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Maiko (Oct 24, 2003)
Ph34r t3h 1Fr1t ><
oke... e.e;;;
i dunno whot i'm doing but cha, c & c
9 comments – latest 4:
tanman (Oct 25, 2003)
looks great kinda looks like Riku from Kingdom Hearts
ZaKi_nii-san (Nov 15, 2003) does kind of look like riku, but that makes it even cooler...sumhow..<.<;
SaheraNights (Mar 9, 2004)
soooooooo good...must god! its good!
Hochuuami (Mar 9, 2004)
Beelzebub(aka Cell): Otousan??
drawn in 37 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
puk (Oct 24, 2003)
This is my neopet, the skeith FP13. n.n; It's a long time since I drew him last time, so I guess I'm pretty satisfied with this. :3 He almost looks as childish as his personality is supposed to be.
Neopets is ©, but the FP13 character is © me. O_o
2 comments – latest 2:
RabidMalikFanGirl (Oct 24, 2003)
^^ Neomail me!!! My ac is AnAngelCalledChaos. My pet, Chibiroth is in the beauty contest right now. You should enter! That is super cute!!!
digigoddess85 (Oct 24, 2003)
adprable. i have a name on neopets too, but it got frozen lol
drawn in 37 min with PaintBBS
Fluffysheep (Oct 23, 2003)
My first try in the intermediate room, hope it fits in :D
5 comments – latest 4:
Harmanye (Oct 24, 2003)
^_^ wow. This is really good, I love the hair, and the strands that are falling off her shoulder. The wings are also very cool. I'm not up to the intermediate board yet, but I think this is definitely fitting in.
Blast_Hornet2002 (Oct 24, 2003)
I think it looks great. Welcome to the Intermediate board. :)
candee4you (Oct 25, 2003)
niiiicceee verry pretty :) just like harmanye commented, the hair's drawn on her are very nice. yay! XD
mx (Jul 12, 2004)
very nice...
like the colors and shading

go well
drawn in 3 hours with PaintBBS
Maiko (Oct 23, 2003)
Depression really hurts ~~
and get well soon marcello
8 comments – latest 4:
Lark (Oct 24, 2003)
awww..... you must get over this depression thingy of yours.... you get depressed so easily.... sigh... *sees her on an ice cream rave* gulp... and easily aggravated too..... but this piccy looks so sad.......... it makes me wanna cry....*sobs*
misho1337 (Oct 25, 2003)
you know... i can cure that depression of yours very quickly ;) *wink*
furyofroy (Nov 19, 2003)
(ahem)... *nudges misho* hands off. ¬_¬
concannon (Nov 20, 2003)
Oh, just ignore him.

He was doing the same thing to me and quint.
drawn in 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
mazi (Oct 23, 2003)
18+ for boobs.

just practicing hatching
3 comments – latest 4:
mazi (Oct 23, 2003)
drawn in 9 min
meant to try some kinda hatching stuff ever since i saw kids story from the animatrix.
furyofroy (edited Oct 23, 2003)
Awesome cross-hatching. She needs nipples. :)

Y'know, to complete the 18+ look.
marcello (Oct 24, 2003)
she needs breasts too...
Daymeon_StormRider (Jan 6, 2004)
...Funny...I thought this was a hot guy in the shower until you commented...leave it as is ok? Grat piccy! Lovin his/her expresssion!
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Ink (Oct 23, 2003)
I was bored today. =)
6 comments – latest 4:
misho1337 (Oct 23, 2003)
thats not all her neck... look closely that part of her shoulder, ( u need to add jussa lil bit of darkness there to make it looks more seperate) this looks really great
marcello (Oct 24, 2003)
it's still morphing, however you look at it. I think it's too wide from (her) back to front at that point, that's the problem.
digigoddess85 (Oct 24, 2003)
her neck is a bit morphed, but i think her hair is gr8!
Ink (Oct 24, 2003)
Well, it's the best I can do with a mouse, what can I say?
drawn in 1 hour 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Childlike_Vampire (Oct 23, 2003)
The one and only. Mrow.
6 comments – latest 4:
Fluffysheep (Oct 23, 2003)
Looks really cartoony! I luv it :D
marcello (Oct 24, 2003)
looks like an anime frame copy... not that that's bad, but I'd like to see the reference.
marcello (Oct 24, 2003)
link doesn't work
drawn in 2 hours 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Merulotte (Oct 23, 2003)
Yeesh. I haven't drawn Merco in a long time. Now, he's got a new color scheme instead of that map-of-space skin, and his element is now Electricity. Obviously, as it's demonstrated here.
Merco is from the Region of Meliaka, the area of Cerulia that is mainly populated by scaled creatures instead of humans. (Current Regions of Cerulia: Glacina, Perecolia, Linulakia, Meliaka, Freiria, Merelkia)
He used to be the unknowing guardian of the endangered Cosmos element Soul. But it has returned safely to where it belongs, and Merco's true element finally shows it's face.
Watch out, though. Merco should avoid walking on carpet.
...Speaking of storms... We've got one right now... Stupid maritime Sky-Tsunamis...
2 comments – latest 3:
furyofroy (Oct 23, 2003)
That is one bitchin' background. Keep it up!!
Fluffysheep (Oct 23, 2003)
Shiny !! I really love the background :D Nice work !
Merulotte (Oct 23, 2003)
drawn in 1 min
So that's what I forgot. His eyes looked evil without the black lines in them, so I fixed it.
drawn in 2 hours 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Blast_Hornet2002 (Oct 23, 2003)
A new look for an older character. Ooo.
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 4 hours 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
concannon (Oct 21, 2003)
For a completely original and never-before-used title....never ask me.

Woohoo. Done. Love the sky; used supermonkey's 'Wings in the Clouds' piece for a reference. Also...for those of you that know me, you know I go insane with markings. neck band turned into multiple neck bands. But I found a reason, this time! This species of dragon have band markings that correspond to strength. The darker, and the more of them there are, the more powerful the dragon. At some point, I'll draw one that's almost completely covered in 'em. Hurrah. *slinks away*
5 comments – latest 4:
supermonkey (Oct 21, 2003)
Nice. The only thing kinda buggin me is the far shoulder blade... shouldn't it be a little farther foreward? =D Still looks great though.

Since it seems that you aren't working on the gryphon, mind if I work on it?
concannon (Oct 22, 2003)
Supermonkey: .....oh. Eh hehehe. ~__~ Yeah. Go ahead. Many apologies.

And you're right about the shoulder blade. I was kinda dazed while I was drawing...will fix soon.
concannon (Oct 22, 2003)
drawn in 1 hour 47 min
Uh...yeah. Off to take a nap. Again. ~__~
quintessence (Oct 23, 2003)
Guuuh. Looks great. I like the two background dragons especially, and the sky. (Of course). The little bit of the front-most dragon's tail that's showing is nifty, too. *presses nose to screen*
drawn in 5 hours 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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