Showcase entry!
strangeoid (Feb 27, 2004)
http://www.macknight.addr.com/Pictures/flowers/daffodil.jpg^___^ They seem to be popping up everywhere. I needed to draw something happy.
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drawn in 16 min
drawn in 31 min
drawn in 38 min
drawn in 1 hour 6 min
drawn in 9 min
The main thing is contrast. Although the flower has nice contrast over the background, I think more contrast in the yellow would give it more needed depth. It is quite possible that you can just go in there with a low opacity burn tool and slowly build up some darker darks. The only other thing is with the drops of water. I would probably add a little more contrast in those, and perhaps use the pen tool on the rightmost one there so that it does not have such a pixelated edge.
drawn in 14 min
I really like it, and the simplicity of it.
GREAT job. ;)
Daffodils-my favourite!
Thanks for sharing.
drawn in 28 min