good, very good...except the mouth is a bit irregular if you know what I mean. But I can't wait for this to be done, as for my Riku collab. I think Sanzo girl did a pretty good job on it sofar. This should be just as good! <:D
well, you said "I think Sanzo girl did a pretty good job on it so far" and she hasn't posted yet, so how would you know? >_>
unless you're like, standing behind her or something
now I know what you're saying >_> she did a good job on your Riku collab...
well I couldn't tell that was what you were saying since you put a period after that....
so I thought they were different sentences ~_~; good punctuation doesn't hurt :3
drawn in 1 hour 30 min
can't wait for this one
unless you're like, standing behind her or something
well I couldn't tell that was what you were saying since you put a period after that....
so I thought they were different sentences ~_~; good punctuation doesn't hurt :3
drawn in 17 min
drawn in 32 min
Safty save. :D
drawn in 25 min
drawn in 16 min
drawn in 11 min
drawn in 16 min
drawn in 9 min
drawn in 1 hour 21 min