O.O I LOVE THE LEMON!!! That is so kick ass!! heh thankyou ;) see glass looks way better now too hehe.. I love the lemon!! its awsome :D w00t this is s much fun heh
Okay okay okay. I need to stop -__- Go at 'em, Danny! :-)
ps. I know the ice and lemon look like you know what.. I'll sharpen 'em up after you do your thing. :-D ....oooorrr You can be all badass and fix up my mess!!! lol
crap.. sorry anna : / now it really looks poop full X . x think you can fix it? my mom is yelling at me to get off.. otherwise I would have gotten a lot more done P.S. feel free to touch up anything heh.. this is so much fun! :D but i wasnt done w/ any of it.. just outlines w/ slight detail so far heh.. so :P yep work on whatever you want! :D
Hey Danny, I'm having some trouble with the lemon. :-S I've just left it cuz I'm not sure what to do with it to make it more realistic. I tried a similar drawing once with limes... yeah, it didn't turn out well and I just deleted. Anyway, so yeah, this lemon is pissing me off like you won't believe. :-(
drawn in 8 min
drawn in 25 min
drawn in 42 min
drawn in 49 min
drawn in 38 min
drawn in 47 min
drawn in 1 hour 26 min
ps. I know the ice and lemon look like you know what.. I'll sharpen 'em up after you do your thing. :-D ....oooorrr You can be all badass and fix up my mess!!! lol
drawn in 1 hour 15 min
drawn in 54 min
Oh! And I'm glad you're back!!!
drawn in 1 hour 30 min
drawn in 1 hour 6 min
Hey Danny, I'm having some trouble with the lemon. :-S I've just left it cuz I'm not sure what to do with it to make it more realistic. I tried a similar drawing once with limes... yeah, it didn't turn out well and I just deleted. Anyway, so yeah, this lemon is pissing me off like you won't believe. :-(
drawn in 1 hour 2 min
drawn in 24 min
drawn in 54 min
drawn in 1 hour 8 min
drawn in 1 hour 41 min