Yes, this is mainly aimed toward the homophobes/gay bashers of this board. I've just seen so much lately that I just have to say something.
Damn, and don't try to pass your flame off just because the art is less than perfect. I see tons of pictures that are below par, and you people just skip right the fuck past them. I came to this goddamn board to avoid drama, but I just can't help this. I hate people who can't accept that people can draw whatever the hell they want. I usually don't take that much of an aggressive stance, but if this is how people are gonna react to pictures, it doesn't look like there's much room for a gay man here.
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drawn in 28 min
and i agree with most of what has been said. im a big homo, but i dont need to shove it in everyones face and complain when they dont like it... sure, some people wont like it and you have to learn to respect that. but theres a level of agreeing to disagree. by no means are you not welcome. not everyone will come give you hugs and puppies, but thats the same with anyone in any community.
im still not sure where you got the idea that theres not "much room for a gay man here". i know several gay men that are on here, they just dont have to announce it. :P theres lots of people that draw yaoi. ive seen tons of it. tons and tons. my bets are that 90% of 2draws active members are 12-17 year old girls that go OMG! YAOI! YAY!
this is the internet, kids. people have their opinions. try to have a little bit of a sense of humor.
if youre referring to this, the inital comment was referring to straight girls ANYWAYS, not gay men... i dont see what the uproar is about. sure it wasnt the most polite comment, but it wasnt even directed at gay men.
nobody said you couldnt draw whatever you want. but that doesnt mean you can expect people to be opinionless on what you draw. this isnt a strictly gay/yaoi/anime community so not everyone will enjoy the art in the same way you do. but there are tons of boards where this stuff is commonplace if you wanted to look for one. that being said, youre equally welcome here, you'll just find same-minded people on those boards.
Why should you go to someone and say "your pic sucks! It's (example) Naruto and Sasuke having sex, this is so gross!! I think I'm gonna puke!!" blabla...What's constructive about that? It doesn't help anyone! Is it just because it's Yaoi? Shota? Gay pr0n? WTF people... Other people here draw stuff it's so badly drawn, I sometimes feel like telling them off "why even bother? It's lousy anyway..." but why should I be such an asshole? They posted their stuff here because they like to draw and would like to share it with others! Same for those who draw Yaoi, there are enough people here who LIKE Yaoi! If you want to flame people for drawing Yaoi, then flame unskilled people too because their anatomy sucks...
But I think,it's just because you're assholes/homophobes whatever who just have nothing better to do than flame!
And Assil62, why should SHE scroll past the comments given for HER drawing? That makes no sense...
btw. I rememer one girl, she drew Yaoi here and got flamed for it, then she drew a hentai (girl x man) and got lots of good feedback...weird
But on a less serious note, you actually can't draw whatever you want on 2draw despite what some people might say. In fact, 90% of the crap posted gets deleted. So that leads me to believe we are quite crapaphobic. I think the key problem in "Naruto and sasuke having sex" is the "naruto" part. I mean for crying out loud, 90% of the people here can't draw anime worth crap, and I'm sure there are plenty of japanese artistics committing suicide over the junk posted here every day.
HunterKiller: That's what we're all saying the whole time...but no one actually keeps to it.
drawn in 5 min