boardsintermediateManga Girl
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drawn in 1 hour 54 min with PaintBBS
raenboe (May 17, 2003)
Finally finished!!! I think it's my best yet! C&C Appreciated!
raenboe (May 17, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Xodiak (edited May 17, 2003)
wonderful. it looks like it was drawn with a real pencil. I wish I could give you some critisism but I am unable to give such kind of advise. I can only say that I like the result. >:)
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 17, 2003)
Very nice except...her bangs are a little uneven and her nose is a little strangly shaped, but otherwise good...

EDIT: Ohhh...purple hair. Always a good addition...
raenboe (May 17, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Knockoff (edited May 18, 2003)
O Woow This is very good, Good job Reanboe
raenboe (edited May 18, 2003)
Thanks guys! Y'all are so great! You made my day! *beams* =D
raenboe (May 18, 2003)
drawn in 0sec
Mnemosyne (edited May 19, 2003)
ooh! very nice! I love the bg! I can never decide what to put in them. My only criticism would be that I think her mouth is a bit too far to the left. Other than that, great pic!
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 19, 2003) like attention don't you...? Modesty, raenboe, can make all the difference in the world....(this has nothin' to do with 2draw, all) j/k Anyway, there is no real shading, and the mouth is too far to the left. She's....NAKED! BWEEEEEEEEEEE! But it's okay otherwise...! o__^
raenboe (edited May 19, 2003)
There isn't any shading? There isn't any SHADING???? Yes there is!!!! U see the hair, Allison? that's shading. ANNNDDD...if Xod didn't have anything to really say about it, then it must have shading. (cuz u know he's like a god of the bbs's!!! j/k) I do agree with you and mnem about the mouth, but it gives her character, no? Oh well, I'm sorry I got a hot head. But let me assure(sp) you...there IS shading.... >:[
SandyDexHamtaro (edited May 21, 2003)
Hey! I said it was OK otherwise! Gosh, you're annoying...j/k Besides, I meant the skin...everything hurts your feelings. Get over it! (I'm not PMS-ing) Oh, and, excuuuuuuuuuuuse ME for giving constructive critisizm.
raenboe (edited May 23, 2003)
Excuse yourself!!! Maybe it DID hurt my feelings a little, that's not YOUR problem!!! Everyone has feelings, and maybe some people are a little more sensitive than others, but GET OVER IT!!!!! It sounds like you obviously didn't care that you hurt my feelings.You probably didn't mean for it to hurt me, but it did. Even though it wouldn't hurt you, don't assume that it won't hurt me, okay? I'm sorry about all of this. It's not fun to argue with a best friend. (unless of course it's a PERFECT best friend!!!! Whom can I think of? *cough cough* Natalie *cough cough*) *wink* ;) I hope we ARE still friends, no?
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Jun 6, 2003)
Jessica. Some advice a friend of mine gave me: Even though it didn't hurt you, don't assume it won't hurt me. Remind you of anyone?
raenboe (edited Jun 9, 2003)
Yeah, I said that. So, that's exactly my point. Even though it probably wouldn't hurt you if I said that to you, you assumed it wouldn't hurt me. Must you always find a fault in my drawings?
SandyDexHamtaro (edited Jun 13, 2003)
Hey,hey, hey...I never said all of them stink because none of them do! I don't always find a fault in your drawings. Look back at all my comments on your drawings, and I'm sure that you'll find that I have favored your drawings! And I hope that you do know that your pain is my pain. Now look at my drawings and you'll see that you said some of the same things. Please realize that it hurts my feelings a little when you get mad because of what I said. You learn from your mistakes, raenboe, which is exactly what you have to realize. Maybe you do. Many people have different meanings of what constructive critisizm means. Mine is that you have to be firm and truthful in the critisizm you give and you have to be careful how you say it, because some people are more sensitive than others. Not everyone is going to fall head-over-heels in love with your drawings, so just accept it...=3
raenboe (edited Jun 19, 2003) win. *huffs*
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