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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Ceido (Dec 30, 2005)
Got a tablet today! I can draw again! :D

Saw the King Kong movie yesterday. The start was slightly boring but the CGI was amazing. Especially loved the King Kong and T-Rex fight scenes. Thought i'd draw him.

Reference used.

EDIT: Crap Lascaux wont let me edit for some reason... Just freezes when it opens. :s
12 comments – latest 4:
Asriel (Dec 30, 2005)
it's like my orangutan except 10 times as good ^-^
open (Dec 31, 2005)
This is pretty rad, I especialy like the way the green background in the top left looks kind of 'out of focus'. Cool
gore_vision (Jan 12, 2006)
i love that snaggle tooth its so beastly
JK-Arts (Jan 13, 2006)
heh i love that exspression great picture.
drawn in 2 hours 26 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
open (Jan 10, 2006)
Unfinished. I spent ages doing a cool brain and skull that I really liked then my computer crashed. No Idea why. I want to cry. This one is no way as good. arg
4 comments – latest 4:
open (Jan 12, 2006)
drawn in 21 min
Ceido (Jan 12, 2006)
Looks really cool now. Quite scary. I want one. :D
JK-Arts (Jan 12, 2006)
looks like a tasty brain.
angry_turtle (Jan 13, 2006)
i really like it
drawn in 1 hour 4 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Luka (Jan 3, 2006)
don't laugh ...he' ll lose his concentration :P. I'm beginning to like the watercolor tool :)
6 comments – latest 4:
Deino (Jan 5, 2006)
The helemet reminds me of those that the soldiers of Gondor carried in TLOTR movies o.o
I like the colouring x)
Luka (Jan 12, 2006)
drawn in 50 min
yes's ruined :( ...bleah, i exaggerated with the colors ..and the dodge tool
JK-Arts (Jan 12, 2006)
it still looks alright i too am a dodger adds alotta light to pictures is really hard to get rite but you did a good job i think.
Buu-dai (Jan 12, 2006)
I agree that the helment is funny ^^! But wow, look at that lightning! Terrific job Luka! <3.14
drawn in 5 hours 49 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
open (Jan 5, 2006)
Not sure if the red thing on its head is a hat or hair yet. Got to do a lot of work on the face, infact, on the whole picture. But first, I must recycle christmas cards...
2 comments – latest 2:
JK-Arts (Jan 12, 2006)
is an intersting charactor he looks shocked sorta. the shadows nice.
property (Jan 12, 2006)
hey tom i think it looked better on the edit before last, and the red thingy should be a hat.. but its good, could be one of your best.
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
staci (Jan 6, 2006)
i drawed this gurl while being interrupted 50 bazillion times.

its a cartoonish thing of my sister jada and her 'dog' and her 'blanket' and her bunny slippers and her new hair cut. ><
10 comments – latest 4:
JK-Arts (Jan 11, 2006)
i like this, It has a great background and the shadow really brings, the picture out.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jan 11, 2006)
Wait! I just used the word bazillion, I use it all the time, and then I came here to see this picture, and there it is. I'm so glad you know how many that is.
(how much is that, by the way?)
JK-Arts (Jan 11, 2006)
Bazillion is like a million, trillion, zillion, billion...its alot.
angry_turtle (Jan 11, 2006)
aw she's so cute!
drawn in 4 hours 14 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Alex-Cooper and staci (Dec 3, 2005)
Count damn you! COUNT!
17 comments – latest 4:
Noremac (Dec 13, 2005)
-adjusts fake glasses- 8B
well not to be an ass, but there are 15 rings, and the number above the torso suggests that there are 19, i demand that you fix this problem before i am forced to file a complaint
note, there is no way this is serious, and both of you can it, and look at the pretty picture
Zack (Dec 14, 2005)
The first time I looked at this the angle didn't bother me so much, partly because I thought the torso was slumping forward at the top. Coming back to look at it a second time though, I see what you mean -- it's pretty awkward, even if it were slumping forward. It would make more sense if the belt-line was almost level or the legs were bent instead of being straight.

I neglected to mention how awesome this picture was the first time I commented. It is strongly awesome. Great concept.
Agoylis (Dec 15, 2005)
actually i count 16 but im Joe and my complaint dont count although its right -cough cough-
JK-Arts (Jan 11, 2006)
this is a cool picture good idea i like it Good Collabe i'm not about to go and count no lines so i'll take your words for it.
drawn in 3 hours 46 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
chickenmonster2001 (Jan 11, 2006)
...This is the first drawing I've done on the Intermediate level boards, so if it doesn't meet up to the standards, theres always more to improve on. ^^;
Note: This isn't quite anime. Kind of a mix of anime, and cartoons. Note the more solid colors..
3 comments – latest 3:
101_Torchic_101 (Jan 11, 2006)
She's cute =3
JK-Arts (Jan 11, 2006)
its alright, i think its itemediate. i don't like the background thought its ok.
chickenmonster2001 (Jan 11, 2006)
Thanks. ^^
And what you say is very true. I do need work on backgrounds.. Alot.
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
mazi (Dec 28, 2005)
if link was a real boy.

edit: background? whats a background.......
19 comments – latest 4:
101_Torchic_101 (edited Jan 6, 2006)
JK-Arts, He doesn't wear a skirt, It's a tunic. (*,*) I love this picture, by the way.
Noremac (Jan 9, 2006)
haha, 5 oclock
hideyourface (Jan 9, 2006)
his nose looks too big and the outlines lips dont look very good. The shirt is also lacking some folds and shape. Sorry, I just like link the way he is :)
SYTHE (Jan 10, 2006)
Link's a thug and he's big pimp'in up in Hyrule, dog. Interesting take on an old classic, good job.
drawn in 2 hours 16 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
xiau (Sep 23, 2005)
I don't know why... I just felt like drawing Maiko! >_<
I tried a new shiny style! Ooooooh....
I hope you like it, Maiko!
18 comments – latest 4:
xiau (Oct 14, 2005)
My older borther and older sister are both very good at drawing ^_^;; My little sister's getting there.
So, then, yes, I gues you can say I come from a family of artists :)
JK-Arts (edited Oct 14, 2005)
A few people in my family before me has dabbled in the arts at one time or another when they were younger but no one has ever done anything with it. Gave up(i honestly think they weren't nothing special (means they sucked) and that i'm just decent but i had a long vacation from art and think had i not i'd be way better then i am today. I want to make a show on adult swim called Planet Crimron (is my dream to animate but, i don't really have the concept art down for my show yet.
whitebunny1063 (Nov 22, 2005)
I'm good at drawing too,cause I learned that from my older brother and mother.
What a cute dollface she is.
Zeal (Jan 8, 2006)
noone in my family draws good....heck they cant even be in the same room without an argument.... *sigh*
drawn in 6 hours 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
kejoco (Jan 4, 2006)
17 comments – latest 4:
Zack (Jan 5, 2006)
you look like Mr. T in this one.
kejoco (Jan 5, 2006)
I pity the fool who don't like Mr.T
Miss_DJ (Jan 6, 2006)
very nice draw of a talented man
TaCO (edited Jan 7, 2006)
You do look like Mr.T
You should grow a Fro-Hawk
drawn in 1 hour 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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