being able to draw cheeks like that without making someone look old.

[edit]: WOW is the animation creepy. o_O
drawn in 15 min with OekakiBBS
Hakkai (Jun 12, 2003)
I'm Dooone!! o_n;
Kitsunebi = Goku; Hakkai = ... Hakkai!
This is my gift to you Kitsunebi-chan! To counter your gift of the Hug! A Nikuman!! XD!
I hope you like!
4 comments – latest 4:
Marienkind (edited Jun 12, 2003)
yarg. hakkai drew... hakkai! hurray!
concannon (edited Jun 12, 2003)
Aw, cuteness.
Maiko (edited Jun 12, 2003)
MESHI!!!! "'Sank Yu!" YAY ^__^ fhankies ^__^!! I WUV MEH HUG BUDDY!! *Squeezes life out of hakkai* MAHA!!!! *scootles off to fix scanner so i can send you a decent hand drawn piccie*
Syrynx (edited Jun 13, 2003)
Mree! So so cute! I must say, I love the way these characters look very alive and happy.
drawn in 2 hours 27 min with PaintBBS
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