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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Xodiak (May 23, 2003)
for pleasure. >:)
7 comments – latest 4:
Einz (edited May 24, 2003)
even more evil
concannon (edited May 25, 2003)
.......oh dear. Interesting concept. That is all I have to say. *inches away*
pinhole64 (edited May 27, 2003)
Agian.. It ROCKS!
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 27, 2003)
Yikes...what a mind you have, Xod! Do you get it all from
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 25 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
forgotten-memory (May 22, 2003)
as promised...yes, pain and panic. :) this...might be a companion picture...if I knew what a companion picture was...heheheh
3 comments – latest 3:
quitelacking (edited May 22, 2003)
panic is adorable. what a mouth it has!
Eggie (edited May 23, 2003)
So cool!
concannon (edited Jun 27, 2003)
Gyahaha....o.O Scared. Yes, yes I am. *skitteres away*

P.S.: pretty background.
drawn in 17 min with OekakiBBS
forgotten-memory (May 22, 2003)
heh...quickie... panic is next. I'm forewarning you.

edit: so it matches panic a bit better. :)
2 comments – latest 2:
quitelacking (edited May 22, 2003)
pain and panic. i like the eyes and the teeth. will panic be a companion picture?
concannon (edited Jun 17, 2003)

May I take him hoooome?
drawn in 35 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
mazi (May 22, 2003) a dog wrapped round my leg

listening to great big sea.. and bored.. yay newfie music.. XD what, im allowed to make my drawings unserious somtimes.

4 comments – latest 4:
Turtlebuster (edited May 22, 2003)
I LOVE random thought!
...said i to the dandelion behind me, sharing it's view through the stained glass of the peach pits on the cellar floor. XD
kaT (edited May 22, 2003)

"The leprachaun in your microwave say's that you are insane, but that cant be correct, for as long as there is a little country called Combatslvania, there will always be time for the jell-o pudding rocket pops...o dear, my domestic coin collection has been spent on cans of compressed air for the lunch-a-tarium..."
Tesia-chan (edited May 22, 2003)
concannon (edited May 23, 2003)
This is......highly amusing. XD Love the detached-ness. Whoot.
drawn in 34 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
quintessence (May 22, 2003)
Ah, my sweet greyscale-ness. How I have missed you.
13 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (edited May 23, 2003)
are they furry chess pieces? >:)
concannon (edited May 23, 2003)
The Doombunnies! Heeeeehe. I love them, despite my loathing of rabbits. I love them, for they resemble salt shakers.
aphrodites_curse (edited May 26, 2003)
*glomps them* I love bunnies! And doom! Combining them only makes it that much sweeter.... *pets them* *has the sudden urge to fashion a doom bunny out of a salt shaker and a sock* Hrrrrrmm...
mundi (Oct 27, 2003)
D00m! Bahaha. That's so cool.
drawn in 18 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Turtlebuster (May 22, 2003)
I'm finally ready to submit this SOB! my comp rebooted on the 1st try and froze when i tried to edit the barely started 2nd try... hopefully i can edit this one because i want to soften some colors and sharpen the little flap of skin that drapes down his neck :)
8 comments – latest 4:
Turtlebuster (edited May 22, 2003)
herm.. i wasn't able to unstall it. some 'remote failure' or something. i'm having my friend look over my comp this evening so hopefully he'll straighten everything out. then it's back to the drawing boards!;)
quintessence (edited May 22, 2003)
Aww. Iguanas kick ass. My friend used to have one, but it keeled over. Poor thing.
Xodiak (edited May 23, 2003)
it looks very realistic, nice Iguana! Xod wants to feed it corn flakes! >:)
concannon (edited May 26, 2003)
Liiiiiiiizard. Heeeehe. Pretty.
drawn in 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
kamidake26 (May 21, 2003)
wheee, second image here, hope you enjoy my efforts ^_^
C&C always welcome.
~ Thanks
7 comments – latest 4:
furyofroy (edited May 22, 2003)
Thank you, I'm flattered. ^^ Your style's cool because it seems very original; very fresh. I salute you!
mazi (edited May 23, 2003)
love his right hand. *stares*
Ari (edited May 23, 2003)
LOVE it! 'Tis awesomeness! The eyes rock. *nod*
Draw more! Pwease? *bambi eyes*
concannon (edited May 26, 2003)
Love the ear for some reason. Nice kitty...O_o Let's not antagonize him. *inches away*
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Turtlebuster (May 21, 2003)
i think this should be 11+ or so, but alas, 13 is the lowest.
3 comments – latest 3:
taori (edited May 22, 2003)
*Stamps foot* Now how do you do that? The lineart, I mean. All I can get are super-skinny pencil lines or super-huge spraypaint/paintbrush lines. How do you get that happy medium? (No pun intended.) Is there some kinda software I'm lacking or what?
quitelacking (edited May 22, 2003)
to taori: you can adjust the line by using the grid... thing and playing with it.

to artist: it's sexy. ^_^
concannon (edited May 23, 2003)
It kinda resemble a newt. No offense. ^^; Nifty idea though. Yeah...*inches away*
drawn in 9 min with OekakiBBS
rydicanubis (May 21, 2003)
a no pre-scetch peice of randomness

4 comments – latest 4:
ky (edited May 21, 2003)
He's cute. I like him.
quintessence (edited May 22, 2003)
Awwww. *glomps it*
concannon (edited May 23, 2003)
Aw, cute ness. Love the background too. And I would recommend you to an artist on VCL, simply for the use of the word 'roux', but she picked up her stuff an' left. Her alias was Roux, at any rate. ^^;
rydicanubis (edited May 25, 2003)
thenks all, and visceralvamp, i know of whom you speak.
she has some of the besst art i've seen, i love her blue kangaroo fursona.
i acnowledge that roux is definately affiliated with her, but it's also a word in french meaning "reddish-brown", like the color. so i hope my usage of roux doesn'tt bother anyone and i highly endorse her work and encourage everyone to view it at vcl...
drawn in 36 min with OekakiBBS
aphrodites_curse (May 21, 2003)
Well this is as finished as it's gonna get. ^^ I chose not to add a backround because... well, just because I don't think it would fit.
9 comments – latest 4:
quintessence (edited May 22, 2003)
You can't make meee go away. *pets* Pretty picture, and nice foreshortening-whateveritscalled on the feet. I want those socks.
Xodiak (edited May 23, 2003)
I like the kiddy! pretty pose! >:)
Tesia-chan (edited May 24, 2003)
Gotta love that hair and expression. Whee.
concannon (edited May 25, 2003)
Awwwwwww, how'd I miss this?! *glomps Akida* She's so cuuuuuute.
drawn in 35 min with OekakiBBS
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