momma mia momma! this is exquisitely fine! I hope to GOD the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! I wanna be like you and poppa! Just simply fantastic! Donnalag
This is amazing. Truly. Studied it up close, amazing up close too! You have a great gallery, I took a peek. Thanks for looking at my draw, I am new and it was nice of you :)
Yet another one I forgot to comment on. That water is so amazing you can hear the surf. I'm guessing that shadow is a mountain or cliff? Really stunning emma.
drawn in 12 min
drawn in 16 min
drawn in 23 min
drawn in 10 min
drawn in 29 min
drawn in 32 min
drawn in 19 min
drawn in 26 min
drawn in 33 min
drawn in 2 min
The clouds.. I love them.. the water looks real :O
Great work on the waves.
nicely done, i really this. the only small crit i have is i think the crest of the waves and the foam would be a bit more white.