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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Ari (Aug 9, 2003)
*gasp* I've actually drawn something I like! What a concept!
Isn't he cute? :)
2 comments – latest 2:
safescene (edited Aug 9, 2003)
aw, so cute! love the texture and simplicity :)
Marienkind (edited Aug 9, 2003)
he's adorable. good scratchy tecture. and that scarf is great. (steals it)
drawn in 56 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
EverDream (Aug 9, 2003)
Yes! This is how Vance should look like....I've been trying forever to come up with a permantent look for him.

*pS. as a side note I'd like to appologize, I don't do pin-up artwork. ^^
10 comments – latest 4:
digital-nut (edited Aug 10, 2003)
*Imagines alienated's pictures* Hmmmm *joins in with the shifty eyes*

Naked would be alot nicer :D
I see him with dark blond or light brown hair.
Yuki-Kage (edited Aug 10, 2003)
I imagine him with brown hair too, but whatever color you make his hair, he's still way sexier than any guy I've ever seen...Well with the exception of Johnny Depp and Heath Ledger... *drools*
Knockoff (edited Aug 11, 2003)
Woow Thats really really great.! Great shading.!
nyao (edited Aug 11, 2003)
ooo, wow.... it's soooo good! the lineart is great and the colouring iz amazing! ^^
drawn in 5 hours 30 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Torturedkitty (Aug 9, 2003)
fuzzy indiglo shrooms =)
*kitty begs for a coment*
4 comments – latest 4:
Marienkind (edited Aug 9, 2003)
looks good enough to eat, either that, or to get high off.
Serchul (edited Aug 9, 2003)
Wow this is very good!
raenboe (edited Aug 9, 2003)
W00t! Shroom! Great job! It's cool lookin'!
Ameraq (edited Aug 9, 2003)
And why are you on the practice board?
The shading and coloration scares me, it is so good!
drawn in 1 hour 29 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Turtlebuster (Aug 9, 2003)
You probably can't tell who this is yet, because it's not finished (and sadly, some of you might not even know who he is). If you can guess before i'm finished... I'll respect you more as a person. :P
LAST EDIT: not that anyone is ever going to see this, but i lied. i said i wouldn't submit another edit, but i did. HAH
5 comments – latest 4:
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 9, 2003)
Well, since you made that guess on the first submission, i can't be too harsh... although... you knoe ol' jimi was black... right? This guy more or less made hendrix famous, and is still around... a lot.
EDIT: congratulations, marcello...clapton is the essence of 'cool'. Just look at that jacket! 'crapton' isn't cool... he's an amazing artist.
marcello (edited Aug 9, 2003)
eric crapton?

finally found it, I knew I'd seen that photo
Knockoff (edited Aug 11, 2003)
Good god this is great. I think ill guess marcellos. Is it eric? Wonderful job.
Einz (edited Aug 15, 2003)
clapton plays some nice guitar
bustah draws some nice pics
drawn in 1 hour 43 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Yuki-Kage (Aug 9, 2003)
This was a piccy straight from Edition 10 from Shonen Jump. It was when Yoh and Manta were talking right before Anna Kyoyama joined their school. I love that manga... Please don't mind my stylish-squigglies and stuf. I just decided it looked better with the squiggly-ness. Oh ya, and he has a band-aid on his forehead from the training with Anna that he did over the summer. If you read that epidode/edition thing you would get it! heheh
8 comments – latest 4:
Jiah (edited Aug 9, 2003)
I've read all of them in Shonen Jump so far.. I can't wait till september 6th it's comming on TV then ^.^
chocochiko (edited Aug 9, 2003)
Woah Yoh looks disgruntled. O_O wait, you are HAPPY about it comming to .... FOX??? Wow... you make me said Jiah. AND IT'S DUBBED FOR 4KIDS NONELESS!!! *head explodes*
Jiah (edited Aug 9, 2003)
4Kids?! Oh no... By the name of Funabari and Amidamaru, for god sakes Noooo!
RabidMalikFanGirl (edited Aug 10, 2003)
Darn you Funi!!! Buy Shaman King!!! Just LOOK what 4krap did to Yugioh o.o
drawn in 45 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
rosalyn (Aug 8, 2003)
Vincent Valentine..looking over every thing....>:}
7 comments – latest 4:
dragon_suicider4u (edited Aug 9, 2003)
You drew that from another pic didn't you?!?!?! I have that PIC!!!! ....ANYWAYS, Its REALL good!!
xvolcomx (edited Aug 10, 2003)
This is cool, nice job. I like the colors and the style alot.
I'm not sure if you know this, but the eraser brush works like the paint brush, where you can decrease the opacity to almost nothing and zoom in really really close and refine your lines.(you prob. already knew that from the look of the tail end of the cape). Make sure you use layers though.
Knockoff (edited Aug 11, 2003)
Very nice job. Great bg. Great job!
misho1337 (Oct 5, 2003)
SIIIIIICK!! vincent is like my fav character...
drawn in 4 hours 19 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Hakkai (Aug 8, 2003)
Aaaargh. I have this lonesome Disease called 'Home sick'-ness.

u__u; I miss my own bed.. I miss my own computer. I miss... everything. Being stuck here on vacation stinks! >_<;

So forgive my squiggly solid line art..

Marienkind: Relatives' house. Can't tell where. >_o
Cello: >_<;; As if I had the money for one! -has only a dollar to spend-
2 comments – latest 2:
Marienkind (edited Aug 8, 2003)
where are you staying right now? (pokes Senior Hakkai)

and the squiggly line art is fine. no need to be so conscious.
marcello (edited Aug 8, 2003)
this is why you get a laptop
drawn in 26 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
morbidboblover (Aug 8, 2003)
Yeah shes not done yet
but i hope she will turn out great :D

Yay I'm done!!!! Shes really great i think
3 comments – latest 3:
Knockoff (edited Aug 8, 2003)
Hey not bad!
mazi (edited Aug 8, 2003)
looking pretty good but you might want to clean up the lines a little bit
Marienkind (edited Aug 8, 2003)
the hand somewhat looks uncomfortable, being bent that way. i do like the squares, though.
drawn in 1 hour 8 min with OekakiBBS
Turtlebuster (Aug 7, 2003)
A humble, quite unfinished Cock, of the Pea caliber! (not dirty)
edit: jpg is the devil in a horrendously unflattering dress... also.. certain evil... we'll call them 'sheep' unintentionally made this 2nd edit take a lot longer than God would deem possible.
8 comments – latest 4:
mikemmaan17 (edited Aug 9, 2003)
i will have to agree with Marienkind....... that IS a sexy cock!
marcello (edited Aug 9, 2003)
the jpg looks exactly the same as the png
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 9, 2003)
I saved it as a png when i took a screenshot of the canvas, and it looks a LOT less garbled. I can see all sorts of odd little grey marks in green areas that i haven't even got to detailing yet, and the entire image looks slightly blurred in jpg.
Yuki-Kage (edited Aug 10, 2003)
wow...o.O that looks....really really real.. sexy
drawn in 1 hour 47 min with PaintBBS
EverDream (Aug 7, 2003)
"...Down pour on my soul. Splashing in the ocean, I'm losing control. Dark sky all around, I can't feel my feet touching the ground. But if I can't swim after forty days and my mind is crushed by the crashing waves, Lift me up so high that I can not fall Lift me up.- When I'm falling, Lift me up - I'm weak and I'm dying, Lift me up - I need you to hold me, Lift me up - Keep me from drowning again..."

Inspiration from 'Jars of Clay'
44 comments – latest 4:
Cobycat (Oct 31, 2007)
Beautiful the Concept is Amazing.
GrowingArtist (Jan 26, 2009)
Great work
lori (Sep 7, 2012)
if I had to draw the two angels that I saw at my bedside when I was really sick with pneumonia, they would look like this, only more concerned looking... but they were this heavenly blue color.. it was so weird... I've often thought about drawing them but didn't think I could do it
dorothyblueeyes (Sep 15, 2012)
reminds me of old magazine illustrations, or cartooning style, with that foreshortening effect.maybe it's the face and nose,too.but very much drowning effect, alright,and reminded me instantly of Michelle Pfieffer (?spelling) movie where her husband has killed,drowned his other wife.

this is particularly a difficult type of scene to depict.from films, & photos of a body, & face drowning,the light diffusion from above, thru the water,can be tricky, & have strange effects, shadows that are hard to predict.

while this is good,(yes, very nice blue)I myself would want to use a real photo,film,or even a model somehow to see how the depth of water,clearness,ect., affects the overall picture. (we have had artists, here, who did some very good depictions of bodies submerged, and i don't know how they did it;it's hard.) so, yes, pretty good and ambitious. If you're still interested, there are movies with drowning,or deepwater scenes of bodies worth studying.any experiences from life, swimming, diving, or just underwater could be helpful.(quite a coup you got marcello to comment.:) ) yep, this is a particularly difficult type of scene to paint; i think it's good. (sorry if I seem too analytical, i'm used to being that way on myself.)
drawn in 5 hours 11 min with PaintBBS
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