usersfrostbearaaa's profileFrostbearaaa's comment board
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Main Forums/The Post Board 
How Many Characters Do U Have?
PlainJerzel (Mar 6, 2024)
I am just curious about this lol Not counting The Jerverse (A project I want to do in the future) I have 38 characters
Public Boards/Beginner 
Fnaf_Rockstarfroxy (Dec 11, 2023)
3 comments – latest 3:
PlainJerzel (Dec 11, 2023)
Frostbearaaa (Dec 12, 2023)
Fnaf_Rockstarfroxy (Jan 9, 2024)
drawn in 6 min with PaintBBS
---Luna (Nov 15, 2023)
9 comments – latest 4:
---Luna (Dec 10, 2023)
thank you
Frostbearaaa (Dec 11, 2023)
ooooo can i draw them?
Fnaf_Rockstarfroxy (Dec 12, 2023)
my tadc oc is a broken mirror jester cat guy with a star buddy
---Luna (Dec 12, 2023)
yeah :D
drawn in 42 min with Kleki
Star-Draws-Art (May 15, 2023)
2 comments – latest 2:
RUSSIANFOXX (May 15, 2023)
aww iss cute!!! welcome to the site!
Frostbearaaa (May 24, 2023)
drawn in 37 min with Chicken Paint
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Spooky Scary collab!
susu (edited May 18, 2023)
Hello, spooky scary collaborators! While we have a theme for this draw, we need more of an idea/ outline. What type of theme/thing were you guys thinking? I was thinking of a few cute trick-or-treaters, being followed by nightmare monsters. That's just my taste, I want to hear yours! Also, say what you want to draw on this forum post, please! Maybe you can sketch what you want to draw on the post board, idk.
Public Boards/Beginner 
Frostbearaaa (May 17, 2023)
3 comments – latest 3:
susu (May 17, 2023)
frosty you should join the spooky scary collab
Frostbearaaa (May 17, 2023)
Alright ill join susu
susu (May 17, 2023)
Yee haw!
drawn in 1 hour 38 min with Kleki
RUSSIANFOXX (May 14, 2023)
aww he cuteee
2 comments – latest 3:
RUSSIANFOXX (edited May 17, 2023)
drawn in 54 min
fun fact: he not human, he actually a angel that forgot to return to heaven and became a demon and is no longer allowed in heaven.
Frostbearaaa (May 15, 2023)
Why does his last name looks like an Danganronpa name-
RUSSIANFOXX (May 15, 2023)
idk. probably is lol.
drawn in 2 hours 46 min with Kleki
AmigeEctordiss (Apr 21, 2023)
I'm hit with uranium fever.
1 comment – latest 2:
AmigeEctordiss (Apr 21, 2023)
drawn in 18 min
I zoned out so it did not take as long as it says.
Frostbearaaa (Apr 21, 2023)
I like this
drawn in 2 hours 5 min with Kleki
Public Boards/Intermediate 
RUSSIANFOXX (Apr 12, 2023)
Build Our Machine by DAGames
3 comments – latest 4:
RUSSIANFOXX (edited Apr 12, 2023)
drawn in 44 sec
They have sent you a letter
To come back home to play
But to your dismay
This Isn't your day
For the happy fun time
Has begun to fade
Watch as we reanimate
Our corpses you abandoned
We're dismantled
We're mishandled
But we wont be skipped and swayed

Trapped within these walls
You left our souls to drip away
The ink decays
The walls at bay
But the reckoning has come today
You say
Boris has no guts 'cause you
Relpaced it with mechanical strain
We've been toutred
But we move forward
This disorder kills your day

I am alive!
You're the creator
You traitor
Theres no vaccine
To cure our dirty needs
For now you must
Build up our machine
You die tonight
Build up our machine
You die tonight
Build up our machine
You die tonight

So you found all the pieces
To initiate the pain
Our venom stains
The night remains
But the ending is always just the same
No gain
Nod your head to the beat of death
As you draw your last eternal breath
Of an invasion
Start to course right through your veins
You say we have no brains
We're just cartoons for your portrayal
To tell some tale about a boat and sail
But sure this inevitably unveils the fail
Splashes of eternal hate
Will flood the floor and clean your slate
Now we're the tools
And you're the fool
Our nightmare dominates

I am alive!
You're the creator
You traitor
There's no vaccine
To cure our dirty needs
For now you must
Build up our machine
You die tonight
I am alive!
You're the creator
You traitor
There's no vaccine
To cure our dirty needs
For now you must
Build up our machine
You die tonight
Build up our machine
You die tonight
Build up our machine
You die tonight

I am aware
That your soul is now divine
We care to not toil
With unbroken chains
So don't toil with ours
Like he did to our shining stars
So prepare for adventure
We're a whole new creature
From the darkest side
You can't take away the pain we feel
Created as monsters
That come to life
Come back to life!

So you've come to the end now
Alive but dead inside
The heart beats loud
You've joined our crowd
We are but punished serpentines
Your life with him was fun
But now the terror's only just begun
Now come with me
And you will see
W̷͉̖̩͉̤̗̭̩̥͚͙̍̉̉̀͂͗̓̎̚͜͠Ę̶̧̧̨͚͉̪̰̹̙͔̩̞̾̊̋́̃̌́͌̉̓̊̈́͝ͅ'̶̨̢̖̠̠̦̟̳̬͖̯̤̮͛̈́̅̆̽͒͒͋̋́̕͝͠͝R̸̛͙̃́̒̀̇̄͂̀̂̃̚̕Ė̴̢̘̤̥͕̺̻̦̈́͆̏͋̎̈̆͗̕̚̚ͅ ̸̡̨̱̩̩͇̖͇̩͚̲̤̯̂͜A̶͓͕̤̩͍͚̐͐̈́͋͊́̈́̒̚͜͠ ̵̤͉͈͇̦̦̣̟̱̼̠͂̓̒͐̎́̅̀̀̆́̚N̷̜̖͖̘̈́Ě̸͔͋̀͊̉͂͆́̅͘W̷̯̪͎̐̈́̈́̋͐ ̴̝̟̜̳̯̲̘̊B̴̢͎̲̞̀͂̍̓͐͆̌̿̋̑͛̚͘͝͝Ó̵̡̬̅̔̌͗̽̿̚͠R̶̬͓̱̖̗̜̙̱̉N̵̦̭͈͙̦͖̱̖̻̦̂̔̀̔͋̒͝ ̴̧̢̧̮͉̱̻̘͒̔̃̿̑ͅͅÇ̶̨̗̹̹͖̞̝̗̰͉͙̓͒͋̒̄͜Y̵̧̨͓͖̞̮͈̫̳͍̥̠̽̓͌̈́͆͑̀̅Ả̸̪̭͍̖̭̣̤̥̣̞̩Ń̴̖̳̰̯̙͔͇̞͙̼̉̓̂̀̕͘̕͘͝͝Ȋ̷̡̻͕͇̘̭̜͎̰̫͗Ḓ̵̨̧̲̫̗͇̗̰̬̭̼͇̓̔̃̂̐͝Ȩ̸̻͈̪̝̤͇͈̟̫̼͗̾́́̽̈́̌̐̿̓̍̚͘͜͝!̴̡̦͇̠̪͍͇́͂̅͑!!

I am alive
You're our creator
You traitor
Theres no vaccine
To cure our dirty needs
For now you must
Build up our machine
You die tonight

Build up our machine
You die tonight!!!!

(Read while listening "Build Our Machine" by DAgames for best expirience)
Frostbearaaa (Apr 14, 2023)
U wrote down the whole lyrics- also very good art
RUSSIANFOXX (Apr 15, 2023)
thx very much
deunownartist (Apr 17, 2023)
drawn in 36 min with Kleki
Public Boards/Beginner 
RUSSIANFOXX (Mar 30, 2023)
8 comments – latest 4:
Irishfox (Apr 4, 2023)
Hello fellow Russian fox. I am Irish fox
RUSSIANFOXX (Apr 4, 2023)
Irishfox (Apr 4, 2023)
Beannachtaí. Is deas bualadh leat comh-Rúisis *vodca lámha uaireanta*
(Greetings. nice to meet you fellow Russian *casually hands vodka*)
RUSSIANFOXX (edited Aug 25, 2023)
Привет, товарищ ирландский лис. Я рад тебя видеть.
(Hello Irish Fox Comrade. I Am Pleased to see you.)
drawn in 1 hour 57 min with Kleki
  displaying 1-10 of 34 — pages:   1234next →