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two-na (edited Aug 3, 2005)
I want to write this for I feel sadness inside. I think I am the only one with true wishes, and here is what I wish for: I wish I had a friend, I wish I did not have to deal with knowing I am dealing with this.
I only have support, I don't have anybody really.. I can't believe people think surviving is good enough. I am feeling horrible, I have nothing. I want someone and I have nobody, I don't even know anybody here, hardly anybody and I don't know why.. I'm so deep and interesting and if you met me you'd know this. Why does nobody care about me? I have more wishes, I wish people would care about me. Why can't someone care about me? Shame is taught, people are afraid to talk to me because I speak extremely purely and pure-speak is weird. People feel shame to be weird, therefore they do not talk to me. Shame is taught, people feel shame to be around me. I wish people would not feel shame to be around me. I wish people can find it in themselves that the universe has a lot to say to them, and listening to the universe is without evil, and that evil is learn. We have to find it in ourselves to see that faith in the universe is tuning into the universe, and that simple words that happen before more complicated understanding are not true because they bring comfort. I want all this for people, because I care for people.. yet, they do not care for me and I am around them all the time. I wish they would stop treating me like this. I wish they would see that the way you treat others is the most important thing. The most important thing, and is this way more important than man made society which is simpler than strength in the way you treat others. |
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Nightmare (Aug 3, 2005)
Im supposed to comment on this...analysis of your general world perspective? |
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two-na (edited Aug 3, 2005)
i just want love,
do you feel shame to love me because of what you said, what you believe, what you do through free will, what you have learned, what you fear do we love people who can be loved? I can be loved I can love I am love. there is no condition to love me, other than being loved back. |
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Kenshin (Aug 3, 2005)
I'll be your friend :3
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Gigandas (Aug 3, 2005)
I really don't mean to provoke you by saying this, but I prefer my friends weren't people who sounded as if they were preaching to me whatever it may be that they want to say. But then again, not everyone is me, so I'm sure there are plenty of people who'd like to be your friend. I'm not saying who you are is bad, just doesn't fit 'me' is all...
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Kenshin (Aug 3, 2005)
I didn't preach, why aren't you my friend? >_>;
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Knockoff (Aug 3, 2005)
Hey, two-na, don't feel bad. I always try to get on aim once in a while to see how you are doing. I remember for quite sometime I was talking to you, and then I forgot to log back on to aim. :\ But bro, just send me a memo or something reminding me to sign on more often.
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inatyrb (Aug 3, 2005)
I try to make freinds a lot. That's why I am always on. I will admit i didn't understand what you wrote very much. I'm not intellegent in the writing-ish area. Math and Science. Anyways, I have always had a hard time making freinds. My mom gets upset at me because I dont have many freinds. She wants me to make freinds like everywhere. Well I'm happy with what I have personally, just be yourself. That's what I do.. er.. ish, or something or other. Anyways, If you want to talk to me feel free. I would love more people to chat with! ^^ I can be very interesting too, and actually I can actually hold intellegent conversations. Lol. IM me on aim, my screename is: Inatyrb. ^^ |
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two-na (edited Aug 3, 2005)
Fear of sounding philosophical.
Preach to me, i have no shame. We can learn something. Life is serious, let's speak seriously, the way we are meant to be in a serious universe that is the boss of me. Have you shame, then desire to not be my friend. But when you shrug you shrug me away, and that hurts. The way you speak to others is a part of the way you treat others. So then what does one do about primitive language in a serious universe? |
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15grifficorntears (Aug 3, 2005)
ummmm......your weird....no offense but it sounds like your needs are greater than what i feel comfortable catering to. you sound like a very clingy person and that's not what i look for in a friend. plus it's a good life skill to be able to live without anyone.....you won't always have us if you hit rockbottom. so in conclusion, i will not be your friend but don't give up hope there are still 6 billion people out there in the world.
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sephiroth54321 (Aug 3, 2005)
two-na, I think you have a serious problem that needs to be fixed....for one, you don't earn people's respect by acting like "yourself" the world doesn't work that way. You have to either act like everyone else, or you won't get the attention of others. On the other hand, if you act like yourself, you will be respected only by the people like yourself...which will make you part of a crowd that is hated and ignored. that's about as easy as I can put it, so you have to decide what you want......
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Xodiak (Aug 3, 2005)
Xod can give you all my cyber love if you want! >;D >;D *wink* *wink*
|XOD| |
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two-na (edited Aug 3, 2005)
The way others are is a shape of communication that is made up in your head. How can you know anything than your own mind?
So it still follows that the way you treat others is the most important thing. Friendship simply is not enough, love is not enough, surviving is not enough, no 'thing' is enough. Limits create the sensation of normality, that way the free-will sensation of comfort may step into your life, becomes your life and is you. Comfort is a learned free-will-sobriety-see-think. |
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Kenshin (edited Aug 3, 2005)
XDDD Silly Xod.
Yeah, I talk to anyone, really o.o; If you have AIM, and you want to chat with dork-o, my screen name is KaikiSayoChan. XD (or if anybody else wants to IM me XD) |
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Zack (edited Aug 3, 2005)
If you want friends, be a friend. Don't expect people to make friends with you. Don't preach at people or treat them like you know more about the universe than they do. Play the conversation game. If you want to go below surface-level conversation, you generally must establish a friendship first. Social rules can be absurd in many situations, but if you don't even try to play by them you will find it very difficult to connect with people at all.
Try to think from other people's perspectives, genuinely. |
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two-na (edited Aug 3, 2005)
How can you know what others know? How can you see from another perspective, you can't! It's made up in our heads. The game is based on things that we all know.
And those things are 'evil'. We make up in our heads the understanding of eachother, like how you are believing you are understanding what I have typed right here. It's all made up in our heads. The best thing you can do is to try to make up a random word that feels like your thoughts. What does it sound like? It's weird, yes. Try it. That is what we used to do a long time ago, but language from interaction has greatly limited us, and we no longer do it. So once again I say we can not know anything but our own mind. Just because evolution is learning, and it has taught us comfort, that does in no way justify survival, and survival does in no way justify itself without seem. If you read a sentence that someone wrote and it sounds right, it does not make it correct, it is only comfortable, and comfort is made up in your head it's evolutions way of keeping you sober. If you just go and read all the sentences that others have written and stay with the ones that sound right, you reinforce your sobriety and you step farther from the truth. You can't know the truth, because the truth is not knowable, all knowable things are of the world so how can the messages of the universe be known? Instead it is only possible to be in unicon with the truth, and at that point you will no longer have free will. |
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Kasha (Aug 3, 2005)
I know I'm probably the last person you want to hear from right now but I think Zach is right. You can be a little too intimidating. I never was ashamed of you and I've always enjoyed the conversations we had, even the small talk. Most importantly, I think you must open up to people one level at a time. I don't think you need to change or any aspect of the matter, just take things slowly. Life shouldn't be rushed and it shouldn't always be serious. Don't think too much, just do.
"many too mind" |
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Zack (Aug 3, 2005)
Responses like that are exactly what I'm talking about, dude. It may be impossible to truly see from someone else's perspective, but that doesn't make the effort worthless.
You can have all the philosophy you want, but philosophy won't take you to the movies or hang out with you. |
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Xodiak (Aug 3, 2005)
You can adopt a little puppy, it will be your best friend ever. <:)
|XOD| |
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Gigandas (edited Aug 3, 2005)
Before reading up on Zack's first comment, I was also going to point out that the preaching way you speak in also makes me feel like you're belittling my intelligence if not saying that you are superior to me. And friends don't have to put up with that kinda treatment...
Btw, consider what you said in this quote you said here: "The way you speak to others is a part of the way you treat others." Good luck though. Cause other than the preaching stuff, I really don't see a problem with being your friend. |
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MoonlitShadow (Aug 3, 2005)
Why are you looking to the universe for knowledge? You don't live in the universe, you live on earth, in a human's world, and if you want to thrive in the human's world with the friends that you want, you must learn from people how to be a person, not from the universe, or anything else.. So you should listen to what these people are telling you... What they say is pretty much right, anyways. =\
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two-na (edited Aug 3, 2005)
These are all the reasons why nobody can speak to me, because they have shame.
Shame of sounding like they are preaching, shame of sounding weird, shame of seeming weird, shame of some anything that is learned. All these things, yet we can not know what others think or even that they do think. Learned, controlled insanity. We have been speaking about god. Everybody has learned to avoid god in shame, and by avoiding god they avoid me in shame. They avoid the truth of the universe. The time we are in right now is necessary. Now we are in a place in time that is very important and necessary where we have an opportunity to re-discover god. How evil it is that we treat the present and the act of guessing the future as comfortable, and this way perceive the future and present more than the past. Our actions will last forever Re-discovering the truth about god and how we treat eachother will happen soon anyway. Everything you learn you make up in your head. You just learned something~ you formed your own understanding by yourself alone. All bad things, free will. We can become god, embrace god, re-discover god, or we can have free will and do what we have learned and in shame avoid it. |
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Shoebox (Aug 3, 2005)
"New Movie" was the greatest! "Quote" was so hilarious, wasn't it?"
"You are living in shame. Let's discuss the complexities of life in a serious and contemplative manner." "... We're in a theatre lobby..." "Stop avoiding me by hiding behind your shame." "..." But seriously... I like a good discussion as much as the next person, but there's a time and place for everything.. unloading your whole life on a person the second they say hi isn't exactly the road to friendship.. That, and you make no sense... now, I'm not the greatest at following a thread, but last I checked, you were not the all-knowing being of the universe. In essence, you come across as a self-righteous ("Everybody has learned to avoid god in shame, and by avoiding god they avoid me in shame."?) windbag (if you'll pardon the expression) with a penchant for looking down on anyone that isn't you.. I'll ramble longer than anyone I know and you can quote that, but I don't purport to be relating illuminating and prophetic revelations. Nothing against'em, you understand, but sometimes people just don't want that kinda thing crammed down their throat with every passing moment... Ah well.. probably shouldn't get into this, honestly I find it amusing, but y'know me, if I've got two cents I've gotta get rid of'em somehow... |
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Gigandas (edited Aug 3, 2005)
Alright, now you're just sounding exactly like those preachers on television persuading you to follow them. I can't stand people who do that and it pisses me off too. I refuse to give into such persuasion (or manipulation as I see it).
And I must say, I agree with Shoebox after reading your responses to helping you out... |
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two-na (edited Aug 3, 2005)
if you can not re-discover, comunication will never develop, you will never be my friend, you will never love, you will never know the truth, you will never know god all because of your choice to avoid god, your choice to deny me. free will
and you will remain an individual, in fear of becoming a robot to the universe the individual does not exist, why fear becoming a robot to the universe when that is learned? and you have claimed I look down on others.. shame leads to all these things why do you all treat me like this forgetting that the way you treat others is the way you treat yourself, you are god, you deny yourself, you deny me, you deny the universe, you deny god |
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Gigandas (edited Aug 3, 2005)
But I'm Atheist, two-na. You'll never ever convert the world over to Christianity, so you're wasting your time to try and do so. And if you're trying to bring God to others who may be of other religions, they shouldn't have to respect you cause you obviously don't respect them. I don't even have the need to know the 'truth.' I don't need the 'truth' to go on with my life...
That is correct, 'I' deny God. |
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misterjimsan (Aug 3, 2005)
I don't understand anything in this thread. Can somebody translate for me? I feel like there's some sort of philosophical discussion going on, but I can't tell.
All I know is that acting like a philosopher will get you nowhere...except the unemployment office. |
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Gigandas (Aug 3, 2005)
Well, whatever it is....I think Shoebox pretty much covered what he needed to hear...
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two-na (Aug 3, 2005)
gigandas, but if i really am not converting the world over to christianity then you are making it up in your head, and anybody who believes you, will believe comfort and never have faith.
To go on with your life in a society that has been made to abuse the process of life, by using your energy to instruct yourself in survival, you never truly survive because you never know the truth and instead believe comfort. The truth is not knowable, language is based around free-will therefore it remains a struggle to destroy it. And respect, how could I be a robot to the universe and know about respect when knowing is of the individual not the robot? The way I speak is the way I treat others, I am showing you all the truth, and I am showing my brothers and sisters the communication of the universe. This goes beyond the man made term respect, I love everybody. |
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Shoebox (edited Aug 3, 2005)
Woah woah woah, hold on there a minute fella... I uh, I'm not God... and it's my sincerest conviction that you're not God, and Sam in the corner over there.. nope, he's not God either...
And the fact that your are telling me what I will and will never do, simply because I don't happen to agree with your, ah... quite interesting hypothesis, and saying I deny God... that's all rather ludicrous. I'm Christian, and the whole point of that is to accept God.. and while there's nothing wrong with ol'e Bob that works the cash register at Mcdonalds, he's not God.. So, sorry boy-o, I guess I never will be your friend, and don't that just beat all? |
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Xodiak (Aug 3, 2005)
Is there anywhere I can subscribe to become a God? Are there any qualifications? And is it a good paying job? <:)
|XOD| |
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Kasha (Aug 3, 2005)
There is this computer game my friend gave me called Black and White. You can be a god in that game and decide if you want to do good or bad. :) OOoh, it's a good game. Sometimes I like to toss people in the ocean. lol
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Shoebox (Aug 3, 2005)
I've heard so, but the hours must be terrible, holding the universe together day in and day out...
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Gigandas (Aug 3, 2005)
Okay, but since we have different beliefs, the truth isn't a necessity for me. I dunno why you're wondering why we won't be your friend if you want to tell us to do everything you say. You're treating us as if we're your underlings (or robots) and you're telling us (or programming us) to do whatever you see fit. We are humans just like you. We think for ourselves as you do. And you're not always gonna be right about everything being a human so I would stop trying to sound as if I am. I mean if you knew everything about the world, why don't you go do something more useful like inventing cures for illnesses we have yet to discover cures for? Or maybe come up with the most efficient way to do something about poverty around the world. If you could do that, I'm sure the victims to those situations will have affection for you in return.
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Renuar (edited Aug 3, 2005)
Two na.
You ‘want’ more attention, you ‘want’ to be appreciated, you ‘want’ more friends, you want to share, personal insight/beliefs, you want to be understood/agreed with. Of course all these things make life sweeter. But there are numerous ways to achieve these things, and the dictatorial way in which your currently express yourself is not doing you any favours. It can appear to be overly ‘self righteous’, if not plain arrogant. However, I do recognise that you are sincere in your attempts to enlighten people to 'your world'. I can appreciate this, but…in future, I suggest you try revising your methods of verbal communication. Delivery is most important. |
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two-na (Aug 3, 2005)
Be an individual and create your destiny with the free will to make choices to do all that you feel comfortable doing.
You were always going to do it. |
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Renuar (edited Aug 3, 2005)
to whom was that statement aimed at?
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Gigandas (edited Aug 3, 2005)
I don't think being an individual goes quite so far that you start talking like you're the 'master of the universe' and making people feel like they're inferior to you...that only pushes people away. It doesn't do the opposite.
You know, it almost sounds as if you're trying to make friends so that you'll have a greater influence on them when attempting to bestow your beliefs onto them... |
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MoonlitShadow (edited Aug 3, 2005)
I'm a Christian too, and I'm not really liking all this talk you're spouting out, now. =\ God is not the universe, and nobody is God but God himself.. Do not say that you are God, and that by denying you, we are denying God, and have no faith. It causes me to feel you challenge me in my religion. =\ You will not be the one to judge whether I am truely faithful or not, only God will, and you are not God.
And if the Truth is not knowable, how can you be showing us this Truth? Are you saying you know this Truth that is not knowable? Just because you know the Truth, does not mean you are God, either. And what do you mean by a robot to the universe? Do you serve a vast expanse of nothing? And you say you wish you had a friend, and everything that has been told to you is to help you make friends. But I don't think you just want a friend, I think what you really mean is you want someone who thinks like you do, who has this same knowledge as you, who will understand exactly what you're talking about, and won't think you are strange for it. But you say you can not know what others think, meaning no one can know what you are thinking, which means you've trapped yourself to be alone forever, as the only friends you want are ones who know what you're thinking, and know what you know. =\ If you really want friends, you can not be so picky about them, you can not only want friends who think like you do, especially when no one can know what anyone else is thinking, or else you will be alone and friendless forever, and it will be your own doing. You must be more open minded, and let people believe what they want, just as they will let you believe what you want. Everyone is different, and thinks differently, and you can not persuade everyone to know what you know, a lot of people are too ignorant, and others just might not feel that what you know is right. Anyways, I'm starting to ramble on. >>;; Mainly what I am trying to say is that if you want friends, you can't expect all of them to believe and know what you do. =\ Edit: This thread is going fast.. o-o;; Or I just took a very long time to write.. >>;; First he says there is no such thing as an individual, but now he's saying to be an individual? =\ He's being contradicting.. |
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friend (edited Aug 3, 2005)
Wow this forum is very sad. Yes
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kejoco (edited Aug 3, 2005)
I believe you are pretention personafied
I think this is your biggest flaw right here I'm so deep and interesting You write sentences that are a lot of double talk and you contradict your self quite a bit throughout your whole spiel on here. Stop trying to sound deep by writing a bunch of nonsense that goes no where but sounds like its desprately trying to say something. I felt bad for you after your initial post but from there you cornered yourself off from everyone else. If you're lonely and sad its a self-imposed loneliness. You sound like you've read some philosophy without anyone to guide you and therefore don't understand what you've read. Do yourself a favour, go out, get drunk, get laid and live life as it is. Or, if thats not your thing do something you like to do. Life is a sum of your experiences...thats about it, Stop looking for a deeper meaning and enjoy it. |
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15grifficorntears (Aug 4, 2005)
I don't think two-na is really listening to us, he just keeps rambling on with no specific end in mind. i personally think you should get up off your computer, go to the park, and make a good friend. people who try to form friends or relationships over the internet are wacko, no offence to those who have healthy relationships XP. two-na you need to get out more.
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Shoebox (Aug 4, 2005)
._. I'm tremendously hurt now ... .. I.. almost called you friggincorn XD which really ruins the whole effect of the dramatized traumatized-ness I was about to unleash.
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Gigandas (edited Aug 4, 2005)
Hmm, what good is a friend if they just tune us out even before we form a friendship with them? That's not right...
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Cordelia_Pink (edited Aug 4, 2005)
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Zack (Aug 4, 2005)
Question: When did Two-na ever say he was Christian or bring up Christianity?
Answer: He didn't. |
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Kloxboy (Aug 4, 2005)
Zack: Good point.
Some of you are making unfounded judgments. |
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marcello (Aug 4, 2005)
I just want to say holy freaking crap that is a huge mass of text without paragraphs. They should have laws against that.
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DinoFlorist (Aug 4, 2005)
And those things are 'evil'. Has anyone seen the Waterboy? That is a great movie, and that reminded me of that Lousiana Momma. 'Lilttle girls are the devil!" |
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Xodiak (edited Aug 4, 2005)
The confiscating eternality of the transcending human soul conflicts with the emanative nature of the omnipotent uppermost being, or beings, or not. Transferring the arcanum of a relationship between sheep genes and individuality results in an acapnotic combination of physical, emotional and constructible stress. Having relaxed the thoughts of kaleidoscopic entropy spinning around the core of a carousel, a person cannot collide with sensible visual oracles that reveal the true nature of infinity, or not. Do not be afraid to reveal the schizoid personality of unbearable autism to the graves of the unborn children, their silence will be your only friend among the other so called mothers. Mercy, laxative and urea will be appreciated by angels below the age of consent and hirsute devils who seek the battle of stars in marbles coated with radioactive saliva. The exothermic administration will guide you in the quest for French cheese and God, absolutely. How many statues of Liberty do you really carry inside your brain neurons? A ton? A centimetre? Or 2.59 times pi? Beware of the gallbladder tumor because only a fool would not have it operated by a new and improved chordate. Let the rays of the sun, the waters of the dirty sewers who sew beautifully and the approximation of a lunatic acanthostega, embalm the imprint of your left eye in the magma of a childhood that was not much enough little. If your desire for love is beyond sunflowers and seaweeds, trust me, or them, or her and make a plutonian experiment; follow my words carefully backwards, with hope of despair in your nostrils and you will make many of none abominable friends with three legs and an eloquent carotid. I assure you that it works, or not.
|XOD| |
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marcello (Aug 4, 2005)
Hah, just little girls? ;)
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Kloxboy (Aug 4, 2005)
XOD: Your comment is like a surreal painting put into words. The rhythm of your rant is similar to that of a Jean-Paul Sartre piece (he's a famous existentialist) . Of course, your rant is far from having any existentialist content. Sartre believes only nonfiction writers are truly engaged and that artists are only scratching the surface of engagement. I think he's tricked himself into believing he's a robot, obsessed with process and absent of human emotions.
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Renuar (Aug 4, 2005)
Xod! that was awesome. you should talk like that more often, start a blog or somthing :)
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two-na (Aug 4, 2005)
One good thing I want to tell you people. Thoughts are actions. A think is a see, the see occurs before think but think happens before see. What comes first, what you see or what you think? When think is without free will, see is without free will. Free will happens after see, see happens before think, and then see happens again.
It is hard dealing with people in this social reality. They see only the social reality since they are blinded by free will--free will happens after and onto all that they see. You'll never feel such a feeling until before you lose your free will. I think this is what I am going through.. but until then I will have all the sees and thinks that beg to remain measurements of good, bad, sad and the etc. And until then I'll be vulnerable to the sees and thinks that are measurements of all those things that which float around me very closely. Remember we are surrounded by evil.. A whole world of free will. That is a lot of evil. That is a lot. And in the truth, there is no think, no see, they are learned too : ) cordelia, thanks |
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Truearashi (Aug 4, 2005)
listen dude, I wouldn't mind being your friend and all, I mean, if you got msn then you could just add me. But you do sound like you want people to love you from the moment you log on, and you know; that's kind'a a hard thing to do for a normal person.
I mean, I'm not saying that it's coz of you, sure; there might some people out there who have been a piece of shit against you, but that's just life. A lot of people go though life feling lonely. wait ... I turned right a place I should have turned left, anyway *shrug* I can't tell you what to do, but from what I've see you sound a hell of a lot like you're lonely coz you chose to be, maybe without knowing it. where am I going with this: easy, If you really need a friend then hey, I can be here, no problem, but things have to grow you know.. besides_: you have to LET people care. *shrug* guess that's all I wanted to say >_> |
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Cordelia_Pink (Aug 4, 2005)
Let's see, there's a cycle here: Thoughts to Destiny. Whatever "ye sow, ye shall reap." Something like that.
Thought shapes your actions. Action shapes your character. Character shapes your destiny. A think is a see and then a do. The do is started from the think and then the see. The do will affect your destiny, your whole life. Think-see or see-think; same thing with chicken-egg, egg-chicken. What's with you and free will? Free will was given to us in order to learn, progress, to live and without it, we are dead, like robots would don't possess a brain and a heart and can never possess the same capability as a human. You won't lose free will until you get shot on the head. Free will isn't evil and the world isn't surrounded by evil but rather good yet poisoned by foolish deeds, and wrong choices. It lets evil enter into this world because a person can choose good or bad. For all I know is that only God knows what's in our hearts, and our thoughts; evil can't get inside our minds and only through our actions can it be shown. Ya know? lol Well, that's enough rambling for now. |
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two-na (edited Aug 4, 2005)
cordelia, : )))) you are a butterfly in my mind
a think is a see and then a do, yes or a see is a think and then a do, yes we discover that this is what free will is: free will happens after see however it happens before think, the cause of what you do. this is the process, but the process itself is bad. here is how: the same way of seeing things creates all your memories(you begin to believe your perception does not change, for example, do you think your perception has changed? The reason for this is that you rely on this dellusion to feel comfortable), each memory has a time value to it.. the stronger memories that you have are the greatest goodness you have, for example being kind and moral values(recall that good and bad are the same and why they are). However, language has no time value to it, or the time value is very far meaning that this memory is not in your active memory.. either way, all memories are created for survival and that is all they are for.. you can not have any memory that you want, you have to survive and all other memories are of the world.. HOWEVER, surviving is not good survival is bad because survival thrives on all things that you can do that are comfortable, but all things you have done become comfort once they are a memory with a time value.(and where we have already been forced to learn language and free will, etc, we are stuck in ignorance because the only thing we can do is something you do : ))))))) The process is proof that our perception is modified. all that others do to me are all bad because all that people do to me are things that you do. By the way, even if I don't make it through these next few days of my life, just know that it is very true that we are in sin, and you can not do anything to get out of sin because sin is do. Sin is do, you can not do anything without a learned see. So now i get to ask the question: how do you get out of this life without choosing to? |
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Xodiak (Aug 4, 2005)
So you are saying that you going to commit suicide?
|XOD| |
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dreaminSTARgirl7 (Aug 4, 2005)
well..i guess the only way to get out of this life without choosing to is to have it taken from you..or basically to die without causing your own death..but why ask that question..is it because you are unsatsified with the life you have now?? ohh and about that sin thing..i mostly agree with you..it is human nature to sin..you never have to teach a little kid how to be mean...you always have to teach them how to be good...but the thing i we have free will to decide whether we want to sin... abd when you said we have been forced to learn language..i guess that is partly true..but some of it you naturally pick up because of the need and want to be able to communicate...
freefall (Aug 4, 2005)
it is my opinion that children are very smart until we 'teach' them so much.
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dreaminSTARgirl7 (Aug 4, 2005)
i agree with that too...only most people wouldnt consider it smart because they cant measure the "smart-ness" of a small child...or they think of smart in a different way..
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Cordelia_Pink (Aug 5, 2005)
The answer: Look for someone who happens to be your worst enemy and then make the best out of it to make their life a living hell. Might take a while for that to happen but eventually they'll plan to kill you. lol
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Xodiak (Aug 5, 2005)
Or you can go in Iraq for vacations. <:)
|XOD| |
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Gigandas (edited Aug 5, 2005)
I think if you go on living your life always trying to be so risk-free of sin or whatnot, you'll never be able to do or experience anything worth living for. If you enjoy living life so uptight, I guess it's fine, but if not, you really should loosen up some.
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HunterKiller_ (Aug 5, 2005)
I have no idea what this thread is about but i just wanted to participate anyways.
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solve (Aug 5, 2005)
me too hunterkiller. speaking of shame.....
i peed in a pool once. i cant say much two na, other than somethings you already know. solitude isnt so bad. i mean its close to death but meh, not so bad. im sure there are people you just have to meet who would like to be your friend. |
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inatyrb (Aug 5, 2005)
Sorry Xod, I wanted to read that, but after reading like the first sentence and not understanding like 5 words, I gave up. Lol. Like I said, vocabulary is not my strong point.
I'm not sure whats being said here. I read hes inforcing christianity on people. Which is wrong. Then i read he never said that. Now, I think what's going on here is that people are talking about looking at other perspectives, but are still focused on what their perspective. Like only a small amount of people actually look at different perspectives. You know that? Only a small amount. I haven't found one yet, like actually met someone. Now, I don't mind being someones friend. Lol. I like having friends. But if a friend consist of thinking the way they do, and talking about life as we know it, then count me out. I live life the way i want, not worrying about it. Oh, and Sephiroth you said something competely out of your ass. You were either A) being stupid, and poser like, or B) completely judgmental. for one, you don't earn people's respect by acting like "yourself" the world doesn't work that way. You have to either act like everyone else, or you won't get the attention of others. On the other hand, if you act like yourself, you will be respected only by the people like yourself...which will make you part of a crowd that is hated and ignored.What the hell are you talking about? The only way to be liked in this world is if you pretend to be like everyone else? No, that's called being fake. Or if you are who you are then you won't be liked. WTF!! Your judging him. Yeah, he might be hated by some people, but so are you, and me, and everyone else in the world. Your basically saying that he is a hated person, and anyone like him. Thats shit. OMG, hes himself. *gasp* I"m sorry, I try not to get pissed, but what you said is a bunch of shit!! |
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Cordelia_Pink (Aug 5, 2005)
yeah I'm glad you noticed that Marcello. *rolls eyes* Maybe you should post that rule here.
I totally agree with what you said, inatyrb. That sounded condescending and so 'non-liberal' of him to say that one can not gain respect by being "yourself" when what we've been taught when we were young (least that's what I think we've been taught) is to best "be yourself" rather than be someone else or else you won't gain any trust or respect. Some people might have been driven to think that if we wore masks, our true identity would be hidden and we would just be like walking zombies always in agreement with other people or feel more comfortable when we are just like everyone else (or dare not be different). And I'm glad you pointed that out, glad to see that someone else has noticed that because I read all the other posts and forgot to say something about that. two-na: "all that others do to me are all bad because all that people do to me are things that you do." You may just have misinterpreted what they said to you and they're probably not "all bad" because that's taking it a little step too far. I still don't agree with you on your views on survival and how much of a disadvantage it is for people to survive in this world. If we do not wish to survive and make some effort in overcoming obstacles, what use is it for us to live in the first place? And what reason to have to live if to survive is not a necessary part of life? How is it that survival is part of being ignorant in order to gain comfort in our lives? That's like saying "don't survive, don't care about your life, let it happen and don't worry about stopping it". Is that what you mean? Our perception has always been the same since the time of the dinosaurs or Caveman or something lol; they attempted to find ways to "survive" so that evolution would take place. Some things will evolve, some will go extinct; like the dodos. Would you want us to turn out like the dodos? Sin is do, you're right. A person can not get out of sin; man is capable of sin, man is prone to sin because we are human and mortality serves imperfection. Now you've been saying that "it's not good to survive" then that also means that you are also trying to survive by not making a sin. It is possible to overcome sin but it would take a lot of work to turn your mind into a clean slate. And again, I also appreciate what you said there about my comment. Also, if you're wondering how to get out of life, it is either your own choice or death will come without warning. You either wait for it to happen or you do it yourself, we always have that free-will and you'll lose it once you leave this place. That is also committing sin, as far as I know, because you're taking out your own life without knowing the importance and the reason that you had to live in the first place and without Death letting you know that it wasn't your time yet. |
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sephiroth54321 (Aug 5, 2005)
So now i get to ask the question: how do you get out of this life without choosing to?Well if your not a frikin idiot like it seems, then you will realize that your not supposed to want to get out of this life. If you hate your life, killing yourself isn't the way, your supposed to try to fix it not destroy it, commiting suicide makes you no better than the bitches who fucked you up in the first place... |
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Cordelia_Pink (Aug 5, 2005)
sephiroth54321, did you read inatyrb's comment? It was referring to your attitude. And I don't think that's an appropriate way of answering that question. You wanna advise him, then calm down. Btw, he's not an idiot, you just don't get what he's saying AT ALL. Try and understand--you're not the only one who's "not getting it". I'm not intending to be on anyone's side but I am amused by the ideas that he tells people. No, it is not right or lawful to commit suicide--it's cowardly and "an easy way out." That's all I have to say now. But please understand and don't jump into a car and drive away without a seatbelt.
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two-na (edited Aug 5, 2005)
How is it that survival is part of being ignorant in order to gain ...we don't survive anymore, we support someone else who thinks they are an individual with free will to feel comfort always. we did not invent money someone else did. when you work you pay taxes, when you buy you pay tax. nothing is free; i went to the grand canyon last week and just because of all the development they were doing there I had to pay 20 dollars just to get in. it was not my idea for them to have restaurants and parkingspots and all the learned things in society which they do because it is comfortable which they do because they think it is survival. i really want to say that I am amazed again at your comments, that's interesting how you said it was non-liberal of the one who said something along the lines of 'you must embrace all the stuff they teach you with an ignorant smile because i think survival is doing what i've learned'... I looked up liberal in the dictionary and found some very interesting contrasting ideas that circled around free will(language : )) adjective: having political or social views favoring reform and progress and another definition: adjective: tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition : ) tolerant of change, not bound by ... tradition. it's eye opening how these definitions show exactly what the modern world is all about, free will and all.. however, being liberal is closest to purity. tolerant of change i think is politically correct because there is a thin line between tolerance and revolution.. I think true purity is acceptance and the embracing of change and fear, where one steps into the truth that is unknown by society(unknown by society so it can not be tolerated because only what can be known is tolerable) so my fellow contemporary... Our perception has always been the same since the time of the dinosaurs or Caveman ...; ) hehehe Survival is ignorance now, there no more survival, you can only do a do, you can not just be. Survival is default, society is learned. which is more liberal? And remember how the definition 'having political or social views' totally limits the person making it seem like your entire mental universe is only a 'view' of an idividual. and remember the other definition 'tolerant of change' is not being acceptant of change since that would be total reform which could not be of the individual's reach.. and remember there is no individual so there can not be any language, but while there is there is ignorance. Back to what you said about 'non-liberal', i think that's very true and amazing. the less pure you speak the less liberal you are.. the larger generalizations of political orthodoxy in a sentence that are away from the truth, the farther from the truth you are. An example is if you hang out with a lot of people who don't talk about the truth, since you are a victim of circumstance because you are human and innocent and innocence has no reason to defend itself, you travel far from the truth. In juxtaposition, if you can continue following--with the previous journey through inductive logic in mind--if you are around people who speak the truth, and the truth is not liberal but beyond liberal(pure) and non-politically correct(meaning not tolerant of but accepting to and embracing of the truth revolution), you will be closer to the truth. |
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solve (Aug 6, 2005)
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Kloxboy (Aug 6, 2005)
Two-na, buddy, in 10, maybe 15 years, you'll be thinking different, I promise you.
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sephiroth54321 (Aug 6, 2005)
sephiroth54321, did you read inatyrb's comment? It was referring to your attitude.sorry, I was just having one of those aggresive moments 0_0 |
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SimplyX (Aug 6, 2005)
I'll be your friend but not a real friend. Besides, it's only the internet.
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two-na (Aug 8, 2005)
Besides, it's only the internet.don't you realize that in the appearance world social reality this post is of lowest of lows? nobody realizes the truth, but it's there and we are so alone that none of you really can ever care about anything than yourselves, only in your mind. |
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Xodiak (Aug 8, 2005)
I possess singing tentacles. Toiletize me if you dare!
|XOD| |
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inatyrb (Aug 8, 2005)
I love you Xod. ^^
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Cordelia_Pink (Aug 9, 2005)
I give up. I give up, two-na. You win. I can't compete with you on this battle anymore. I'm going berserk.
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two-na (Aug 15, 2005)
hehe, nah it's cool. you guys are interesting, i learned about you guys finally, and quite frankly cordelia pink, you are cool.. xodiax, you're funny as hell.. solve, you're a good friend.. kasha i love you.. cloxboy, you're intelligent as hell.. i mean, it's all about this: you either perceive the past or the future.. rad
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Orkdoop (Aug 15, 2005)
What the hell are you talking about? The only way to be liked in this world is if you pretend to be like everyone else? No, that's called being fake. Or if you are who you are then you won't be liked. WTF!! Your judging him. Yeah, he might be hated by some people, but so are you, and me, and everyone else in the world. Your basically saying that he is a hated person, and anyone like him. Thats shit. OMG, hes himself. *gasp* thats not what he was saying. hes saying that you either go along with everyone and they will like you. Or you go your own way and the only people who will like you are the people who ARE like you. and you will be apart of the group of people that other people dont like. |
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davincipoppalag (Aug 15, 2005)
"This above all.. to thine own self be true.." Wm. Shakespeare
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