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Turtlebuster (May 22, 2003)
Everyone needs to draw some blue fireballs now and then. y is he naked you ask? because i'm too lazy to draw clothes. this was just a 'rest' picture between edit of another pic, but i liked too much :)
3 comments – latest 3:
mazi (edited May 22, 2003)
oooh purdy =D
quintessence (edited May 22, 2003)
Purdy. Looks like he's pulling on a bloo wall. A soft, bloo wall.
Nah, I think I'll go with the fireballs. Fiiiiire. *melt*
Xodiak (edited May 23, 2003)
he wouldn't look so sexy with clothes on! the flame magic from his hands looks very nice! >:)
good drawing! >:)
drawn in 26 min with OekakiBBS
Shiek (Apr 28, 2003)
What is it with me and weird dragons? Hah, you should see my schoolwork. I think my teachers are working together on getting me committed :P
5 comments – latest 4:
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Apr 29, 2003)
I collect dragons! Purple is my fav colour! You put my 2 fav things in one pic! *bows down*
Tiarana (edited Apr 29, 2003)
It's luffly! o_O And... purple. With little.. feathers!
Mnemosyne (edited Apr 30, 2003)
Don't worry about it. My teachers tried that. If you lie very nicely to the man in the white dress shirt and tie that tells you he'll be your friend, then there's not really anything they can do to you.
GEM (edited May 23, 2003)
Dragons,Pheonixes and Chimeras are my favorite beasts
drawn in 55 min with OekakiBBS
taori (May 22, 2003)
Originally was gonna be me and all my characters...morphed into something easier. If it hadn't taken so darned long, I'd probably delete it...ah well...maybe you guys can forgive me.
3 comments – latest 3:
Kazukie (edited May 22, 2003)
I don't get it. =)
quintessence (edited May 22, 2003)
Lemme guess... the black-haired girl is a vamp, and she's hitting on the blonde girl's boyfriend/slave/Civics teacher. So blondie is off to stake blackie with the pencil. And the guy is thinking about... heartburn. Yes. Shouldn't have eaten that pizza at 3 AM, hun.
forgotten-memory (edited May 23, 2003)
No the blonde is sizing them up with her pencil to see if they'd both fit in her oven at once. She's mad though, because she'll have to first chop them in half, because only half of one will fit. and that's extra work. HE'S thinking about the fire being hot in the oven...because he can read her mind, but he doesn't realize how big her oven is, and how he'll have to be chopped in half, because those aren't direct thoughts of hers. The black haired chick is just stupid. that's all there is to it. she's like a black-haired me. :3
drawn in 40 min with OekakiBBS
pinhole64 (May 21, 2003)
wastin' time...
3 comments – latest 3:
furyofroy (edited May 22, 2003)
that's an interesting way of shading...
Xodiak (edited May 23, 2003)
they are not drugs, they are candy! >:D
Xod likes your drawing! >:)
pinhole64 (edited May 23, 2003)
drawn in 4 hours 39 min with PaintBBS
mazi (May 3, 2003)
so i got a new tablet tonight for my bday.. just messing around with it. lol. i know the face is messed up and theres no detail but its almost 2am and im sleepy.. lol.

btw is there an oekaki thing on here for pressure sensitive tablets?

you guys know youre now never getting rid of me right? XD~
6 comments – latest 4:
Tesia-chan (edited May 4, 2003)
Doodlibop (edited May 5, 2003)
Hurray! I think it's lascux sketch for pressure sensitivity. (I can't spell!) seriously, good for you!
darkk_angel (edited May 9, 2003)
hehehe i like the smile... hehehehe.....
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 23, 2003)
Happy Birthday, mazi!
drawn in 39 min with PaintBBS
SandyDexHamtaro (Apr 29, 2003)
Poor's only a memory...
9 comments – latest 4:
raenboe (edited May 4, 2003)
Sorry, but her nose is majorly funked up. Great job tho!
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 16, 2003)
This is the product of a totally bored girl...
raenboe (edited May 16, 2003)
Yes...boredom can be a bad!!!
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 23, 2003)
Isn't it, though?
drawn in 25 min with OekakiBBS
SandyDexHamtaro (May 1, 2003)
Um...for Doodlibop... I hope you like it!
6 comments – latest 4:
Xodiak (edited May 3, 2003)
Xod likes, what a big cute eye! >:D
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 6, 2003)
Yeah...It's Link, allright. You're welcome, Doodlibop!
GEM (edited May 20, 2003)
Nice pic of Link SandyDexHamtaro.
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 23, 2003)
Thanks! Cool! You like it! I feel so...loved.^__^
drawn in 48 min with OekakiBBS
pyrobarbie (May 21, 2003)
DONE! bwahahahaha! ^o^

ok..umm..well whatcha think?
1 comment – latest 1:
Xodiak (edited May 23, 2003)
he must be the angel of death! Xod likes >:)
drawn in 2 hours 31 min with OekakiBBS
kowst (May 19, 2003)
i would have drawn this on the intermediate board with all the other angels, but lascaux sketch is so much better for drawing ^^
sorry for being rude, hello marcello. i've been away for awhile because of schoolwork and such, and general lack of artistic creativity so...
hello everybody!
6 comments – latest 4:
RazorClaw (edited May 20, 2003)
omg kiddy porn
very good shading doh
Xodiak (edited May 20, 2003)
Xod doesn't think she is a kid... but even if she were, where is the porn? >:)
kowst (edited May 20, 2003)
thankyou xod.
she looks just like my friend polly, who is in fact 16.
and if you think that is still kiddy, i'm only 17 =/
Xodiak (edited May 23, 2003)
16 and 17 years old is certainly not a kiddy, it is teenager, almost adult actually. >:)
drawn in 1 hour 31 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Einz (May 18, 2003)
i need to see a friend in hospital
he got badly cut in a fight
he looks a bit like this
its not finished tho
i am experimenting with different styles
trying to do something like the dutch masterpainter
peter klashorst

its not what i want
but i'll deal with it
maybe sometime later i wil brush up
i dont wanna spend hours on this picture
for now this is it
3 comments – latest 3:
jord (edited May 19, 2003)
i think you succeeded in the horst-like style, but maybe you should leave out the blur thing and use sharper colours
but it is good!
Xodiak (edited May 20, 2003)
he looks nice, Xod wishes your friend will be ok soon >:)
Einz (edited May 22, 2003)
thnx he is ok now

ill try not to use the blur tool
thx for the tip
drawn in 1 hour 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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