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rydicanubis (Jan 16, 2003)
there we go! i like this one.. ^_^
7 comments – latest 4:
marcello (edited Jan 17, 2003)
wow I really like this new style from you! can't wait to see it finished
furyofroy (edited Jan 17, 2003)
yah, its a cool style, but damn! that took up 500KB of space?? How can this beeee.
rydicanubis (edited Jan 17, 2003)
to roy:
i have nofrikin idea! stupid edit page, i go to finish it but the link isn't there, it just says that i've used up that much space and can't continue... i dunno.... i didn't spend that much time on it!
marcello (edited Jan 18, 2003)
The limit is actually 100KB... the script has 500KB hard coded into the error message for some reason. Would you like me to move this to Public Boards/Regular where there is a higher limit?
drawn in 1 hour 35 min with PaintBBS
Kitteh (Jan 16, 2003)
I guess its OK... Hey all, Im new here, but not new to Oekaki. C&C? ^-^
1 comment – latest 1:
Knockoff (edited Jan 16, 2003)
Wow. Thats good. Like the rain or wat ever it is. Welocme to 2draw.
drawn in 13 min with PaintBBS
Sango (Jan 15, 2003)
Hehe, this is my 1st Oekaki. I know its not that good but C&C Please. Its Me, Well I must be going, I'm gonna be late 4 class again -__-;
5 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (edited Jan 16, 2003)
Yea that looks good. Well Welcome to 2draw.
ChinkyFlip (edited Jan 16, 2003)
If it's you.. Then how come it's got big letters that say, "SANGO" below it? Like that chick from Inu Yasha..? LOL. Because that's who I immediately thought of--I was like, "OMG! SOMEONE DREW SANGO!" It's really good! Draw Kagome next! :D! If you get the time.. Or like, a back-to-back of Kagome and Kikyou. Lol
Sango (edited Jan 18, 2003)
yeah i get that a lot... Yes my real Name is Sango, & I do know that Sango is a person in InuYasha (shes my fav cuz she has my name ^_~) & the real scary thing is that SHE LOOK LIKE ME TOO!! arggg.. all the time in skool people always say "Hey Sango! Hows Miroku?! XD" & the thing is too, I'M SOO IN LOVE WITH MIROKU!!!! lol (don't make fun of me) & The reason i wrote "Sango" was cuz thats my name XP yes i will draw u Kagome or Kikyo & Kagome back 2 back ^_~
mauvemalady (edited Mar 6, 2003)
drawn in 30 min with PaintBBS
DarkFire_Pheonix (Jan 15, 2003)
What if nobody believed in you, and nobody wanted to know who you were. Cast aside by all those who once worshiped you, and doomed to walk the earth alone forever more. What if there was no place for you, except the sea? What would you do?
3 comments – latest 3:
Knockoff (edited Jan 15, 2003)
I would kill my self. =}
DarkFire_Pheonix (edited Jan 15, 2003)
unfortunatly, a unicorn can not injur themselves. it is against their beliefsistem.
Deformed (edited Mar 6, 2004)
I would stop feeling sorry for myself and try to draw better pics. Thats pretty good advise If you asked me. You should look Into it.
drawn in 24 min with PaintBBS
OtaruIkari (Jan 15, 2003)
That's all for now, mouse won't still cooperate....
...too tired now , must sleep ~_~
4 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (edited Jan 15, 2003)
looks good so far.
OtaruIkari (edited Jan 15, 2003)
cherikit-chan (edited Jan 15, 2003)
Ahhh... an angel!.. that's really good ^^
OtaruIkari (edited Jan 17, 2003)
want to trade my mouse with yours ??? ^_^
drawn in 3 hours 30 min with OekakiBBS
pinklynx (Jan 13, 2003)
lol... tried a different colorin style 0_o dont really like how it came out but its pretty nifty ^_^;; hopes yas like anyways =3
20 comments – latest 4:
AnimeGirl (Apr 30, 2005)
Wow,Cool!i love it!!!
PAKS (Jun 3, 2011)
fly girl she is
Kayo (Jun 7, 2011)
awww ^^ very nice job ^^
dorothyblueeyes (Jul 10, 2011)
Very cute,detailed,and really nice. I also love the background treatment.
drawn in 1 hour 28 min with OekakiBBS
Fin_beast (Jan 12, 2003)
Yey I wanted to draw a dwagon and now i have one! Coz all my other dwagon or dinosaur kinda drawings were just the heads and looked like sock puppets but now i have sum body! YEY! ^_^ Whadya Think.
2 comments – latest 2:
Azelrellon (edited Jan 12, 2003)
Yee. I am unable to draw dragons. I have to draw oversized serpents. -_-
Great job, though. The shading effects are nice.
Phat (edited Jan 13, 2003)
i was there when u drew it and it turned out cool *_*
drawn in 1 hour 38 min with OekakiBBS
Day-chan (Jan 12, 2003)
Lol.. I was wondering what I should put in those bubbles, but a joke was all I could think up off. Its not too offending I hope! The art isn't that great.. Bah.. -_-;;
3 comments – latest 3:
marcello (edited Jan 12, 2003)
lol :)
Kazukie (edited Jan 12, 2003)
LoL! Ewwwy! Horse butts! And I just drew a horse thing, that's kinda funny... God I love your style! It's so perdyful! I love the textures!
Hotaru-chan (Aug 31, 2003)
this is soo funnie!!!!

drawn in 1 hour 20 min with PaintBBS
Kazukie (Jan 12, 2003)
I'm not gonna rate this one because there's nothing wrong with the picture but if you watch the animation you'll see a little cursing... I'd watch the animation if I were you though, you can see why it took me so long... C&C welcome.
1 comment – latest 1:
Day-chan (edited Jan 12, 2003)
XD!! Poor Poor Tablet! The arts great anyways! I Love your shading and how it looks so furry and soft to touch! >_<; The Little Pixie/ Fairy is a great touch to your picture!
drawn in 2 hours 15 min with PaintBBS
Azelrellon (Jan 11, 2003)
13+ Cause the eyes freaked me out ^-^. Kay. Re-outlined the eyes.
Took a loooooooong time. One sitting. I hurt now.
But I suppose it is worth it. Yay! I am done! Need sleep. Finished it at 2:30 AM here. *Yawn* Enjoy, if it's even enjoyable and/or worthy. zTHe skin turned out kind of 3d, but in a sickly way. Bleck.
drawn in 2 hours 26 min with PaintBBS
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