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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Genkaiart37 (Aug 27, 2003)
This is just some guy, that is portayed as myself.
3 comments – latest 3:
Marienkind (Aug 27, 2003)
i like the weird colored shading on his face... but the background confuses me.
furyofroy (Aug 27, 2003)
You must be a thrill at parties. And halloween.XD You look great (you know what I mean) but it looks like you lost interest with the background.
concannon (Aug 28, 2003)
I agree, the purple/green shading is really nifty. Nice and original. The background does seem kinda plain.....*prods it*
drawn in 22 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Prowler (Jul 11, 2003)
uh.. testing with tones... i screwed up the gloves o.o;
6 comments – latest 4:
concannon (edited Jul 11, 2003)
Nifty. Nice, simple background, and the halftones/shading is great.

raenboe (edited Jul 12, 2003)
Knuckles rocks! Great job!
GEM (edited Jul 21, 2003)
Doodlibop (Aug 28, 2003)
* up* Noice job!
drawn in 35 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Zappo (Aug 27, 2003)
This is my friend No one likes him... This didnt take long at bro made me walk to the nearest store in search of mushrooms......
3 comments – latest 3:
Marienkind (edited Aug 27, 2003)
no one loves mr. oekaki. i do like your picture though. isn't it supposed to be oekaki robotified?
furyofroy (edited Aug 27, 2003)
He's my bud too, but he never calls or writes. So I've kept him out of contact.
Nice interpretation of his flawless figure.
mazi (Aug 28, 2003)
you forgot to color his pantbrush there..

nope nobody likes him unless youre using the smudge tool usually.
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with OekakiBBS
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
Zappo (Aug 27, 2003)
A ha Im ready for the end...I got me my 2draw brand Ramen.....
3 comments – latest 3:
Marienkind (Aug 27, 2003)
Marcellochan© Ramen. Just add saliva!

aww, if he looked like that in real life i would be willing to eat him. ... stop looking at me like that, you pervs.
Doodlibop (Aug 27, 2003)
ROTLMBO. That has got to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen.
mazi (Aug 28, 2003)
ahahaha thats kick. though i dont follow the connection between noodles and this pic.. *scratches head*
drawn in 5 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
amuy (Aug 27, 2003)
Its a spotted skunk/squirrly thing! I just got from fredonia hill and now i have to cram for a spanish test! i really need some sopa de pollo right now...preferably cambells, but im not picky..
2 comments – latest 2:
Marienkind (Aug 27, 2003)
mmm. chicken soup. that lineart could use some cleaning up. i like its expression. ^^
furyofroy (edited Aug 27, 2003)
Spanish sucks. Learning it, I mean.
drawn in 34 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
left_hander (Aug 26, 2003)
I haven't finished the shading yet but i will probably tomorrow.
4 comments – latest 4:
left_hander (Aug 26, 2003)
hey jocey any suggestions to shading?
left_hander (Aug 26, 2003)
drawn in 15 min
this is it with some shading i declare it done YAY!
Marienkind (Aug 26, 2003)
the chin could use sone narrowing; it's too wide for a female. for shading, look at your own face in a mirror and see how the light hits on your features.
strangeoid (Aug 27, 2003)
yeah... pic a lighter and darker color than you base skin tone, and they should be just a little different. Scribble them where you want shading (I highly recommend doing this on a layer) and use the blur to smoothe it out. Good luck!
drawn in 1 hour 2 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
biz (Aug 26, 2003)
the dark days will soon be upon us
4 comments – latest 4:
Marienkind (edited Aug 26, 2003)
i don't buy the end of the world theory. and that guy's fly needs to be reworked.

edit: marcello probably has those canned goods spiked with "worship marcello" inducing drugs. don't trust it.
AnimalRights (edited Aug 26, 2003)
marcello (Aug 26, 2003)
quickly purchase canned food goods while you can!
Zappo (Aug 27, 2003)
OOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo......... Is there 2draw ramen? Ide buy that in a flash! Hmm....I feel a picture comming on....
drawn in 26 min with PaintBBS
donnajoe (Aug 26, 2003)
I am trying to make a back ground for my web site..just testing things out for a good feel..and nice job with teh updates!
4 comments – latest 4:
Nanibunny (Aug 26, 2003)
o.o woooah thats trippy. . . it would be a nifty icon ^.^
Marienkind (Aug 26, 2003)
low contrast eh? all that donnajoe really has to do is change the red into a softer color, like maybe a brown. shame it's blinding on a website, because the pattern is pretty.
donnajoe (Aug 27, 2003)
i will tone it down..i just noticed it was *ahhh!!!* iono what color to change it too..ima just mess with it and try to find the right mix..thanx:-D
donnajoe (Aug 27, 2003)
drawn in 3 min
mm i tryed to change the colors but it didnt work..but i add'd some new black blurb's..any hep would be greatly appreciated :D
drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
Eliafin (Aug 27, 2003)
Heheh, My icon thingie
2 comments – latest 2:
Marienkind (Aug 27, 2003)
heehee, cute. are those bunny ears or kitty ears... dog?
mazi (Aug 27, 2003)
eheheh i love that smile
drawn in 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Jiah (Aug 26, 2003)
eee! Chrono Trigger rocks :D
9 comments – latest 4:
Merulotte (Aug 26, 2003)
What a coincidence. I've been playing Chrono Trigger recently.
It looks just like him, too.
Jiah (Aug 26, 2003)
Heh, I pretty much used a reference, a sceen cap I took from my game. Don't tell me it's against the rules x.x
marcello (Aug 26, 2003)
Well you should mention this, so as to not mislead people who don't know it isn't your own work.
shockedfrog (Aug 27, 2003)
actually, i believe the character is called Crono in the game, at least in the US version. Why, oh why, didn't they release it over here? :( Thank god for emulators.
drawn in 59 min with PaintBBS
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