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Asriel (Jul 14, 2007)
I swear I'll get this done eventually.

It is a 3-dimensionalized version of the drawing I did for my avatar. Expanding on the 'character'.
Other than that, it's up for interpretation.
drawn in 1 hour 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Sweetcell (Jul 13, 2007)
14 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Jul 13, 2007)
Oh you two. *points Them, them..... you wanna talk to them.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jul 13, 2007)
Nuh uh, he's busy with the tiara, I'm aiming. Shoot first, talk later. :)
(I'm afraid you're gonna have to paint me new tights... these are ripped all to hell (along with my legs). This field Death hangs out in is loaded with briars and thorns.) Next time I go crawling around in the dark stalking death I'm changing into my rip-stop camo.

By the way, did I never mention that the reason I commented on this is that although simplistic, it's a very good piece of art that imparts a very strong mood. No, I guess I never did, but now I shall.
davincipoppalag (Jul 14, 2007)
Plug the sumbitz.. right between the eyes
Roytje (Jul 14, 2007)
That's hot :)
drawn in 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Sweetcell (Jul 10, 2007)
...Little Cindy proudly took on the lead role
and shone as her little tiara sparkled.

"They should have chosen me in the first place."
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 11, 2007)
She wouldn't have come out to dance without her .44 belt..silly Barb
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 11, 2007)
haha.... I woke up to see this and I'm usually a morning grouch, but this made me smile. YAY! I'm a ballerina. :D thank you. :)
Sweetcell (Jul 11, 2007)
Well since you were willing to take her place for the final night how could I not Cindy? :)
Glad you all like it. I did this while I was talking to my friend amagic2u. BFFL sweeting.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 13, 2007)
And now I'm touring the entire country in a bus painted in sparkley metallic pink, and I'm a huge success, and my name is in lights and my picture is on billboards everywhere, right? :D (Somebody tell that goofy punk in the blue tights if he misses catching me one more time I'll stomp his head in with my... ballet shoes?)
drawn in 1 hour 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Hokori (Jul 13, 2007)
Heat Guy J just doesn't get the respect it deserves! It was a really good show, with totally loveable characters. So I shall give it a moment of my time and draw it a picture!

This is Daisuke, the lazy-calm-hero of the story. He's a nice fella'.

(Safety save...)
drawn in 1 hour 2 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Jul 11, 2007)
Abstract robotic, what not.
5 comments – latest 4:
Kayos (Jul 11, 2007)
crazy! I like it!
davincipoppalag (Jul 11, 2007)
Kinda like a mechabug kinda thingy.. very cool indeed
sweet_insanity (Jul 12, 2007)
wow... i see like a military helmet or exoskeliton
the lines attract me soo much to this picture, the colors are very satisfying and it's smooth
Sweetcell (Jul 13, 2007)
It's weird that this reminds me of the Wizard of Oz sequel from the 80's. They had robots or something that looked like this. But do likes. Do likes. :)
drawn in 1 hour 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
A3 (Jul 12, 2007)
I just felt like drawing something to colour with warm colours. I love red. <3

My first oekaki in a while Oo I hope it's in the right board!
1 comment – latest 2:
A3 (Jul 12, 2007)
drawn in 24 min
All done. Enjoy :)
Sweetcell (Jul 13, 2007)
Surprised this doesn't have any comments. I love how you shaded this with the blotches of color, and her hair.
Maybe it's the yellow band though, or the ribbon in the back but her torso looks a little off. I think if it was just red with a small band of yellow the torso and chest wouldn't look so short. Also her hand needs a bit of work but really a good pic. I really love the deep reds and yellows and your shading.
drawn in 1 hour 18 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
JillJJ (Jun 9, 2007)
White Arabian
3 comments – latest 4:
JillJJ (Jul 13, 2007)
drawn in 27 min
I love the spirit and beauty of the arabians!
davincipoppalag (Jul 13, 2007)
Very pretty! I love the flying mane
Sweetcell (Jul 13, 2007)
They are beautiful, you have a great talent for drawing horses Jill, I'm envious. Nice to see you back.
JillJJ (Jul 13, 2007)
Thanks Dave... Sweetcell, I really have always loved drawing, painting and sculpting horses. It is so great when someone appreciates the same beauty I see in them. I really need to be more disciplined to truely capture the images I want to draw, I had to replace my computer and lost a little time here. I truely missed this site! Thanks again to you both!
drawn in 7 hours 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Rudeezy (Jul 12, 2007)
haha, I titled it Rabi because I really hate how they changed his name to Lavi. D:

ALL ONE LAYER! I probably did that because I thought I was using paint, but it still came out pretty good.
I did a similar one with Allen on a different oekaki, so it's kind of like a series of pictures.

Oh, and I used Rabi's look from Ch. 125 (today's release) as a ref.
3 comments – latest 3:
Punky (Jul 12, 2007)
This is so cool, I like the outfit and the skecthy style. :D
gizemko3 (Jul 12, 2007)
yea, Rabi sounds better. too bad 'Lavi' is an official version approved by author... nice drawing
Sweetcell (Jul 13, 2007)
Just two colors, yet done so well. And I hate using one layer after finding the wonders of multiple layers. Nicely done Rysufio. Like the font on the left.
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with PaintBBS
kokumi009 (Jul 9, 2007)
Today we had our first colored watercolor activity and I had so much fun!
We did rocks and lots of other still-life paintings.
It was hard for me to get used to a water medium since I was used to a oil and pastel ones ^^
Anyway...This was supposed to be an animated version of me (with my poor hairstyle)
I try to imagince that that drawings come to life since water gives life. XD I know it sounds cheesy XP
The brush I was using was a bamboo one cos i don't have watercolor brushes from before.
7 comments – latest 4:
kokumi009 (edited Jul 13, 2007)
drawn in 1 hour 43 min
finished! i know the bg is kinda dull but i didn't know what else to use :(
Anyway, I think I should work on contrasting the colors A LOT!
I think I got confused with the lighting...
Criticism is very much welcome bec. I really really need it O_o
Rukia (Jul 13, 2007)
Just as everyone else said, very creative! And I love your semi-solid style of painting :3
kokumi009 (Jul 13, 2007)
Thanks!!! That means a lot!
I'm really still a newbie at painting but I really appreciate it! ^^
How would a solid-style look like?...If you know someone, I would also like to take a look XD
Sweetcell (Jul 13, 2007)
Well I have to say your better at semi solid shading than I am. Just look around and you'll find plenty of examples of solid shading. This came out pretty, love the red jacket, the flower and the swirlies. I never would have thought green for the fairy. I think you did good kokumi.
drawn in 3 hours 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Inchin13 (Jul 12, 2007)
3 comments – latest 3:
Childlike_Vampire (Jul 12, 2007)
kokumi009 (Jul 13, 2007)
free as a bird!
I love the soft coloring! It's a very nice 30-minute work!
friend (Jul 13, 2007)
I believe i can flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
drawn in 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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