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Specialty Boards/Contest! 
DarkCloak (Oct 16, 2005)
Archeologists discover the remains of an ancient Earth civilization.
14 comments – latest 4:
woah_pockster (edited Oct 18, 2005)
rofl. very comical XD <33 poor ted. And I think those burgers had so many calories it kept itself alive long enough to evolve with the bacteria. So it's actually living and it's waiting for that archeaologist to get closer so it can eat him!... o_o; hi. :D

I also love how they have flashlights. You'd think they'd advance a little if it's been so long AND THEY'RE ROBOTS. xD <33333
SneakyWalter (edited Oct 19, 2005)
Actually, I think the burgers have petrified by now, and the archeologist will sell them to the U.S. army (or where ever he's from) to be used for armor reinforcing. He'll get rich off of it and start his own Grease Drive-Thru.
strangeoid (Oct 21, 2005)
ROFL. This hearkens back to that classic documentary "Super Size Me." On the dvd version, they hold this experiment pitting the rotting time of McDonald's food against regular resaurant burgers and fries...

Guess which didn't rot! XD
Ryuichi_kun (Nov 9, 2005)
OMG THAT'S AWSOME. *worships*
drawn in 1 hour 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Rudeezy (Oct 16, 2005)
is the contest is over already? this is a really late entry.
5 comments – latest 4:
DarkCloak (Oct 17, 2005)
LoL! Older sibblings can be so loving at times!
oinks (Oct 18, 2005)
lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
devilgirl (Oct 23, 2005)
evilangel (Oct 25, 2005)
lol funny u should win the contest !
drawn in 1 hour with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
hideyourface (Oct 16, 2005)
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Oct 16, 2005)
Really good rendering of "bleak" ..we've had a lot of days here lately that looked just like this. Great job on the sky.
solve (Oct 16, 2005)
ive been there before, and its always dismal and beautiful just like this.
DarkCloak (Oct 16, 2005)
Very nice picture! It reminds me of a battlefield with the way some of those trees are all battered.
woah_pockster (Oct 16, 2005)
conorconor I'm jealous of your greatness :] <3
drawn in 53 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Felistorm (Oct 15, 2005)
It wouldn't let me delete this or continue working on it. I'm calling it finished for now. It may be deleted if you like it has been here forever.
4 comments – latest 4:
DarkCloak (Oct 16, 2005)
nice scene! I can't wait to see the finished picture.
Felistorm (Oct 24, 2005)
Ack! I went in to revise it and it said I had reached my limit. :( What do I need to do? (and how do you keep track of how much space you've used?)
SanzoGirl (Jun 10, 2006)
Ask a mod for more space if you want to continue.
But this is really good. :]
Sweetcell (Jun 10, 2006)
Strange to say but this would make a beautiful stamp. I'm just a big sucker fan of fantasy.
drawn in 4 hours 4 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
HunterKiller_ (Oct 14, 2005)
Said Abraham Anderson.
4 comments – latest 4:
Noremac (Oct 14, 2005)
renire (Oct 14, 2005)
Yes :D This pic is awesome!!! 'Dead' cool XD SOrry, had to say that, I know its stupid...
kristine (Oct 15, 2005)
oh. my. god. i few years ago, i had a dream where a red and green skeleton was freakin haunting me and they looked exactly like this, no lie! ._. nice pick...*creeped out now*
DarkCloak (Oct 16, 2005)
Creepy. I love the tilted head and melting eyes, it looks really cool like that.
drawn in 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
laurael (Oct 12, 2005)
Yes, it could be so much better.
Tired of it.
8 comments – latest 4:
Gigge (Oct 16, 2005)
It's postcard pretty.
Gigandas (Oct 16, 2005)
How'd I miss this??
This looks nice with the varying texture use, but I think I really like the overall softness this picture has. The drawing also has a very 'painted' feel to it. I think I gotta say 'ditto' to Gigge's comment :)...
DarkCloak (Oct 16, 2005)
This is a beautiful scene! I love it!
NemesisT (Oct 17, 2005)
This is just so pretty :) I love it.
drawn in 5 hours 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
thug (Oct 10, 2005)
Gary Larson is the best!
15 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Oct 28, 2005)
wow that's gonna need one big
friend (edited Oct 29, 2005)
Lol!!! I like how the girl is smiling!!!! ROFL!
marcello (Oct 29, 2005)
Maybe it's because I could care less about dogs or clifford, but this is certainly one of the stupider 5yo-level comics, Gary Larson would be crying. ;)
kitty25 (Nov 24, 2005)
this is sooo funnny !!! lol! XP
drawn in 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Caddris (Oct 10, 2005)
"Well now, Crag, I think you've made it painfully clear that you just don't understand the gazelle to be a symbol of man-kind's stuggle with reconciling its primative instincts with its evolving intellectual capacity. You just don't 'get' art, do you?"
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (edited Oct 10, 2005)
He must be a member here.. funny stuff
monkey_says (Oct 11, 2005)
heh heh heh... lauscaux.... I'll have to tell my art history professor about this....
Gigge (Oct 12, 2005)
hehe, this is so appropriate for this site. Nice one.
DarkCloak (Oct 16, 2005)
Haha! This is a good one!
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
xiau (Oct 14, 2005)
Poor Tim. And he had his camera and everything!

Bahaha... Yeah, I know, I have no sense of humor. Pffft.
Yeah, that's a pool. Although it's hard to tell o_o;;
Just a quickie for the contest.
7 comments – latest 4:
Rudeezy (Oct 14, 2005)
haha, wow that's funny.
Caddris (Oct 16, 2005)
Heehee! That's great! XD
sincity (Oct 16, 2005)
Good one. This is the winner. :}
DarkCloak (Oct 16, 2005)
Haha! This is the best one! :P
drawn in 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
thug (Oct 12, 2005)
from Full Metal Jacket
6 comments – latest 4:
featherstone (Oct 12, 2005)
hey good movie!... even better pic, though
hideyourface (Oct 12, 2005)
I LOVE that movie. I like how you used a texture on the shirt.
Kloxboy (Oct 12, 2005)
One of Kubrick's best. You really captured that "I'm going insane" look. I like the Joker character the most.
DarkCloak (Oct 12, 2005)
Poor Pyle... He should have requested a transfer.

Very nicely done. I recognized him before I even read the caption.
drawn in 1 hour 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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