boardsintermediate..because the old black rums got a hold on me...
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drawn in 34 min with PaintBBS
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mazi (May 22, 2003) — edit a dog wrapped round my leg

listening to great big sea.. and bored.. yay newfie music.. XD what, im allowed to make my drawings unserious somtimes.

mazi (May 22, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Turtlebuster (edited May 22, 2003)
I LOVE random thought!
...said i to the dandelion behind me, sharing it's view through the stained glass of the peach pits on the cellar floor. XD
kaT (edited May 22, 2003)

"The leprachaun in your microwave say's that you are insane, but that cant be correct, for as long as there is a little country called Combatslvania, there will always be time for the jell-o pudding rocket pops...o dear, my domestic coin collection has been spent on cans of compressed air for the lunch-a-tarium..."
Tesia-chan (edited May 22, 2003)
mazi (May 22, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
concannon (edited May 23, 2003)
This is......highly amusing. XD Love the detached-ness. Whoot.
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