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TRIP (Apr 13, 2006)
to break the chain of generic anime picture #459876, here is a troll from some fantasmical tribe in some exiled place of Kalimdor.Enjoy
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drawn in 22 min
drawn in 29 min
Edit: No, I dont play, I only demand people to play a faction because the PALLYDANS look better as smoldering heaps on the floor
I have a tauren druid on the darkspear PVP realm. PVE servers make me cry
edit: the hair on the side of the face should actually be going backwards instead of out to the side..
Nice piccy though. You rock, Trip :D
Aw. Didn't work.
I can't wait to see this finished :O! It's going to kick so much...butt! :D
P.S.: This is starting to inspire me to draw something...it's that good! But I'm so lazy ;_; Anyhoo, fiiiniiiiishhhh! ^-^
drawn in 1 hour
or maybe he's a Shammy in full shadowcraft
drawn in 32 min
Will continue with an upgrade from a sexy mod :>
drawn in 1 hour 33 min
Personally, I think it deserves a showcase.
p.s. i played a tauren druid for a while too, and i will give you lots of money if you draw one in wildheart. LOTS!
my tauren droodsie had almost full wildheart before I got a stormrage cover, heh. I might try o/`
...*... it's strange to say, but he's kinda cute ...*...
haha, but seriously, this is incredible.
I remember in Warsong Gultch the alliance getting Pwn'd really bad.. lost in the first 10:31 (Ten mins Thirty seconds .. I screenshotted :P) And the alliance kept going in over and over XD Ahh well 2 lvl 30+ druids could get the flag easily.. " Cat to the door, Stalker to the flag, Elf/Taur form ,Take flag, Bear out, once outside cat to the other druid, hand flag to the other druid, bear, Charge whoever chased you, Let the other druid take the flag " :3 This was started on Argent Dawn server :3
Is everyone here fluent in dork?
anyway, its looks cool, I like the hair.
That makes me a very sad person.
you did a kick ass job on this. I don't know why it's not showcased.