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TheCrimsonKing (Jul 13, 2005)
Just accept.
10 comments – latest 4:
safescene (Jul 13, 2005)
Talk is cheap. I always enjoy seeing your work around here, Crimson. Bravo!
davincipoppalag (Jul 13, 2005)
It's obvious what this is. They are twins who happened to be sitting under a cosmic laundromat, just when the soap bubbles overflowed. This is very imaginative Joe..I love your stuff
Renuar (edited Aug 5, 2005)
I like this, so here's my theory. The white pyramid coming from the bubble is 'comfort foam', which in turn helps to create a 'comfortable silence'. eh!?
well, it made sense to me. good work.
staci (Nov 8, 2005)

this one too.
drawn in 1 hour 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Kabomb (Jul 12, 2005)
It's marlin.
6 comments – latest 4:
cold_graffiti (Jul 12, 2005)
lose the black lines and it would make this look like the movie style!
Kabomb (Jul 12, 2005)
drawn in 23 min
took out black lines in some places. good idea :P
cold_graffiti (Jul 13, 2005)
see now it looks so much like the real thing good job!
Fulgore (Jul 13, 2005)
Nice but can you do my corral reef at the bottom idea ? but tho it looks cool but maybe you might wanna liven up the background on that picture ? : /
drawn in 1 hour 37 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
cold_graffiti (Jul 12, 2005)
just my throw up!
5 comments – latest 4:
cold_graffiti (Jul 12, 2005)
drawn in 1 min
there now i feel it is done!
Punky (Jul 12, 2005)
I love this. :) Good color choices, they're really vibrant, plus I love orange. Nice work.
cold_graffiti (edited Jul 12, 2005)
yeah i thought the orange would set it off and the deep pink would make it fresh!
Fin_beast (edited Jul 13, 2005)
Wow. This is really cool. Well done.
drawn in 1 hour 31 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
brainspiller83 (Jul 12, 2005)
Just random ideas flowing out of my brain!
3 comments – latest 3:
Rosemary (Jul 12, 2005)
cute umm.. punky thingy! :)
squee (Jul 12, 2005)
Wee! Its so cute and and and.. cute!
Punky (Jul 12, 2005)
Robots are cool. :) This is cute, I like his little feet.
drawn in 52 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Rosemary (Jul 12, 2005)
one of my favourites from beatles movie yellow submarine :) (max and glovey are the other ones lol)
4 comments – latest 4:
squee (Jul 12, 2005)
Yes, kill the hideous creatures.
davincipoppalag (Jul 12, 2005)
Lol I loved that movie.. I worked in an appliance store when I was in college and I had a small color TV , at a time most TVS were not color.. we had a party or two in my room watching that movie lol. (we ate a lot of snacks large quantities) lol
brainspiller83 (Jul 12, 2005)
It's behind you!!!!!! I can't stand the beatles! It makes me cringe! But the picture is pretty good! Its kinda crazy which is cool!! :)
PolythenePam (Jul 13, 2005)
brainspiller, I'm quite sure I hate you now...
Not really, but, The Beatles are cooler than you'll ever know.
drawn in 2 hours 2 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Draslic (Jul 9, 2005)
Entry for a contest.
edit:... I can't believe I've run out of space.
Annd... How'd I suddenly go from 625 kb to 750 kb? Thank you very much, if you were responsible for it.
11 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Jul 12, 2005)
That face is beautiful and mezmerizing.
Draslic (edited Nov 7, 2005)
Zeal (May 28, 2006)
Amazingly sexy : D
Sweetcell (May 28, 2006)
Fantastic. Quite beautiful. It's a guy?

Curious, is that a hand on his chest? It's amazing whoever he is.
drawn in 1 day 3 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
solve (Jul 12, 2005)
a 2draw legend no doubt, thanks for the inspiration and animations to help me learn.
4 comments – latest 4:
Punky (Jul 12, 2005)
Nice drawing, as usual. I love your style, as well as Cloxboy's. :D
sincity (Jul 12, 2005)
cool solve. very cool. :}
Kloxboy (Jul 12, 2005)
Neat face, red rocks.
Thanks for the gooden's.
I'm just a Bill...
zep (Jul 13, 2005)
i think the same; he IS the master :)...very nice draw Marcus.
drawn in 28 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Callypso (Jul 11, 2005)
Colette Brunel from Tales of Symphonia.

My birthday was yesterday, I've finally reached the ripe old age of 18...

EDIT: Why was this sent to the collab board? I thought I was drawing on the Intermediate board...
If any mod wants to take time to move this to the intermediate board, it would be greatly appreciated ^_~.
12 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Jul 12, 2005)
Yay! Happy 18th! We can be 18 year old buddies. =]
Truearashi (Jul 20, 2005)
18 that so kicks ass ^_^ now you can drive.. no wait... it's only in denmark you have to wait until you're 18, ow well...
this is just such a beautiful drawing... ^_^ love the hair
sephiroth54321 (Aug 7, 2005)
I love that should draw lloyd....
tappie_chan (Aug 29, 2005)
she was my least favorite character in the game (which i loved), but this is a really pretty pic!
drawn in 4 hours 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
TheCrimsonKing (Jul 12, 2005)
He's enjoying his new, thicker, outline-suit.
8 comments – latest 4:
Kloxboy (Jul 12, 2005)
Sweet, he must get all the space chicks he can handle.
Aliens know....aliens....hush, hush, hint hint, the others just don't know.
The secret is not ours to share.
squee (Jul 12, 2005)
*pokes* ..... *hides*

nice pic Joe.
Renuar (Jul 12, 2005)
Crim you got skillz. i like.
HunterKiller_ (Jul 12, 2005)
Joe will you marry me?
drawn in 1 hour 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
brainspiller83 (Jul 12, 2005)
from a pen sketch!
7 comments – latest 4:
Renuar (Jul 12, 2005)
it speaks for itself. nice
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Jul 13, 2005)
that is the coolest dude ever!!XD
Zack (Jul 13, 2005)
Great coloring and design. Extra credit for the hands as those are particularly difficult.
Truearashi (Jul 14, 2005)
hey, that's so cool... looks like me when I'm going somewhere ^_^
drawn in 1 hour 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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