boardsintermediateMages Three
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drawn in 1 hour 29 min with OekakiBBS
pyrobarbie (Jun 11, 2003)
finised!^o^ *finally figured out how to layer** hehehehe this was a request from my sis krystal....well these our..our characters ...i'm pyro (of course) with thefiary red hair..and then there's krystal and raven...well guys whatcha think? ^ ^
pyrobarbie (Jun 11, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
pyrobarbie (Jun 11, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
icybluecub (edited Jun 11, 2003)
lol! Kc! It's us for real! (i'm krystal) Kc- pryo, liz- raven. now i've got to get working on the rest of this story now huh? Thanks, i love this pic! *hugs* ... I MISS RAVEN!
donnajoe (edited Jun 11, 2003)
What is with the eyes... they are alot better before you add'd color....and the faces i think are very bad cause you ned to spend more time on blending the face tone. not just one straight tone. the mouths as i can se are in the process of being done. And add a pretty lil' neclace on the middle person. would e very cute...keep at it. and you got it...i know its better than what i can do:)and the faces look deformed a lot. fix the hair. the one with the black hair looks like she has a fro. and i know in real she doez'nt
Merulotte (edited Jun 12, 2003)
Hm, donnajoe seems to only comment on the so-called 'bad-things' and never say anything good?
I rather like it. I might try OekakiBBS sometime... If I can ever get around to drawing again. -_-
I like the concept of this.
pyrobarbie (edited Jun 12, 2003)
yea..he does that..he's mean, i luv oekakibbs its great.. thank yous ^.^ *hugs icy** i miss her too !
icybluecub (edited Jun 13, 2003)
*continues to kick dj* He's being a canadian! ~*sry if your canadain, it's a inside joke!*~ SQUEEE~ Squdgit! Yes- Oekakibbs is so much better! I used to not understand it but if you play aorund you get it. byes
eternalraven39 (edited Jun 14, 2003)
we are so cute. I've missed you guys so much when I wa gone. But we love you pyro while your gone. Its so weird without our sister not around! Well we are cute..byes
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