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totori (Sep 8, 2005)
Vincent!!! I just recently did a collab' w/ a bunch of fellow artists and one of the lovelies did a chibi of Vincent... I've never drawn him before so I'm giving it a shot. ^.^Thanks for the insperation!!!
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drawn in 54 min
Oh.... any suggestions on the the hair? Of course it's not done yet but I'd like some ideas on how to continue it. ^.^
You're welcome for the inseration! ^_^
Wow, this is the first time I've ever inspired someone with my art. O_O;
Vincent Valentine is mine. <3 <3 <3
Along with Sephiroth.
Sephiroth:No, you belong to me, got it?
Yes Sephiroth-sama. TT_TT
*steals both Sephiroth and Vincent from Sanzogirl and Violet-flowers, stuffs them into the closet of Bishies and locks the door* Bwahahahahaha *guards holding frying pan of doom* XD
*Digs a tunnle under the closet and grabs Sephiroth and Vincnet* Muhahahaha!
Nya~ <3
Mine. <3
drawn in 49 min
But I wonder... why are there black lines appearing all over his face? I guess I'll just have to delete them somehow. ^.^; Anyways. Off to work on my friend's birthday present. *woot*
* grabs Cloud out of the closet* Maybe you can draw Cloud next >> << * shifty eyes* * dances with shifty eyes*
You're slow. :D
Let me have that!!! *takes frying pan back from BSOD* You need to be an experienced pan-handler to control this puppy *flips frying pan around like a professionl tumbler* XP
Back to work on this.... *sigh* this new college of mine is just taking up to much time. ^^; I hope you guys are still around after all this time. *hopes*
drawn in 55 min
I'll come back later and try this again. I think the more I try the worse it gets. >.< *runs off to draw a Pandect fanart*