Are you friggin kidding me!?!?!?This great of a picture and only 7 comments!?Wow, everyone who hasn't commented on this yet must've not seen it or they're crazy!!!This is just way too cool to just pass up^^;;;;.ED, I'd give you a million comments if I could.Not only on this one, but on your skills in general....:)
There are so many new pictures here all the time, Gigandas. I miss new stuff all the time because it disappears so quickly from the main page and then gets lost way down the browse list.
I think the comments by no means represents any aspect of the piece, other than the suckup crap that travels around certain artists' pieces. I'm glad I decided to look at the animation, if you haven't done that yet then I suggest you at least give it a shot, you might learn something. It shows such a painterly way of layering things until you get an incredible and well structured subject, well done!
PS. That was cheating with the fog there! Bad blur, bad! =P
Heh, well that's your opinion now isn't it :P.......?I'm not sucking up at all so that would make you wrong about me if anybody^^;.It's funny how you always shoot down everything everyone can't agree about anything.
Emma's right...especially when you miss a day or two coming up here...the pictures seem to get lost in the shuffle. The best thing to do, I guess, would be to LOOK IN A PERSON'S GALLERY for anything you might have missed(which I, at times, am remiss in doing too).
Awesome face on this one, ED... but I also enjoyed the was wonderful to watch!
Gah... what, what? Is it everyone's intention here to A) Scare me out of my wits or B) Give me a heart attack?
I littlerally jumped when I saw this, plain freaky.
Gorgeous job, as always.
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drawn in 2 hours 28 min
PS. That was cheating with the fog there! Bad blur, bad! =P
Awesome face on this one, ED... but I also enjoyed the was wonderful to watch!
I littlerally jumped when I saw this, plain freaky.
Gorgeous job, as always.