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mazi (Apr 27, 2005)
just because you think youre awesome, extreme ratings do not mean your picture is awesome. in fact it makes you less awesome because its been done so many times before and it makes the mod(s) want to devour you. kthx.
Public Boards/Beginner 
Marienkind (Apr 26, 2005)
6 comments – latest 4:
TheCrimsonKing (Apr 26, 2005)
oh, uh, that makes sense.
Good draw though.
Nyuusen (Apr 26, 2005)
I bet you're gorgeous and just don't know it.

Well, this one in the picture certainly is, she'd look awesome with highlights in her hair.
friend (Apr 26, 2005)
Yes...2 simple this is.
AlmightyRin-chan (Apr 26, 2005)
Wah. So pretty. I isht envious of your skillz. T__T
Great work, though. I love the soft colors. Even the black seems so soft, even though it's... Black. O_o;; Fwah... I love the whole thing. ^_^
I do agree, it would look good with highligts in the hair. BUT. Simplicity is the key to happiness. XD So you could leave it like this and it'd still look just fine. ^_^
Beautiful picture, great job.
drawn in 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Xodiak (Apr 4, 2005)
19 comments – latest 4:
Ty854 (Apr 5, 2005)
Even tho' a million people have said this, I'm going to say it again "Yay, Xod's back!".
evil_cloud (Apr 6, 2005)
a wonderful and hot picture :)
MoonlitShadow (Apr 7, 2005)
Welcome back n.n
Kenshin (Apr 24, 2005)
-late- Where did you go? o.o; Welcome back n___n
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 8 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Apr 24, 2005)
more D.N.Angel fanart
5 comments – latest 4:
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Apr 24, 2005)
T_T ..... i tried
Akechi456 (Apr 24, 2005)
I think it's great!I'm unwritten law girl number one fan!Her fanart inspires me!
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Apr 24, 2005)
wow, thanx akechi! i feel so special now,lolT_T <-- tears of JOY AND MADDNESS!,.. mostly joy though^_^
ILoveKenshin (Apr 24, 2005)
I agree with Nyuusen. ^^;; I like the colouring on the hair. ;D
drawn in 1 hour 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
shojokakumeii00 (Apr 23, 2005)
Well, I started watching LOVELESS last week and I haven't been able to keep myself from doodling Ritsuka since I saw the first episode (he's soo cute~), and I've really been wanting to do some more oekakis lately so I decided to draw Ritsuka. I'm rather supprised that I liked the show so much (I think Gankutsuou withdrawl may be a factor), since I'm not usually that into shows where the only real draw is the shonen-ai -- but Ritsuka is adorable so I just couldn't resist. ^.^ My tablet was acting up for some reason, so I couldn't get my lines to look very smooth, oh well.
3 comments – latest 3:
Shanghai (Apr 23, 2005)
I think the lines look nice being rough since they mirror the roughness of his hair. His left ear is a little far away from his head to connect the same way his right ear is, but details like the fingers on the hand and the folds in the clothes look very nice.
Nyuusen (Apr 23, 2005)
Nice...he's cute, but I don't like the handwriting.

Where did you get Loveless from where you were able to watch it?
shojokakumeii00 (Apr 24, 2005)
Nyuusen - I've been downloading fansubs of the episodes as they come out, I'd be more specific as to where but I'm not sure what 2draw's policy on that sort of stuff is, but it's pretty easy to find if you google it.
drawn in 35 min with PaintBBS
15grifficorntears (Apr 22, 2005)
Some bad vibes are flowin through here. Better open a window to get some air circulation
i'm not gunna do anythin with this, you can move it to beginner.
10 comments – latest 4:
Caddris (Apr 23, 2005)
This looks great. I love skecthes and this one is one of the best I've seen. It's full of so much raw emotion. Great! ^.^
Northern_shadow (Apr 23, 2005)
this would look good with "painting" style
HunterKiller_ (Apr 24, 2005)
Excellent pose. I don't know what style of colour you should put on it... i guess shadow's suggestion is good, a grungy paint look.
PS (Apr 24, 2005)
he looks very upset, but you did a great job showing the emotion in this drawing
drawn in 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Xodiak (Apr 20, 2005)
Derrick asked me to draw kid Xod and Sanzogirl asked me to draw her character. So I drew both. >:)
10 comments – latest 4:
inatyrb (Apr 21, 2005)
Aww... Hey xod, wanna draw me? Lol. ^^ Very sexy! I like kid Xod very much! Hes uber secksay!
Xodiak (edited Apr 21, 2005)
Sure miss Brytani! But in a swimsuit. >:)
SanzoGirl (edited Apr 21, 2005)
I give people nose bleeds when they look at my boobs! Lmao. Good job XOD! XD
cyclops (Apr 22, 2005)
haha nice xod <O)
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 2 hours 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
voodoobunny (Apr 4, 2005)
haha. This is kinda strange xD
7 comments – latest 4:
voodoobunny (Apr 6, 2005)
haha....I think it suks....xD He is more hotter than this.
voodoobunny (Apr 21, 2005)
drawn in 5 min
I didn't change so much, but I have no power to finish this,and I don't like this, so i just click Finished xD
Xodiak (Apr 21, 2005)
Very nice drawing, you made his face awesome. <:)
manda23 (Apr 21, 2005)
The colors in the face look pretty neat, but it's not all that accurate. Depp is over drawn in my opinion.

Instead of using lines like on the nose, try different values and colors. You started doing it a little with the colors on the face, but I believe if you took it a couple steps farther, it would look pretty cool.
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Marienkind (Aug 12, 2003)
timer is 45 min off.
14 comments – latest 4:
SaheraNights (Feb 24, 2004)
Hes cute for a cyborg ~.^
Amethysts (Apr 20, 2005)
I still remember every detail from studying your animation 1 and 1/2 years ago...
mazi (Apr 20, 2005)
marienkind ran off :( maybe if we butter up her ego enough she'll come back. (she dissapeared from deviantart and aim too. boo.) she was t3h awesome and she ran away. :c

(p.s. im giving out free prepackaged hugs in a can. come baack)
Xodiak (Apr 20, 2005)
Xod hopes she comes back one day! |:)
drawn in 5 hours 11 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
RikuGirl12 (Apr 19, 2005)
Just a test, mostly. I just did this to get the hang of it.
1 comment – latest 1:
Nyuusen (Apr 19, 2005)
Layers are good. Use them to keep lines and color from going over where they are not supposed to.
drawn in 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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