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Showcase entry!
Kasha (Sep 14, 2004)
hi, this is a cherry. No photo reference used and this was done by mouse. Knock off a few minutes because I was taking a shower.
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drawn in 2 min
I'm pretty sure they know it's a joke. Come'on it's kinda obvious! lol
This pic is a JOKE! just a JOKE! this does NOT mean that the board is going to somehow revolutionize the board into super goofoff board, ALRIGHT? Lighten up people. Drawing should be for fun, you guys are taking this whole situation out of context and taking the joy out of creating art. Sorry Lori that you've been working your ass off to get a pic in the showcase. This shouldn't stop you from discontinuing just that.I just don't see why this is such a big deal!!
just end it people. Seriously
you seriously don't know how fast I was typing that. lol.
I like that kirby dance n_n
edit: oh, and ya'll just lighten up... art is life, life is art... it's simple and it's complicated and sometimes it's ugly and sometimes it's pretty. It's all how you look at it. ROFL again. :D
ps: Well said, DBA.
Edit: i mean the Energizer Bunny...i blame it on sleep deprivation....p.s Duracell has a bunny and it sucks compared to the Energizer Bunny :)
1. I, as in MYSELF, thought of this HORRID JOKE.
2.I had NO intentions to "OFFEND" the people who diligently work on their peices hoping to be a showcase entry.
3. This is one harmless joke isn't going to compensate for all the delelted drawings in the advanced board.
4. Like stated before....THIS is NOT, I repeat NOT! going to compeltely change the whole "value" of the showcase board. (keep in mind, it's a joke...TEMPORARY FLING!)
5. WHOEVER, is "offended" by this ugly joke according to Gigandas.... Please, don't be afraid to MEMO me.
dammit, I hate explaining things twice, in this case...it is direly needed.
Whoever you people are, don't be afraid to memo me. I don't bite.
Hopefully we can forget all about this drama crap and kvetch about worthy things.
Edit: lmao @ loose string comment
g'night all! it's been a blast!
You people are hilarious.
Very funny picture Kasha, I think this might be your best one yet! I truly do!
ooooooouccch! my hand kinda hurts still. lol ^^;
w00t. Sweet cherry. Fun comments.
I can pretty much piece it together by the comments that are still there but I feel so.....so.....incomplete
"baby butt paste" haha....i remember that stuff, and now i feel a little disturbed from the memory
DBA: umm...I sure HOPE SO!!
Oh and Congrats Kasha on the 100th. lol :D You're a winnnerrrr!
I also don't know how this could be a joke. I mean, what's funny about it? Showcase entries are something to take pride in; not make fun of.
there's actually quite a bit of skill going behind this picture, and the composition is better than half the pictures on this site.
The picture doesn't even posess all of the elements of art. The Sistine Chapel's ceiling is a masterpiece, and that wasn't created in 2 minutes. It's really a cute and darling little motif, but not a masterpiece for people to read about and be remembered 100 years from now.
ps. A great amount of people think http://www.art54.com/pietmondrain/pictures/009.jpg is art. Done by a vary famous a painter Piet Mondrain. So this whole thing about the sistine chapel is bullcrap and stop posting your opinions about my piece and saying it's not art. I could do the same with yours but I realize people might actually like some of your stuff.
KTHXBYE! that's all I have to say to all you ignorant people out there that think the showcase is JUST a place for fine refined realistic detailed paintings...or anime.
And I do take art classes, that, as a matter of fact, is what my high-school career revolves around. And I only drew one picture of a Digimon, because I was bored. You can't... or shouldn't... say you've drawn something slightly off of what you normally do just because you've been bored. If you haven't, you really need to expand your horizons. I never said the showcase was for anime either, and I don't think anyone else did either.
And the Sistine Chapel is art. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be in Art History books.
ohh yeah. I never said the Sistine Chapel wasn't art... I thought it was bullcrap in the context you used it in. Who are you to say it's a masterpiece?(an my lil piece of ART isn't?) ...because your lil art history book says so? lol.
nice picture! yummi!!! :D
The cherry sucks for people who take the showcase too seriously...as for the others, we laugh at your lameness and marvel at the Cherry.
how could you kasha, you had my hopes and dreams resting solely on this piece of so called "art" your nuthin but a theef :B
please tell me zack is lying *cry*
LOL I found the reaction to this pretty hilarious.
I quite like it personally...
So yeah, I am commenting on this cherry again. ^_^
This could possibly be one of the most memorable moments of 2Draw. No, one of the most memorable moments in internet history!
Long live Kasha's showcased cherry!
EDIT: Hey, let's shoot for 200 comments! :D
Quality is not always achieved with time....concepts can be quality - concepts(ideas) are often done in a split second.
Id easily put this cherry against my wall compared to some works in the shocase that took hours.
There's a certain degree of absurdity here that mocks anally serious art and is shown in the comment. The cherry is presented with all the self confidence and matter-of-factness of someone that just completed something significant, and then punctuated with the implication that it was effortlessly done even while handicapped- like a recent track and field runner that paused just before crossing the finish line and still both won and broke a record.
It also pokes fun at all the people on this site who make excuses for their drawings "because I use a mouse" or who leave disclaimers about the timer being off because they don't want to be seen as having had spent more time on something than they really did (because many people see the ability to work quickly as a sign of skill and working slow as a sign of lacking skill). Plus there's all the people who think that someone who doesn't use photo references is somehow more gifted than someone who does, or that if you use a reference that you're not really making the drawing yourself. None of that is true, and this drawing is thumbing its nose at all those things.