Before you begin continuing, please note the fact that many shades of the color must be used in a descending order from light to dark to attain three-dimensional effectiveness.
Nice so far though. I would change the eyes a bit though.
*agrees w/ Teej* If Knockoff doesn't want eybrows on his pictures, then that's his choice! I always forget eybrows, but most of my pictures don't call for eybrows unless they are realism. And 'the hair sucks'? Well, it's not finished, so he may or may not change the hair. You don't know, so stop assuming. It's called CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, not be as mean as you can while criticizing them! I'm sorry about this, Knockoff. I think your style is original and it's the way you want it to be. I like all your pictures. The expressions are cute!
Sure thing, Knockoff! It looks really cool! I like the bg especially! Has dat 3d look! I can't do skin shading 4 beans! Oh master Knockoff needs to teach apprentice raenboe! j/k
Aww...don't feel bad, Azel! You can help us too! If you do wanna help me (and I know you do!!! ;D) Then you can memo me, cuz I don't wanna clog up poor KO's pic with tutorials! Thanx a bunchies!
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Nice so far though. I would change the eyes a bit though.
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O Thanks raenboe!
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Nobody appreciates the shading I work on for hours. Nobody wants MY help.
Well, the eyes are nicer.