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Public Boards/Beginner 
concannon (Sep 10, 2004)
Doodle, cause I'm bored. I'm weird.
6 comments – latest 4:
Thear (Sep 10, 2004)
it is really "realistic" looking! i mean like it woud be drawed on paper. good job, VV
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Sep 10, 2004)
Aww he's such a cayuoot widdle dragon/dinosaur thing. And he's chasing his tail! :) I fink I wub him. Can I keep him, Mommy?, Paleeeaase? I wish I could doodle this well.
Sutafani (Sep 10, 2004)
this is cool, rawr.
damnskippytakn-a-break (Sep 10, 2004)
I like him! He has a really neat eye. = )
drawn in 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Dragnakita, Sutafani, Ty854, Cianteed, concannon, and more... (Aug 12, 2004)
Anyone want to join this collab!? Just draw a cute wittle dragon! XD

~*Collaboration started by Dragnakita (Liz)*~
19 comments – latest 4:
Ty854 (Aug 18, 2004)
Im lovin' that dragon, bumpinthenight.
bumpinthenight (edited Aug 30, 2004)
thanks ty... ehh, couldnt think of any other designs!! XD wahahah!

edit: fufufufu... I said that already.... XD

edit2: can this collab be done now, please?! aack... sorry... brain has fused wires, I swear...
Dragnakita (Sep 10, 2004)
Done... T.T

I am very sorry to those of you that didn't get to join... it's because I was away from 2draw for quite a while... for those of you who memoed me... I'm sorry that I didn't finish a bit sooner... I think that I would have if I didn't stay on AOL and MSN IMing people all the time... so... it's pretty much my fault. But, just to let everyone know, I do have a life. I value my friends more than drawing and the people that I don't really know. If I knew you, I would be on 2draw more often. Anyways... I'm sorry. No more complaining, okay?? Thank you very much. Seeing all you whining made me feel bad. x.x; But, it's my fault... so... bah... anyways... I am sorry...
~Liz 'o4
TwystedFate (Sep 26, 2004)
Ooooooooooh dragons. *luffs it*
drawn in 4 hours 59 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
starmarked (Aug 12, 2004)
O tay, this took a while only because I was supposed to be working and not drawings :]
26 comments – latest 4:
klein-shin01 (Aug 18, 2007)
WOW. That horse is beautiful.
Roxana1890 (Jul 24, 2008)
this reminds me of another artist from ratemydrawings -_- . "wild" drawing. ^^.great job.
davincipoppalag (Feb 8, 2020)
still trottin
Cursed_Kennedy (Sep 25, 2022)
drawn in 8 hours 11 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
cheetos (Sep 9, 2004)
Was board and was trying new things. SO how did it turn out?
4 comments – latest 4:
raenboe (Sep 9, 2004)
Well, I think it's kind of awkward that you made the mushroom's expression *wink*-y and happy, but have the popping out vein, which symobolizes in anime that the character is mad or irritated. But other than that it's pretty cute!
cheetos (Sep 9, 2004)
Well I drew this because the other day I hit my head(falling out of bed) and for some odd reason I laughed!(dont ask)
Sutafani (Sep 9, 2004)
shrooms...... cheetos, ya know kima's gonna kill us......... we're drawing her shroom people all wrong.... mine have a intina fedish and your's are...... the evil color..... PINK!!! (lol)
ElEcTrIc_GuItArZ (Dec 27, 2004)
looks more like a dick...
drawn in 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
spoiledvamp27 (Sep 9, 2004)
I want some comments. I haven't been on here very long. What can I do to make my pic better?
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Sep 9, 2004)
It's a decent start but the best way to tell you what to do is to show you Anna's candle its in the showcase too
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Sep 9, 2004)
All you need is more definition... around the edges, mostly, and that will bring out your subject. It keeps it from being blurry. Don't blend too much and don't touch the blur thingy till you've been here a long time. Yep, stay away from the blur tool. It's very good for a first one...
damnskippytakn-a-break (Sep 9, 2004)
I love this! I think you did a very nice job. I love the way the candle has been snuffed and I just blew out a candle and the smoke does come off thick like this! Very, very nicely done! Welcome to 2Draw! ' }
spoiledvamp27 (Sep 12, 2004)
drawn in 11 min
Grr! I keep trying to make it look better, and only suceed in making it look worse. :-p Grr.. I'm such a newbie.
drawn in 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Pence (Sep 2, 2004)
Either i don't really pay attention, but i don't see mermaids on 2draw....
13 comments – latest 4:
LEELEE (Sep 7, 2004)
She's so cute, I can't get over how many little circles you have in the tail, it must have taken forever. beautiful work!!
bumpinthenight (Sep 7, 2004)
very cool.... wooooah! you must have a tablet.... all those scales would kill with a mouse!
Silhouette (Sep 14, 2004)
SHE HAS NO EYES! it's preeeetty though.
Asridaein (Oct 22, 2004)
This is soo cute. I love mermaids but I can't really draw them very well on here, its just too hard. You are amazing, i would never have been able to find the patience to do all those little circles. Kudos to you.
drawn in 3 hours 55 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Axil62 (Sep 7, 2004)
"The little finger side of the hand sets across the
end of the forearm at a sharper angle than does the
thumb side.
It is narrower and never wholly conceals the rest
of the hand.
The pisiform bone, or heel of the hand, is always
conspicuous on the lower side of the wrist.
To it attaches the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle,
corresponding with the tendon of Achilles.

1 Pisiform (pea-sgaped) bone.

2 Flexor carpi ulinaris.

~The Book of A Hundred Hands~

(for some reason I decided to use my tablet on this one. Something I almost never use)
22 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Sep 7, 2004)
Sure! I'm sure he won't mind if we both show up to borrow his book. :)
Axil62 (Sep 7, 2004)
Most certainly. Say, just a thought, how do you two feel about jello wrestling? You know, just in case there's some sort of unfortunate dispute over who get's the book...not for me you understand...just trying to figure out a fair deal for you girls is all.
Aubrey (Sep 7, 2004)
shell (Mar 3, 2011)
Pretty. It has somewhat of a Da Vinci sketch quality to it.
drawn in 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
charmyc and Sutafani (Aug 31, 2004)
This is a collab with Sutafani I'm sorry about my fanart skill...
10 comments – latest 4:
Urei-sama (Sep 2, 2004)
do they 'have' the be white? although they do look like horns... BG looks exelent ^_^
sephiroth54321 (edited Sep 4, 2004)
this pic rocks dude.cant wail till it done
DieChan (Sep 7, 2004)
INUYASHA HAUNTS ME SO!! ..........................

But I really adore this one! His hair..... @@ I love it... *pets hair* I like this style of him. It really suits him. GTG. Really good! byebye
sephiroth54321 (Sep 7, 2004)
Charmyc: Ummm the word "phat" means like totaly awesome :)
drawn in 2 hours 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
charmyc (Aug 31, 2004)
erf i should have done that pic long time ago XD erf this is my part for an art trade with Corey on Deviantart XD erf she did me an awsome pic of umby XD erf umby powa XD erf so i shall finish this pic tomorow cause I's geting late and i have to woke up early! (school... erf i beggin in english tomorow two long hours of english...erf fortunatly i got a lab of informatique of 4 hours XD erf (well i do got informatique every fay of about 4h each times XD execp from Tursday where i got gym XD ) Cegep powa XD
10 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (Sep 7, 2004)
Oh! Thats some awesome coloring. I adore your lineart as well. Nice simple background. :)
DieChan (Sep 17, 2004)
Ish an Eevee... my favorite Pokemon. Always was, always will be! I love the way you drew it, it looks so cute and happy! And its eyes are to die for! *narrows eyes* Dam you. (Great pic.)
bumpinthenight (Oct 17, 2004)
omg... this is perfect! :D I love eevie! well, my favorite pokemon is typhlosion, but anyhoo ^^; awesome drawing! and coloring! :)
IkariIreuL (Nov 20, 2004)
drawn in 2 hours 2 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Cianteed and strangeoid (Sep 5, 2004)
Lineart, and Background by Cianteed
Body Colouring by Strangeoid

Oh yes.
8 comments – latest 4:
Urei-sama (Sep 6, 2004)
hey! you finished it! i saw this awhile back. looks wonderful! pink isnt really my color but its good here, and yeah as davin says you do work well togeather. Lineart is wonderful, and i love the color on the wings and maine!
bumpinthenight (Sep 6, 2004)
schweet! You guys do awesome collabs! really wicked sh!zn4t!!! :)
Kenshin (Sep 7, 2004)
That's a nice horse, and great coloring.
Sutafani (Sep 7, 2004)
too cool... it's a cute cocky looking horsey...
drawn in 2 hours 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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