She looks like she is going to touch your nose when you look at this. A mysterious white spot appeared in the last version, up on the top right by her head. This is amazing.
this is admirable. only suggestion I can think is a better transition into the background. it's a bit too disjunct, lacking flow. I can't decide if I like the white dot or not, but even so, great execution overall.
great job Dan, one of your finest, and there are lot's of those. I think the focal field is what I like best, plus a beautiful young lady is always a pleasure to look at.
I just read recently that japanese people think big eyes are attractive, so some people have surgery to make them bigger. Like Ayumi Hamasaki. This girl's eyes look a little big too..
I dunno, I think some Japanese girls have naturally bigger eyes. It's hard to think all the people with bigger eyes over there have all undergone surgery.
well, it's a fact that some do have surgery, but yeah I guess some have bigger eyes. Though normally japanese eyes are just like small slits. Theres kind of a big difference there. NOT THAT I HATE HER EYES, I love em.
Small slits??? Have you ever been to Japan? I think for the most part, they have average eyes unless they're like old or something. If you look at teens though, they probably have average size eyes. Some girls there also have bigger eyes like this picture though. How do I know? I've been there more than enough times :).
well eyes can look bigger if you put makeup on a certain way. even if some eyes are average, I still think these ones in the picture look larger than normal, comparing them to lots of pictures I've seen of everyday people in Japan. Just my opinon :o
Hey, I really give up commenting and stuff after I had a walk through the show case. I have no words left, on this or other works- I'm not sure if those wonderful works are inspiring or discouraging lol. This is amazing work.
drawn in 2 hours 11 min
great work
drawn in 56 min
drawn in 37 min
This looks amazing. I agree with SneakyWalter, she looks Japanese. This picture's so beautiful, and the girl's so cute.
drawn in 47 min
drawn in 59 min
drawn in 6 min
congrats on the showcase
wowza <3
drawn in 12 min
i wish i could draw that well
(and people in japan dont' have "slit" eyes, that's a stereotype :D)
raise your hand if you love using references! this is a spectacular piece axil
You're good.
drawn in 3 min
drawn in 46 sec
Wait.....It wont be here much longer??? WAIT WHY?????????? I liked It ;~;
Shes pwertyfull!!!!!! Japanese girls are so cute ^^
Yeah...and? Reference only proves how perfectly he did the pic!
"Wait.....It wont be here much longer??? WAIT WHY?????????? I liked It ;~; "
I think the "It" was referring to the unwanted troll 'ihatenkrs', not the drawing. ^^
Beautiful art. I envy your ability to do perspective so well. u.u; I need to practice.
But yeah. Axils the best
You're fantastic.