Date of Birth:
Apr 29, 2008
Last Access:
Jan 14, 2012 |
This user has chosen not to submit a profile, so here are some random ideas instead. Courtesy of the idea box.
Suring you could be drawing a worthless jerk handling a robot, right now? Or a plaid magnet kissing a cartoon character? Or a defined tin can thinking, with one thought in mind? Or a tin turtle galloping on a hot dog with a rabbit? Or a singer trotting on a train? Or a frog? |
If there is a favourite system here, I would add Dorsy69's gallery to my favourites :D I really love...
Sep 17, 2008 |
wooow!!! This is more than wonderful!
Sep 15, 2008 |
This is really really really really really really... *gasb*... beautiful! :D
Aug 27, 2008 |
LOl thanks, but I'm afraid that so far, I have no idea lool
Aug 23, 2008 |
I was completely unaware that this actually had comments :O Thank you both
Aug 23, 2008 |