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Public Boards/Intermediate 
x-syndrome (Sep 21, 2003)
um..... yeah. im bored. and my pen doesn't work anymore.


love me and shower me with hard acid critizism plz.
6 comments – latest 4:
JAM-BAD (Sep 21, 2003)
i like the eyes and the shine in the hair.
EverDream (Sep 21, 2003)
Adorable! I like his relaxed expression very much and his blue eyes are to die for. I want eyes like those. *grins* Keep up the good work!
mazi (Sep 22, 2003)
hakkai, mazi is always right... you should know that. >_>
Hotaru-chan (Sep 26, 2003)
he looks like the kid here> (I can't use those niffty things right >_<)

drawn in 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Hakkai (Sep 20, 2003)
Lol, Just a little something.. -grins- n__n;
6 comments – latest 4:
Hakkai (Sep 21, 2003)
Ee hee~! Sure! -slowly hands ConCon a HB plushie-

-clings to the MSE plushie tightly- Don't like to be seperated? o_O;
ponpoko (Sep 21, 2003)
Their expressions are very weird. Also, I get the feeling I'm missing something.
Aunvi (Sep 21, 2003)
MSE=Mistah Squinty Eyes
HB=Hurt Buddy
Con Con=Connnie=VisceralVamp
x-syndrome (Sep 21, 2003)
omg. so cute. :3
drawn in 3 hours 55 min with PaintBBS
x-syndrome (Sep 20, 2003)
hello. i'm new.
11 comments – latest 4:
JAM-BAD (Sep 20, 2003)
hey great pic as always. i always love your shading.
mazi (Sep 20, 2003)
awesome. love the idea of using a more blue-ish color to shade. the bg guys awesome, though the one in fronts a liittle bit scrawny.
strangeoid (Sep 21, 2003)
Hello. You're good.
EverDream (Sep 21, 2003)
Beautifu colouring and welcome! heehee, when I say this I thought, "it's as if you'd expect two people like that to speak in unity to you..." eh, I know it's weird. Good job and keep it up!
drawn in 1 hour 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
concannon (Sep 19, 2003)
In the style of the infamous Roux. I dig his arm sock.

As usual, the timer lies. (Don't know the bloo roux? Educate yourself.)

PS: Powwwaaaaaaaa! (Hurricane hit us. Lacked power for 24 hours. Highly pleased that it is back. ^^)
7 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (Sep 20, 2003)
woaw, that awsome. Lurvly shading..
Im diiging those ears, super Great job.
Zinc (Sep 20, 2003)
Definitely don't dig the arm sock or the pink nail polish. Definitely not.
Hakkai (Sep 20, 2003)
I.. Lub his skinneh-ness... And the green pants. o_o;
He's just so yummie.
x-syndrome (Sep 20, 2003)
i love this. it is so stylish like. it makes my heart beat faster. <3
drawn in 6 hours 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Maiko (Sep 19, 2003)
i know i know, you're prollieh all like, "OMG, i thought we were rid of her!"
but no, sadly i'm back ^^;;
i fixed my little problem, and kicked my dad a few times >>
i'm borrowing my friend's tablet until my dad gives mine back ~~
so lets start off by drawing some steamy shounen ai!
(i woulda drawn lemon but my mom was home)
13 comments – latest 4:
Nyuusen (Oct 23, 2003)
So pretty!!!! Yay for yaoi! *hugs piccy* Prolly my favorite on this site ^_^
dothacker (Jan 11, 2004)
sugoi! ^_^ *claps* wheres Kumagoro? :D
ky (Jan 11, 2004)
...Is that Zack and Cloud?
Vash_the_stampede (Mar 27, 2004)
How dare you do that to Cloud. Its a realy good but how can you do that !?! I'm a realy big fan of Final Fantisy 7. I'm a very bad drawer and everything, but how can you do that!?!
drawn in 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
mazi (Sep 18, 2003)
eheheh.. fun times. guest appearance by MSE and the squinty-eyed locals. ^^;;;

i was gunna put japanese characters in the thing but i have no hope of making them resemble godzilla.. >_>
5 comments – latest 4:
Hakkai (Sep 18, 2003)
XD!! -licks Mistah Squintie Eyes- You eat him, I kill you O_O;

Lol, fun fun fun!
Zinc (Sep 18, 2003)
Excellent. MSE should be like 2draw's mascot. ;x

P.S. Squinty-eyed locals ;p Hahaha.
Sixelab (Sep 27, 2003)
i fear your wrath ne ^^ of course i adore this
chibi mazi :3
dragon_girl (Sep 28, 2003)
I dont get the point of that drawing
drawn in 1 hour 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
mazi (Sep 16, 2003)
yes. i have crossed over to the dark side. but fear not, im just messing around.. no purrmanent furryage for me (heh im punny.. ...)

so furyofroy hope you dont think im invading your marked territory *avoids pee*im just playing around

[eeeh screw it i dont really want to redo it =\ though i will if anyone bugs me about it.]

17 comments – latest 4:
method3 (Sep 22, 2003)
Don't let emotions cloud your mind! Beware the dark side! ... May the force be with you?

Hey, what's that stuff in the background there, I thought it was a big fan/vent thing but the lighting is a bit weird. Good job... for a furry...
marcello (Sep 22, 2003)
I think it's a round window with broken glass.
mazi (Sep 23, 2003)
yep it was supposed to be a window with broken glass.. and the dramatic lightning and clouds.. dun dun dun.. but i did it quite half-assed and rushed since i had a million people yelling at me to use the computer. -_-
nyao (Nov 9, 2003)
hee hee.. he'z sexy.... I luv how you did the colouring, the texture on the fur... and the dark colourz. ^^
drawn in 3 hours 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Magnus (Sep 17, 2003)
Goodbye, Wasil!
6 comments – latest 4:
Hakkai (Sep 18, 2003)
She left 2draw because her parents forbidded her to draw here.
Ameraq (Sep 18, 2003)
not Wasil, she was so awesome. *cries*
taori (Sep 18, 2003)
*Mourns Wasil* I miss her already... :(
mkkmypet (Sep 18, 2003)
WAAAAA!!! And we were gonna collab too! ...But will she still be on AOL?
drawn in 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Maiko (Sep 17, 2003)
uh...i'm sorry
but my dad did something and i dont think that i can go on 2draw anymore
for a while or maybe, i loved working with everyone, and i'll maybe see
you online? i'll still be online, but i dont think i'll be coming here anymore
8 comments – latest 4:
Hakkai (Sep 18, 2003)
-whines- You'll dearly be missed! I barely see you online, and I won't be seeing you on 2draw! >_<;

Good luck, though.. G'bye... Hope you'll some day come back.
Hotaru-chan (Sep 18, 2003)
bye bye, I'll miss you and apparently so will every one else... T_T

mkkmypet (Sep 18, 2003)
*agrees with everyone* ;_; I'll miss you wasil! You were one of the people i hoped would never leave!
marcello (Sep 18, 2003)
so you're hoping some people will leave?
drawn in 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
rosuto_chan (Sep 17, 2003)
Ahhh.. Just woke up and thought I'd try this site my friend recomended me too.... hi! *streches*
4 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Sep 17, 2003)
and which friend would that be?
rosuto_chan (Sep 17, 2003)
Uuhh... This one chick in my history class.. She showed me her pictures and siad That I would be a great add to this site-a-ma-thing. :)
Marienkind (Sep 17, 2003)
um.. welcome then! as long as you don't spam they'll adore you.

what's her 2draw handle?
Hakkai (Sep 17, 2003)
-prods and eyes the picture- ... Well, then. The shoulders look a bit odd, the chest and waist are too slim, or it might be the head thats too big. Good for a first, though. Welcome to 2Draw.

-mutters- BUT DON'T SPAM.
drawn in 2 hours 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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