This is perfect... such a great capture of an expression..I;ve felt like that often..(mostly on the way to work when the cars won't move) great picture.
New laurael pic :)! Those wrinkles are really interesting......not to mention that my attention goes to it immediately cause it's somewhat of a lighter color compared to the rest of the piece. Great expression for sure. Get that extra space so I can see what you were gonna do with it :)!
Hmm...yes...nice way to put that about the wrinkles. ;)
That's what I wanted to fix, not to mention the nose and ears and...well...a lot of stuff. Okay, then...onto the next...
This is incredible! *imitates: "the pain... the pain!! I can't take it anymore!!" rips hair out* hehe That's how he lost his hair. He really does possess the insane-o-maniac person due to the wrinkles and the wide mouth.
Wrinkles can be so hard, but you seem to have handled them beautifully...I appreicate you taking on such a challenging expression. The tones of the colors also work really nicely. :)
drawn in 2 hours 43 min
That's what I wanted to fix, not to mention the nose and ears and...well...a lot of stuff. Okay, then...onto the next...