Ty854 (edited Jun 21, 2004)
I was looking a DinoFlorist Ruler drawing and we were talking a little bit about how people found this site, Dino said he found it at inklink. I found out about it through www.youdraw.com. I was just wondering where everybody found out about this site. So please lets have a discussion.
concannon (Jun 21, 2004)
I was lead here through my best friend, Rebecca, known to you all as quintessence.
mazi (Jun 21, 2004)
search engines. most likely google. as i was in search of a decent oekaki board.
Ty854 (Jun 21, 2004)
cool. yeah people who draw at this site shamelessly promoted it at youdraw......and yeah. ( i do that too)
quintessence (Jun 21, 2004)
I found this place through yet another drawing site like Inklink, iSketch. Someone sent a link to a picture they'd drawn here, I clicked it, and the rest is history.
...not very well-known history, but history. |
Xodiak (Jun 21, 2004)
I was searching for a website with drawings of naked girls. >:)
|XOD| |
method3 (Jun 21, 2004)
ROFL, Xod... that is so funny, and yet it has a ring of truth to it.
I actually joined the "developement team" I guess you would say early last year after meeting Marcello himself. This is the first online oekaki site that I've ever drawn on. |
furyofroy (edited Jun 21, 2004)
I found 2draw through a link from OekakiCentral. Was just surfin' the net, is all. It was one of the first Oekaki sites I had ever visited.
staci (edited Jun 21, 2004)
dinoflorist found it at inklink eh? lies...
i found it through youdraw..which was advertised by axil..i found youdraw through players on inklink..i found inklink cos my sisters were playing bookworm or some such thing, and i fiddled around on shockwave...yet one addiction after another |
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jun 21, 2004)
Well, in the days when Icats were cheesey and had the blues (lol) and DinoFlorist abused tiny pretty flowers by the name of Wilma, DinoFlorist told me to come here and draw. And so I did. Inklink, sounds vaguely familiar, think I played there in another life..... @@
emmamommalag (Jun 22, 2004)
I was brought here by davincipoppalag.. he found this place when our regular drawing site was down and we were searching for another place to draw.
Thear (edited Jun 22, 2004)
My friend (Northern Shadow) told me about this site... and this is my first computer drawing site i've been. ^^
edit: i bought tablet too, thx to 2Draw ^^ |
Fin_beast (Jun 22, 2004)
Well... my story is a little different from everyone elses. My friend does a little bit of computer programing and he was showing me 'cellosoft.com' and showing me that little 'waterworks' program. I went from there really... bought a tablet and was hooked.
Ty854 (Jun 22, 2004)
I don't even have a tablet... v_v
Noremac (Jun 22, 2004)
well i found it from a friend ameraq, but thats about it
Pantera (Jun 22, 2004)
I can not remember who told me, it was someone at the youdraw site.
Nosantee (Jun 23, 2004)
From one of my yahoo groups a link was posted. I followed
Minitsaru (Jun 23, 2004)
Link from >< google? i dont really remember >..........<;;
Gigandas (Jun 23, 2004)
Hmm....well, I think my link to this place was connected thru fleeting_memory when I told her about a Japanese drawing chat she could come to and she told me about this place and after debating on which one we should both go to, I think this ended up being the choice, so yeah, that's how I came to know 2draw.
fleeting_memory (edited Jun 23, 2004)
I was at bored.com and I went to this place called Scribblerz but I couldn't figure out how to get a draw flag that allows you to draw on the site and there was a link to this site on the Scribblerz link page. So I checked it out and here I am. XD
Edit: I'm on inklink all the time but I've never heard it mentioned-odd |
Ixbalam (Jun 23, 2004)
I think someone mentioned it on a mailing list that's defunct now. I was bored and looking for good boards to draw on.
Northern_shadow (Jun 23, 2004)
I was looking for a drawing program (from net (duh)) and then found this :D
marcello (Jun 24, 2004)
xod lies! Oh and I found this site through a looking glass.
Kasha (Jun 24, 2004)
youdraw. I'm not sure who exactly told me about this site 1st. I think it was Nellyvette, then Cloxboy started talking about it and I just wanted to see what all the hype was about.
Knockoff (Jun 24, 2004)
ermm. Google >>.
15grifficorntears (Jun 24, 2004)
my good buddy Noremac showed me this site, and Sarrah helped me adjust to it.
Nanibunny (edited Jul 12, 2004)
Yeah a long time ago I was looking through pics at Elfwood and reading peoples bio's and one mentioned something about oekaki boards and I had no idea what those were so I searched around til I found OekakiCentral... and at that time they weren't accepting any more members so I got mad and decided that I'd find a better one that accepted members. And whoo! See I did. ^_^ I found this site like magic .(or I just searched around other drawing sites until I found one in english that looked fun)
Rosemary (Jul 13, 2004)
hmm..found it on a ''drawing sites'' search..found this and youdraw at same time but was too much of a coward to draw in colour online back then lol..wasnt used to drawing on puters...so...ended up staying at at youdraw for a year or so...looks like i'm a lil braver now :P
Anna (Jul 13, 2004)
This site was recommended when my old drawing site shut down.
Cordelia_Pink (Jul 13, 2004)
How I find this site? is that what you mean? 'Cause I went to this site called go-gaia and just found it on a linklist section. lol so that's about it. I find this site to be quite interesting and fun. =)
Turtlebuster (Jul 14, 2004)
i think i was linked somehow or another... it seems like a while ago now so i can only imagine where from, but 2draw was my first paint online site and since i prefer to any oekaki/bbs/etc site that should say something.
HJ (Jul 15, 2004)
Same as FoR, I found it through clicking many links at OekakiCentral.
Knockoff (Jul 15, 2004)
Oh I also forgot to say the roots of my hair would be blonde, if that counts.
davincipoppalag (Jul 15, 2004)
I started small..just an occasional social sketch with friends on isketch, of course like all life addictions, I wanted more and more, and we had a group of us on yahoo who had a drawboard and we got high together..but then it went down, forever, and we had to score more sketches in larger doses...one day in a stupor googling, I stumbled on this and almost immediately OD'd..and I had to share the bounty...
DireOnion (Jul 15, 2004)
Uh...I was...it was mentioned in 5chan's oekaki board...something...
Ty854 (Jul 22, 2004)
lol, dav.
friend (edited Jul 24, 2004)
I found it through youdraw.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Jul 24, 2004)
I just realized I answered this survey twice. (Gigge you draw quite well, and Clox I noticed you quit drawing and I miss your stuff)
Gigge (Jul 24, 2004)
LoL. Well, actually, I indirectly found the site through you and Pix, DBA. Several people on Inklink were asking where you went one day, so I went to your other website for kicks and found you (and/or Pix) had posted a bunch of your 2draw pictures, so I checked out this site. I thought it was a nice idea, but not for me. I'm 'artisticly challenged' to put it mildly. So for months I didn't join but from time to time people would ask me what my screen name was on here and where my pics were. Finally, several weeks ago, someone told me to check out BlueCheese's stuff. I searched the whole site and couldn't find it, but I thought Icats stuff was really cool ;). So, I tried the various applets and the only applet that would work at all was the Lascaux (the others locked up on me from the start). And, now i still can't draw....but, it's sure fun trying.
Kloxboy (Jul 24, 2004)
After Axil (Dan) and DBA left youdraw.com, it just wasn't the same, so I followed them here. I used to draw on InkLink but I got sick of all the idiots and assholes. I don't draw on 2Draw anymore because I'm busy working but also there are a few idiots and assholes here, like 2-3 people...you know who you are, little boy.
LovelyLori (Jul 24, 2004)
the fabulous Brnies from inklink led me here... she's a great artist, and needs to spend more time here at 2draw!
davincipoppalag (Jul 25, 2004)
Isn't Brnies the one who did that great watercolory cave drawing looking horse a long time ago? I would love to see more of that too. I am now taking donations to send to Clox so he can draw and not have to work so hard.
Gothic_Otaku (Jul 25, 2004)
I...don't...remember...I remember I was trying to get into an oekaki board I found trough my old guild on neopets, but I needed a pic from another oekaki showing enough skill to get in, but I had NO previous experience in online drawing...Then I mysteriously found this site...and I joined right away!
LovelyLori (Jul 25, 2004)
yup that's the one, Dave... she's awesome, but is intimidated by some of the artists here... she shouldn't be though! once she got the hang of these tools, she'd be kickin' some serious arse
emmamommalag (Jul 25, 2004)
Looked up Brnies stuff. She only did three but they were so cool.. somebody ought to tell her to come back and do some more. I love her horses.
mooseflower (Jul 26, 2004)
I was looking for a good oekaki board on google and I found an advanced one (which I was so not ready for) that had a link to a begginer one, and when I went to sign up for the begginer one there was a link to 2draw which I clicked and now I am here. Yay me.
Loogie (Jul 26, 2004)
Callypso (Jul 27, 2004)
i was looking for a board that didn't need to have a reference pic from another site to get in, and this site just happened to show up on google
fleeting_memory (Jul 27, 2004)
someone should get TheCatsPaw to come back-her stuff was awesome and I think at least one of them got showcased
cmb (Jul 28, 2004)
I saw the site posted on Youdraw to start off with- ignored it for ages- thinking I didnt have enough time for both- plus forum based sites I also used to visit (wet canvas, newstyle artists, the art box)- now my 2 loves are Youdraw ( always will be) and now I have more confidence 2draw!!! Just wish I could afford to contribute- once I have paid off debts I might! LOL
Sougen (Jul 28, 2004)
Oekaki Central got me p.o'd, so I googled and found this site.
foxman8245 (Jul 29, 2004)
LOL... I was trying to look up a local band out of Cleveland that my buddy plays in called 2-RAW. (punk band) I must've hit the d with the r and ended up with 2draw. Been here every since. LOL
(thats my story and I'm stickin to it) |
marcello (Jul 29, 2004)
Best story yet.
sougen: did you notice your user id?? |
davincipoppalag (Jul 29, 2004)
OMG..he's 1337 how l33t
emmamommalag (Jul 29, 2004)
LOL, Foxman! That's a goodun! Okay... I've thought and thought but cannot figure out the significance of 1337 and/or l33t. Am I extremely dense?
Sougen (edited Jul 29, 2004)
Lol i've lurked here for a year and never noticed Marcello o.O
1337 = 133t = leet = elite in that haxxor speak thingie XP And I'm a she ^_^ |
Kloxboy (Jul 29, 2004)
1337=jeek=geek=lame slang created by geeks
Internet geeks have created the lamest slang ever. |
emmamommalag (Jul 30, 2004)
Thanks, Sougen and Clox.. I'm not gonna ask about haxxor. lol
Knockoff (Jul 30, 2004)
Like, omg. I soo like agree with. *smile*
brainspiller83 (Aug 11, 2004)
Rosemary showed me a few pictures from this site, so i felt like having ago. one of the software lascaux i think, is similar to photoshop minus alot of extras, so it was easy to use. i wish i had one of those pencil type mouse thingys would be alot more easier than this stupid mouse! grr....stupid mouse!
squee (edited Aug 11, 2004)
er.. I cant remember where i found 2draw.....pooh.. I cant remember, I think....from a friend I donno
edit: I think i was looking for a pic, then i saw the link, i was looking for a drawing site and when this popped up.. I was in heaven.. HA I REMEMBERED! |
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