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Axil62 (Jan 16, 2006)
was fun
11 comments – latest 4:
JoeNobody (Jan 17, 2006)
I love the window.......I would love to see the whole house it's connected to.
Axil62 (Jan 17, 2006)
I'll post a link to the house. Note though, that I used different parts of the three windows at the bottom and combined them to make one window that had all the properties I wanted for this one window, so this window will look familiar to the windows in the ref, but not a literal copy of any one of them. Ref
JoeNobody (Jan 17, 2006)
Thanks for sharing, great windows on that house....but I like yours better....and not just because you left off the cheap K-Mart mini blinds...
HunterKiller_ (Jan 17, 2006)
This just great. Very moody, the first glimpse of this just made me think of summer time, ice-cream, cicadas churping. Fantastic work.
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
IdentityOne (Nov 30, 2005)
Corrected the arms.
The lineworks finished.
Colour's half way done.
Any ideas on the background?
2 comments – latest 4:
Qwerty_Wittle_Fawah (Nov 30, 2005)
I think it looks great so far...yeah the arms should be a little more feminine. But where her hands are I think it would be cool to have like bits of her hand showing cuz she doesnt have like mounds of hair to cover up her least not that I remember. Oh and I love your choice of art...the Fifth Element is awesome
IdentityOne (Jan 9, 2006)
drawn in 55 min
That's the colour plan.
Will add a background and tone in the next sitting hopefully.
IdentityOne (Jan 17, 2006)
drawn in 19 min
Finished for now... Although, I might go back and touch up certain areas, if I can be bothered.
SYTHE (Jan 17, 2006)
I liked the white bands she wore better. :)
drawn in 1 hour 55 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Alex-Cooper (Nov 13, 2005)
an example of non-sequitur panel to panel transition in comics.
11 comments – latest 4:
GOODBYE (Nov 21, 2005)
i love that song. nice :)
HunterKiller_ (Nov 21, 2005)
This. is. absolutely. Beautiful.
TaCO (Nov 24, 2005)
Great job on the story.
It tells you so much with only a few words.

Hope you do more.
lieb (Jan 17, 2006)
The Unicorns! Nice. Incredible work with the hatching.
drawn in 4 hours 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
sagenev (Jan 9, 2006)
across the nord, with cold and snow, and red and green colors, and a lot of paintings in a museums...
5 comments – latest 4:
Noremac (Jan 9, 2006)
hahah, i figured like... an acid trip. X[ no judgement on your character though, just... my mistake
SYTHE (Jan 9, 2006)
Not your best work, not advanced.
hideyourface (Jan 9, 2006)
yeah its a bit too scribbly and I dont really get the feeling of a snowstorm from it.
lieb (Jan 17, 2006)
I very much like this; there's something about the expression and near-transparency to the figure. Love your work, sagenev.
drawn in 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
featherstone (Jan 13, 2006)
welcome the to the world outside my front door
happens every day... I let my dog out
I go back to the door to let him in, and she's there too

14 comments – latest 4:
mybettastorm (Jan 13, 2006)
I have a golden retriever, anyways I like this a lot. (:
MellonCollie (Jan 13, 2006)
Adorable! I love how it's slightly off center and crooked. It adds a nice touch of style. Great job!
Pi-Chi (Jan 14, 2006)
It's soo cute, ;P.. And the fluffyness, <3.
Gigge (Jan 17, 2006)
Haha, that's so sweet. They look like they make quite a couple.
drawn in 1 hour 41 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
MisterMeltdown (Jan 15, 2006)
I haven't oekakied in such a long time >.<
9 comments – latest 4:
MisterMeltdown (Jan 17, 2006)
I know, I know, the eyes look weird. I'm still working on them a little, but I'm trying to make them look scary, like she's possessed or something
Shanghai (Jan 17, 2006)
I think a good way to get that effect would be to make the eyes (much) smaller than this and have them rolled back a little with no pupil. Even in most anime styles it's rare to see eyes large enough to go from nearly the hairline down to almost at the chin, so making them about half the height they're at now (leave the top where it is, just raise where the bottom of the eyes are about halfway) should help.
mybettastorm (Jan 17, 2006)
Well in that case the eyes are Great. :D
By the way I forgot to say I love your style, it has a nice feel to it.
MisterMeltdown (Jan 17, 2006)
In reply to redpanda - Thank you for the advice, I wasn't originally going for the whole possessed look, but as the drawing went on, that's the direction it ended up going in. I'll try to go back and work on that more in the next revision.
drawn in 3 hours 46 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
oikitsumaru (Nov 26, 2005)
This is my avatar over at Gaia. I thought it would be fun to draw. Tried to make it look like she (I'm) laying on a bed with coco kitty, but making sheets was challenging.

I might still do some touch ups.
3 comments – latest 3:
Prettylilies (Nov 26, 2005)
love it! omg.
woah_pockster (Nov 28, 2005)
I'm surprised this didn't get too many comments, this looks great <3 and the sheets look good but I think it's a different style from the shading of the subject in this. keep it up <3
whitebunny1063 (Jan 17, 2006)
Pretty chick.
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
oikitsumaru (Oct 15, 2004)
PWEE! more of my dark haired kitty.. and this time she has a friend! ^~^ XD It took so long though.. expecially for such a small picture.
12 comments – latest 4:
TaCO (Oct 16, 2004)
O.O Great Pic!!!!!!!!!!
Pence (Oct 16, 2004)
bethica2001 (Oct 17, 2004)
I love kitty people! They rock!
whitebunny1063 (Jan 17, 2006)
Kitty love. Whoo hoo!:)
drawn in 2 hours 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
MellonCollie (Jan 15, 2006)
Finally done :)

This is my first intermediate post. I hope it meets the standards.

Please tell me what you think! <3
4 comments – latest 4:
MellonCollie (Jan 15, 2006)
Thanks Torchic! :D
MellonCollie (Jan 15, 2006)
drawn in 34 min
SpazyPanda (Jan 17, 2006)
I like the star in the background. And her hair is awesomeness. :D
MellonCollie (Jan 17, 2006)
Thankyou! <3
drawn in 1 hour 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Pakasutemanshikuka (Aug 15, 2005)
the dartmoor pony for you. =D does it look like a dartmoor pony?
11 comments – latest 4:
Pakasutemanshikuka (Aug 22, 2005)
XD oh, well, it's a perfect place !
Xodiak (Aug 22, 2005)
I have heard that in some places of the world, horse meat is eaten... <:O
Pakasutemanshikuka (Aug 24, 2005)
oh yes ! you can buy horse meat in here.... i don't eat horse meat never :/ i love horses and it sure tastes bad. ._ _.
DrsFan (Jan 17, 2006)
awwwww,it looks like a dartmoor pony,I love it!
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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