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Public Boards/Beginner 
xLovexStealsxSoulsx (Mar 2, 2007)
I was like bored in science so yeah..
4 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Mar 2, 2007)
That's really cool!! Great piece, hope you do more. :D
Hopeless_enough (Mar 2, 2007)
It awesome what boredom can get us....
davincipoppalag (Mar 2, 2007)
It looks like a crowd of spotlights!
Naima (Mar 2, 2007)
Interesting - I thought it looked like a field of diamonds. Glad you showed the animation - was neat to see this emerge like that!
drawn in 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Moosh (Feb 28, 2007)
6 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Feb 28, 2007)
What ever happened to Xod? I never got to meet the guy.
He's so blubburous and green.
Hee hee Chris.
deathking (Feb 28, 2007)
Xod is on where his art belongs lol
Moosh (Mar 1, 2007)
drawn in 13 min
thanks for the comments
Kloxboy (Mar 2, 2007)
I like where this is going :D
drawn in 2 hours 1 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Roytje (May 4, 2006)
I'm going to put a lot of time in this one :)
24 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (Mar 19, 2007)
Who is erie PA? I didn;t use a photo for this one.
notebook99 (Mar 23, 2007)
It... It's like a path on the water - To walk to the sun, to something important.
Or maybe it's just a sunset with shimmer - either way, It's Beautiful! <3
KuteDymples (May 20, 2007)
I am sure you have to know by now, that I am a big fan of your art. I don't know how I missed this one but those sparkles in that water and the orange and greens are right down my alley. Your paintings are like beautiful dreams that you never want to wake up from. Amazing, just amazing!
Roytje (May 21, 2007)
Thank you for the nice comments on my pictures, Kute :D
drawn in 3 hours 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Mocha_Bean (Mar 1, 2007)
Just a new pose...I should really post this on beginner... -_-
I'm having some issues with the anatomy...
16 comments – latest 4:
Pantera (Mar 4, 2007)
The arm that is over her head has like drooping skin :)
Mocha_Bean (Mar 4, 2007)
O ok thanks!
Mocha_Bean (edited Mar 5, 2007)
drawn in 2 min
Fixed the cellulite arm, Pantera, lol..
Pantera (Mar 5, 2007)
yay!!! :)
drawn in 8 hours 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DarkCloak (Mar 1, 2007)
"Ssshhh... You'll wake the baby." He said in a deep, throaty voice.
11 comments – latest 4:
enjoydotcom (Mar 2, 2007)
I had to blink my eyes several times. Absolutely stunning!!!
solve (Mar 2, 2007)
Buy me a mask like that please?
Roytje (edited Mar 2, 2007)
The baby looks so peacefull. Fantastic contrast with the violence and blood :)
Lovely animation, too!
enjoydotcom (Mar 2, 2007)
Thanks Roytje for pointing out the animation, it is awesome! All the drawings preceeding this one really look like the were going to be great drawings! It looks like you really know what you're doing DarkCloak.
drawn in 2 hours 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Dr.Snoopy (Mar 2, 2007)
oooh deep
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Mar 2, 2007)
Crazy intricate...this has so many things in it...
senshi (Mar 2, 2007)
This is really cool.
I have no idea what it is but it's cool.
brenndurdrykkur (Mar 2, 2007)
rather looks like a lithograph
Sweetcell (Mar 2, 2007)
I did a lot of sketches like this with pen (normal bic pen) It gets so busy your eyes see anything and everything. Very very cool.
drawn in 1 hour with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Contest Week 47: I Want You!
Sweetcell (edited Mar 11, 2007)
Contest Week 47: I Want You! Two week contest Your goal this week is to draw a parody of the famoes War Poster I want you. by James Montgomery Flagg. Be creative and imaginative and add your own twist on good ol' Uncle Sam. Good luck and do not copy other artists work. Here are some ideas to get you started: [url:]...
Public Boards/Beginner 
lori (Mar 1, 2007)
killing time
3 comments – latest 3:
Kloxboy (Mar 1, 2007)
That's tight, I love these colors and the pose if perfect. Great style in these last couple pieces.
davincipoppalag (Mar 1, 2007)
Simple yet very effective and interesting!
Sweetcell (Mar 1, 2007)
Drab? Oh no no, fabulous I'm thinking.
drawn in 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
brenndurdrykkur (Feb 14, 2007)
it's a song
14 comments – latest 4:
fleeting_memory (Mar 1, 2007)
dude you did this on BBS? A million kudos to you man.
davincipoppalag (Mar 1, 2007)
This is beautiful work..really
brenndurdrykkur (Mar 3, 2007)
thank you all!

deadlyblondearcher---yes! i am obsessed with opalescence/iridescence. there is a lot of water around here that looks like that too
sweetcell---the fingers were intended to be strange lengths and widths, but i agree that it's off in the corner. i got a bit lazy
Cameo (Mar 3, 2007)
exquisite! Just wonderful! How on earth do you do it? Oh, to have your talent!!!
drawn in 4 hours with PaintBBS
Alex-Cooper (Feb 27, 2007)
As much as I hate to say it, the new Doctor Who is the worst piece of shit i've ever seen. It should have stayed dead.
Might color this later if i have the patience. *Colored with haste.
11 comments – latest 4:
Alex-Cooper (Mar 2, 2007)
Thanks all. The original doctor who was on from 1963 to 1989. Do it sweetcell. I've actually been working on a coloring book for adults. And i'd like to see what you can do.
Alex-Cooper (Mar 7, 2007)
drawn in 29 min
time to start something new.
woah_pockster (Mar 7, 2007)
HAHA. :]
Deino (Mar 7, 2007)
This is crazy... awesome drawing.
drawn in 3 hours 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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