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squee and Dromophobic_o.o (Jul 18, 2006)
Collab with Me and Dromophobic :D

"We live like vampires, We love like killers, We all die like infants, and we trust like mirrors. It's the smoke and drink and the smiles that it brings. Its the pain and the sex disguised as innocense." - Slow Suicide Jamison Parker
14 comments – latest 4:
squee (Jul 18, 2006)
It's official, my guy looks like gerard way :P
pancakes_rock (Jul 18, 2006)
yay it does now that makes him even more SEXY XD
Punky (Jul 21, 2006)
Hoboy, sexyness. :O

I like the one to the left with the cool sideburns. :D
O_O (Jul 31, 2006)
I too spy a Gerard Way look alike person thing
HO BABEEHHH`!~!~@@~1
drawn in 1 hour 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
NewTails, DrsFan, zell381, Moopachoo, Zeal, and more... (Jan 7, 2006)
I highly think that no one will join but I hope they do....
12 comments – latest 4:
Zeal (Feb 17, 2006)
Can I do tah Background?
Zeal (Feb 20, 2006)
drawn in 6 min
Fixed some minor errors and the color..
NewTails (Feb 27, 2006)
Sure, u can do the bAckground
Zeal (edited Sep 27, 2006)
I will start when Zell finishes his dragon XD

drawn in 3 hours 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Juni_gatsu and xswirvex (Jul 7, 2006)
Yay for awesome colouration! (sure, it's a word >.>)

5 comments – latest 4:
Juni_gatsu (Jul 8, 2006)
I luff you for colouring this. XD
DrsFan (edited Jul 11, 2006)
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! Amazing. I like the little stars on the horse.
Juni_gatsu (Jul 13, 2006)
I <3 the clouds, they are amazing.
GreenEye (Jul 13, 2006)
Ooooh... pretty amazing stuff! You two make a dangerously brilliant combination! ^_^
drawn in 2 hours 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
diablo_fan and senshi (Jul 13, 2006)
Just ask to join
7 comments – latest 4:
pancakes_rock (Jul 18, 2006)
may i join?
diablo_fan (Jul 18, 2006)
yes and what a nice knuckles
pancakes_rock (Jul 19, 2006)
am sorry ill draw later ok
mikron (Jul 22, 2006)
I like the red horse-head monster... It drives me crazy..! I'm still in search for its eyes.. :)
drawn in 1 hour 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Nyuusen and ~unwritten_law_girl~ (Feb 25, 2005)
Collab between UnwrittenLawGirl and I but I figured I'd see what she wanted to do before I added anything else.

(btw, that's a stick of pocky in the guy on the right's mouth. ^^)

(finished because it's taking up space in my studio)
drawn in 2 hours 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
xswirvex and K-RIZzA (Jul 5, 2006)
collab w/K-RIZzA
2 comments – latest 2:
whitebunny1063 (Jul 5, 2006)
I'll colorvher.
Noremac (Jul 5, 2006)
im entirely too lazy for that, but nicely done :D
drawn in 1 hour 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
GreenEye and DrsFan (Jul 4, 2006)
Okie dokie, it's your turn Drs! *check out Layer 1 before you start!* ^_^
5 comments – latest 4:
DrsFan (Jul 4, 2006)
thanks but your is prettier, I love the colors!
Sweetcell (Jul 4, 2006)
Amazing, are you sure you two weren't seperated at birth? Thay have the same expression, the same form. They look like the horses from that Disney film, who's name I cannot recall at the moment.

They're seriously into this race. Must be over a mare. xD
GreenEye (Jul 5, 2006)
drawn in 18 min
I wasn't sure what to do for the background, so, uh.... yeah! ^_^
Please add something DrsFan, it seems like it's making something! Or maybe i'm going mad! 8-|
DrsFan (Jul 6, 2006)
wow it turned out cool!

Yah Sweetcell they must be fighting over a mare!lol
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Tai_Chi and DoOp (Mar 18, 2006)
9 comments – latest 4:
marcello (Mar 22, 2006)
looks more like an ugly girl than a sexy guy...
DoOp (Mar 22, 2006)
=0 girl guys are cute tho :D <--*wtf*
hideyourface (Jul 9, 2006)
seriously, I thought it was a girl. that even looks like girl cleavage.
mikhail (Jul 9, 2006)
I can tell why that man has a smile on his face, and it has to do with the position of the girls hand... indeed so...
drawn in 1 hour 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Tai_Chi and DoOp (Mar 18, 2006)
DoOp is doing this with me, who else wants to do one on it?
7 comments – latest 4:
Tai_Chi (Jul 8, 2006)
drawn in 5 min
I'm gonna do mine again, now I can draw better
Tai_Chi (Jul 8, 2006)
drawn in 16 min
I added un-coloured Chibi randomness!!! Hehe! ^^
The cats (and kitten) are trying to touch Do0p's funny hair, while angel me just stares..
Kokain (Aug 16, 2006)
Why can't guys be like that IRL.
Tai_Chi (Oct 19, 2006)
drawn in 26 min
I decided my old one was crap and did this. I'm happier with it, although I still think it's crappy compared to the one next to me *pokes fake abs*. No shading or tones on mine, I'm too tired! I might do that later, but it can stay like this for now!
drawn in 2 hours 31 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
BunnySlippers and xiau (Jun 17, 2006)
Scary stories.
7 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Jul 5, 2006)
Great collab. That lineart is smooth, and the coloring is spot on. Ahh, brings back memories.
BlitzCloud (Jul 11, 2006)
Did anyone see a shadow of someone coming? D: *gasp*
Qwerty_Wittle_Fawah (Jul 20, 2006)
omg this is so cute I love it!
squee (Jul 20, 2006)
No Edo, You must be seeing things. Psht. Boys.
drawn in 11 hours 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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