Coming along nice I think :).Only looks like a rough sketch so far, so I don't know where you're going with this yet^^;...I can try giving c&c after ky adds his part in though.All I have for now is, keep going :).
um..u know all 3 are guys Right? Loz, Kadaj & Yazuu brothers.....cause that figure looks kina girly for a guy.....
other than that it`s an awsome pic ^^ !
Hey, this is getting better :).lol, what's with you guys and getting these characters in touch with their feminine side :P?It's well drawn and everything, but it wouldn't hurt to add some gore in for once ;)....
T__T of course i know they're brothers....but i had to make Yazuu more Femme because he's quiet :\
and now he likes daisies >:D
Edit: if Yazuu was a ladeh, i wouldnt like him :\ *frown* *likes pretty femme boys*
well...I attempted a background, failed miserably, entered captions, probably spelled Kadaju's name wrong...i'm stupid *hits self* but now atleast it can be put as finish-ed.... >_>; if Mr.Cello or would like to fix up the background, be my our guest, be our guest XD *smacks self again*
drawn in 46 min
This is cute.. cant wait to see it done.. from the looks of things.. Ky-san if kinda cute
drawn in 45 min
drawn in 28 min
you can color kadaju too if you want :\ *shrug*
drawn in 35 min
drawn in 29 min
sorry ~__~; i'm not good at lineart or coloring.... *cry*
okay :\ so who's gonna do the background?
I love Yazoo's kitty expression ^____^
other than that it`s an awsome pic ^^ !
and now he likes daisies >:D
Edit: if Yazuu was a ladeh, i wouldnt like him :\ *frown* *likes pretty femme boys*
drawn in 15 min
Thanks for your comment on my Seph XD, you're right, it,s too.. bright XD *dies* Oekakis hate me :P
Yazuu: "Kadaju, otouto, Kawaii!" "Kadaj, my little brother, you are so cute!"
Kadaj: "Ani, daikirai....." "big brother, i hate you"
sooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!
Kadaj and Yazuu! :D
I luff Kadaj. =_=