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Showcase entry!
Sererena (May 26, 2003)
It looks like a badly-executed watercolor! Believe it or not, this is what my watercolors actually look like... blurry, blotchy, scratchy and sketchy! Blah, oh well.
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your pictures always have such an interesting texture
But anyway, here's how I did the texture:
1. get a 1px solid brush, full opacity and full flow, and turn the spacing to max.
2. Select an off-white color
3. Make a new additive layer at about 40% and put it on top of your drawing.
4. Zoom waaaaaay out, and just make a bunch of horizontal lines on this layer, moving back and forth, down the page.
5. Repeat this with vertical and diagonal lines until you are satisfied with the texture.
6. Clone the layer, and make this new layer Multiply. Put it BELOW the additive layer.
7. Now zoom waaay in, and use the move-layer tool to move the layer up one pixel and right one pixel.
8. Play with the opacity of each layer until you are satisfied. You may have to darken the multiply layer a bit. Do this b grabbing a big burn brush and, using even strokes, softly darken the texture on this layer.
I should add keyboard moving for the move tool, I needed the other day myself.
Ah well, looks good anyway. Thanks again for a great progrem!
it looks like its panted on stone
like a chalkpainting like some of them streetartist make
very beautifull
It looks like it was drawn on a napkin and a old english painting at the same time =D
dont you erver criticise yourelf again!