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Public Boards/Intermediate 
staci (Feb 22, 2004)
19 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Feb 24, 2004)
Yes, you are very good at the porcelain skin, loverly. Only thing I see is that maybe her left eye could use a little more shadow at the outer corner... I know there is more light hitting her face there, but still seems like that to me. Purdy job, I like it.
laurael (Feb 24, 2004)
This is very nice Icats. Love the eyes, the lashes and the brows...wonderful.
fleeting_memory (Mar 2, 2004)
very pretty-she reminds me of Arowen or however you spell that-lips are wonderfully done though I can't say I understand the meaning of coleslaw...
Angel_Artist (Jan 3, 2008)
this would be a great piece...if it wasn't for the smiley face covering it up... -.-
drawn in 10 hours 37 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
Lascaux revamp!
Zack (edited Jul 12, 2006)
Exciting news for you Lascaux fans! A group of my classmates and I are going to work on improving Marcello's Lascaux applet for our Software Engineering class. That's right, some of the features you've dreamed of for Lascaux may actually happen! Right now we're still in a research phase for the project, so here's your chance to make your voices heard. We will not be able to make all (or even most) of the changes that could be made to improve the applet, so we want to know what features you...
Public Boards/Beginner 
marcello (Nov 30, 2007)
5 comments – latest 4:
penpen (Nov 30, 2007)
It looks like something my 2D Design instructor would talk about for hours.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Nov 30, 2007)
I am completely entranced at the way you have used relatively simple shapes and contrast of colors with such impact.... how the black portion, although the internal space it creates is asymmetric, manages to effectively circumvent the central portion of the red "one" with so much visual power... I am rendered further speechless. ;)
davincipoppalag (Nov 30, 2007)
I'm just glad you fixed the submission error.
wishuponyou (Dec 31, 2007)
Such vivid colour...the shading and structure only a true genious could compose. BRAVO! (:
drawn in 14 sec with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
Axil62 (Jan 2, 2006)
This one was one that I thought I would struggle with but wanted to do anyway, but then it turned out to be a pleasure to do. I love it when that happens.
14 comments – latest 4:
SYTHE (Jan 7, 2006)
I guess I need to get a new computer or just update my graphics card because all I see is black, sorry.
Kloxboy (Jan 7, 2006)
That is so cool. That's great Dan, you become cooler with each peace you do. Lol, I know you want to be cool, don't ya?
Axil62 (Jan 8, 2006)
Yes please.
sonzai (Dec 27, 2007)
drawn in 37 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Zack (May 5, 2007)
ref'd some DVD box art.
10 comments – latest 4:
Zack (May 6, 2007)
Aw, thanks. Yeah, the more good stuff we make here the more we'll inspire each other, for sure. I find that browsing through the CGSociety award galleries doesn't hurt either. ;)

Justin has some really loose works, but I prefer his tighter stuff, like this one and this one. The ideal for a concept artist is to get enough detail across for someone to make a good 3D model or get the "feeling" of a scene or character without needing all the work of a really clean finished piece (since stuff might get changed a lot or thrown out altogether), but sometimes Justin's work borders on being complicated mush.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 6, 2007)
HOT GUYS WITH WEAPONS!!! :) No, seriously, I see what you mean... I didn't delve far enough into his galleries to see those. I like them, as well.

Yes, I find it hard to put forth the effort to excel, or even to learn here, when the "players" outnumber the serious artists, and most of the art is silly, mindless doodling. Not that there's anything wrong with playing... you know what I mean. In a little bitty nutshell... I'm just glad you dropped in and painted something. :D
Zack (Dec 22, 2007)
drawn in 22 min
enjoydotcom (Dec 22, 2007)
This scares me, even with, or maybe because of, the cartoon eyes :D.
drawn in 1 hour 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Aug 23, 2007)
Dean Kelsey Wylie

April 1, 1912 - August 14, 2007

I attended the funeral of my Great Uncle Dean last week, who passed away at the age of 95. He was one of the last remaining true cowboys. He worked and managed a ranch until he retired. Anybody that had any kind of ranching question for miles around would call on Uncle Dean, he always had the answer.

It was a “graveside only” service in a very small, very old cemetery - the kind that if you happen to pass by on a dirt road way out in the country, you might think it were a forgotten place, with the old, tiny deserted white church at the top of the hill and the randomly scattered tombstones below, some of which are merely natural rocks with no inscription on them. Most of the people buried there are my family.

When I was choosing what to wear for the funeral, I picked out a pair of black pants, a black shirt, pearls and conservative black heels… I haven’t ever worn pants to a funeral, but I somehow felt it was the right thing to wear this time. When I arrived, the lane and the area by the old church at the top of the hill was lined with almost nothing but dusty trucks, and when I looked down into the cemetery, I saw a group of people, almost all of whom I am related to…. Many cowboy hats, all of the men in their jeans and boots, and most of the women were wearing black pants, with the exception of a few very elderly women in dresses. There were a number of little girls, my nieces included, wearing pretty pastel dresses and running and playing under the oak trees. One of my Uncle Dean’s great granddaughters was wearing a pretty yellow dress and was squatting on the ground, looking at something, her sun -streaked brown hair glistened while her skirt fanned out perfectly around her, and from where I stood I thought how she looked like a big sunflower, and with my nieces flitting around her in pink and blue, they looked like little butterflies.

When I reached the bottom of the hill, my little brother turned around and grinned, and said “Hi, Big Sister”, we hugged, and then after being squeezed around the legs by my nieces and hugging my nephew, I endured the dragging around by my mother and being re-introduced to all of my cousins, old and young, for the umpteenth jillionth time… and the “You remember when you were three and you two did this and that….” and of course we smiled, nodded, and pretended to remember.

This was my Mammy’s older brother, he was exactly ten years her senior, and she thought he hung the moon. I made my way to her, and we held each other for a while, and she told me a story about them feeding the horses when he was 15 and she was 5 and she got mad at him and hit him with the feed bucket and he good -naturedly said, “Now, Olie, stop being ugly and mean, and come ride my horse with me”, and he put her on the horse and took her riding. She tells many stories of how good natured and what a good brother he was. I only knew him as an older man, but I never saw him when he wasn’t laughing, joking, or telling a funny cowboy story.

The service began with everyone removing their hats, and it was short and sweet. Some storm clouds rolled over and threatened rain, it was dark for a short time, but they rolled right along, gave way to the sun and not a drop spilled from the sky. Some of the older women opened their colorful umbrellas and used them as parasols to block the sun. The preacher told about how Dean and his wife, Beth, were in the same nursing home for a short time (they were in the same room), shortly before Beth passed away she said to Dean “I’m getting really tired, I don’t think I can do this much longer.” He said, “You go right along, honey, I’ll be right behind you.“ She "went right along" not much after that, and he passed away exactly five months later.

The preacher read some of Dean's favorite passages from the Bible, told how he enjoyed leading the singing at church, and then we sang his two favorite songs, "Trust and Obey", and "Just Over in the Glory Land". He then read what Beth had written about her husband before she died. She wrote “Dean loved his children and his grandchildren, he loved playing dominoes with them. He loved his horses and his dogs, and he loved coconut banana cake, and he really loved his chewing tobacco."

The preacher then closed his Bible, looked up from it at us, grinned and said “So, the moral of this story is, if you chew tobacco, you might live to be 95, too. Let us pray.” We all laughed and bowed our heads, and after “Amen”, all the hats went up in perfect timing and found their respective places as if it were choreographed that way, the children immediately broke free and began to play again. The casket was opened and I was happy to see he was going with his hat in his hand.

As we made our way back up the hill and to our trucks to go to the church to see who would be first to get to the fried chicken…. I looked back down the hill at the straggling children who were being called to come along by their mothers, and the little girl in the yellow dress was spinning around happily and laughing, her skirt flying out around her…and I thought…. All great cowboys should be sent to heaven with laughing, twirling sunflowers.

It was the first funeral I ever attended where I didn’t shed a tear. And then I laughed because at the church my Daddy was serving as one of the “tea ladies”, and after I asked which was the sweet tea and he just grinned and pointed, I said “Daddy, you make a good “tea lady”.

Until we meet again, Uncle Dean. :)

8 comments – latest 4:
shining_star_sam (Oct 14, 2007)
Sorry for your hard time. Beautiful drawing.
SneakyWalter (Oct 18, 2007)
Really reminds of why I'm on this earth. Thanks.
Nice Flowers, by the way.
Sketcher_V (Nov 16, 2007)
amazing and breathtaking, the colors, i love them. The feeling, the emotion is perfectly captured, you are a master of your own style
foxman8245 (Dec 18, 2007)
very warm.. nice :-)
drawn in 4 hours 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Dec 12, 2007)
got good ganja
8 comments – latest 4:
Sketcher_V (edited Dec 13, 2007)
amazing! the details in this are just wahhhh. I would like to be able to rend contrast as nicely as you
Deino (Dec 13, 2007)
I like the lips the most :)
koolkatashley (Dec 15, 2007)
Wow this is awesome i cant draw but this is so cool.
patienceisoverrated (Dec 18, 2007)
i really really like this.
drawn in 1 hour 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dixielandcutie (Sep 15, 2004)
>.< oooook *wince* i think im done...
22 comments – latest 4:
saucy (Feb 11, 2006)
Great! ^^
siluette (Jun 25, 2006)
snowysnowy (Aug 1, 2006)
Wow, I came here thinking it was a photograph...
MelissaMissy (Dec 17, 2007)
Cool, his features look a little girly though.
drawn in 4 hours 47 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Contest Week 67: Flight
Shanghai (edited Dec 22, 2007)
Contest Week 67: Flight closed for judging Your goal here will be to express the idea of flight. In fact, you could say I'd like for you to let your imaginations take flight. I'm hoping for a lot of creativity here because the word "flight" has just so many possible meanings, ways of being expressed, etc. From the dreams of ancient people to the realities of today and the designs for the future, flight is often a strangely natural and familiar concept for we flightless creatures who h...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Dec 12, 2007)
10 comments – latest 4:
vlad.the.hamster (Dec 12, 2007)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Dec 14, 2007)
I love the color combination.
somebody (Dec 13, 2007)
Uh Yeah...I wasn't going to say anything. But it does look a bit on the...well...juicy side.
jpjp1052 (Dec 13, 2007)
Very nice.
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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