awesome. though you still have a blue bit in the bottom right corner.
shiiiney XD
concannon (edited Aug 30, 2003)
drawn in 1 hour 33 min
Bah...neck hurts. Anyone wanna collab with me to do the background? [edit]: Sorry mkkmypet, furyofroy already agreed to do one. ~__~ Thanks, though. ^^;;
Woo! I like zeh scales. I still say it's perfect for a crest. Baron de la Shineh Dragon. S' a pity about your neck, but no pain no gain, right? And this rocks, so you're justified!
Oh, shiny is right. Shiny makes everything great.
It would have been great anyhow. But since it's shiny, it's even better. o_o Why must I have an affinity for Shiny Objects...
The lines are also great, along with the movement.
drawn in 3 hours 11 min
drawn in 1 min
i like the skin glow form the eye, good frills too...
shiiiney XD
drawn in 1 hour 33 min
drawn in 1 hour
drawn in 37 min
It would have been great anyhow. But since it's shiny, it's even better. o_o Why must I have an affinity for Shiny Objects...
The lines are also great, along with the movement.
neat lineart, great coloring on the shiny snake-mutant creatures, and nice bubbly stuff in the bg!!!