heh. someone else who thought it blew. *cheers wildly*
that is one sexy hugo weaving, though. -^-^- he looks so pissed about having his talents misused in cruddy sequels..
Aahhahhahaha i LOVEEEEE this picturE! its sO gOOfy! matrix was an AWESOME trilogy...i thot the ending was alright. prolly cuz everyone kept telling me it sucked like no other. so i expected the worst. buutt it wasnt That bad wen i saw it. But Yes...awesome picture. he looks exactly like agent smith..and Neo. :) go you!
Meh. I'll probably go to see Revolutions again, if only so I can once again be the only person in the theater rooting for Smith. Even when he turns into a screeching maniac. :P
drawn in 7 min
drawn in 18 min
that is one sexy hugo weaving, though. -^-^- he looks so pissed about having his talents misused in cruddy sequels..
drawn in 23 min
wheres the explosions and leather-clad chicks?
drawn in 33 min
*cackles* Bloody brilliant, Snoozy. I shall build you a shrine of discarded post-it notes.
drawn in 7 min