marcello (Oct 22, 2003)
While it's nice to have new people around, it's not nice when they spam the site, and hundreds of images have to be deleted. Because of this surge of new users, many of which are posting crap, bandwidth for this month is gonna put 2draw in the red.
So, please, stop. Or donate. But still stop. |
furyofroy (Oct 22, 2003)
amen, d00d.
Do you have to have a paypal account to donate? |
marcello (Oct 22, 2003)
Click help at the top of any page.
Maiko (Oct 22, 2003)
*gets out swords* kill the spamming newbies Oo *smiles*
Knockoff (edited Oct 23, 2003)
Yea..... In a day (which I have been gone) THeres been around 42 new pictures, just in the practice boards!! Also there are a lot of user with almost the same name, theres glo and....... theres ...... gloglo and, Thats funky. (not to say anything....but)o_O
People need to get originla, They probably saw some name .(for example the user name blob) and when they went to registered they probalby thought hmmm what could my user name be, well there was that blob dude, Ill just make my name blobblob. There thats good enough,,. o__x |
Merulotte (Oct 23, 2003)
Perhaps, if the user majority agreed, the Beginner Board (And maybe all of the boards) could start deleting pictures past a certain page, suited to that board. It could keep bandwidth use a bit lower, but some people don't bother saving their pictures... And some users could complain. I mean, there are pictures since the beginning of that board, since the last time I looked... And perhaps pictures must be manually deleted, so that would just make things difficult.
...Well, just a suggestion... I always do wonder why people spam, though. Do they want attention, or just to be a pester? Or both... |
marcello (Oct 23, 2003)
If no one looks at the old pictures, no bandwidth is wasted on them. Suffice it to say, there will always be more pictures than you can possibly look at, and never less. Thus deleting old pictures won't save any bandwidth.
Bandwidth is having the pages and images sent to your computer, hard disk space, which is images staying on the server, is quite plentiful. Besides, I find it interesting to go back and look at pictures over time, so I won't delete stuff unless I have to. |
joe_shmo (Oct 23, 2003)
i like that you dont delete the old ones i like to see how the people have progressed (sp)
supermonkey (Oct 23, 2003)
who could forget classics like these
raenboe (edited Oct 23, 2003)
I do wish these people would stop spamming, too. I also noticed what KO noticed. I mean, it's great if people are joining to create a new hobby or just hone their skills, but if they aren't improving and are just (literally) pooping out these 5 minute 'works of art' then there's no point for them to stay. I dunno. I really enjoy 2draw and I try my hardest to improve and I don't think the pathetic attempts of these newbies clogging up the bandwidth is really fair to those of us that do try. *shrugs and walks away"
Merulotte (Oct 23, 2003)
Oh... So the pictures don't take space unless viewed. How clever like.
joe_shmo (Oct 23, 2003)
they take "space" but not "bandwith" its 2 seperate things they can be saved anywhere even cellos computer but the bandwith is basicly what hes paying for
DarkTigerCub (Oct 23, 2003)
Okay..... So what if people draw really good and they send in a lot of [good] drawings? Does that account as 'spam'? Plus if people work like more than one hour and it gets deleted.... what would that be? Sorry if I am asking too many questions. Once it gets deleted, it's gone LONG gone? I draw with my mouse so everything I post here is..... ugh well not-so-good (see for yourself), does it look like im spamming or somethin? Uhm I'm new here AND WHY DOES EVERYONE SAY I'M THAT NEKO-SAMA PERSON!???!!! Okay I'll stop talking buh-bye.
Hakkai (Oct 23, 2003)
... Posting good pictures excessively isn't quite connecting towards the bandwith problem. Its when people refresh the page over and over to see the newer pictures that takes up the bandwith. The mexican class might have some small part of the bandwith problem.. -shrugs-
As for DarkTigerCub... If its considerably good drawings, then no. As long as they truely worked hard on them. If a person deleted a picture that was worked on for more than one hour, then its crap... or spam. People have this way to cheat the timer. They draw something completely simple and wait for an hour to post.. so they think that it wouldn't get deleted. I call it one hour of CRAP! And once its deleted, it can be brought back. But ONLY by an Admin. Mod's can't. You? Spamming? It sounds a bit vain of you to ask. As for Neko-sama? Why would you care? You are who YOU are. If others make such a big deal about it, then ignore them. But if we, the mods, find out you've been hogging up two accounts... -cackles evilly- |
Maiko (Oct 23, 2003)
bite the spammers bite the spammers XD!!! *waves fork around*
Sry...i'm being weird today, suffering from LoM. (lack of marcello *grin*) |
marcello (Oct 24, 2003)
Well, submitting pictures that will end up being deleted anyway does contribute to the spam problem. There is bandwidth involved with browsing to the board, clicking draw, choosing an applet, downloading the applet, then there's bandwidth actually submitting the image (this is quite high, actually, though it doesn't happen often enough to bring the site down to its knees), then there's viewing the image to write a comment, submitting it, then any number of users downloading it when they load the site, then finally a moderator downloading it to see it, then going to the delete page, and deleting it. It adds up, and if the image wasn't submitted in the first place, it's a lot better for everyone.
As for darktigercub/nekosama, it's so obvious from your drawings and preferred content that you're one in the same. Since both accounts aren't being used at the same time, I don't really care, but lying about it is just plain lame. |
tigr3ss (Oct 29, 2003)
I dunno. Ban the spammers, I say. Anyone who has obviously not read the rules are not contributing to a happy social oekaki board O_o
A small solution would be setting down the .jpg compress on the beginners board, or set <10 minute doodles to auto-deletion (I cant remember if we do that already) |
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Oct 30, 2003)
Well, personally, why punish people who are doin the best they could do? Everyone has to start somewhere. I looked at marcello's first drawing, and mind you, it wasn't the best.
concannon (Oct 30, 2003)
You're missing the point.
A 'spammer' is someone that posts crappy art done in a small time span repeatedly. Picture after picture after picture. It's not a pretty sight. Besides, it's not Marcello that said 'ban the spammers'. We don't want to make 2draw like Oekaki Central. |
tigr3ss (Nov 2, 2003)
What about a daily image limit? Of course that's gonna hinder some of us who just feels overly productive and does a ton of good art that day...
marcello (Nov 2, 2003)
That's just lame. why would someone want that? It's not like it'd stop spammers who tried.
taori (Nov 2, 2003)
Hmm, this is just my humble opinion, and I know I spammed in the past (I didn't know it was spam back then, heh, whoops, I know better now though) but I had to chip in here... if I were you, I'd just take off a lot a lot a lot of points from people who spam, so that it really does make an impact and they're in danger of being banned. That'll teach 'em. That way, you're not banning them right away, you're giving them a second/third/etc chance to change their spammy ways, and if they still don't show any signs of actually trying to improve and draw legitimate pictures, ban their asses. Hehehe. Just my thoughts.
method3 (Nov 2, 2003)
That's how it works already. Moderators are fully equiped to deal with spammers, but it'd be nice if they didn't have to deal with spamming period.
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Nov 3, 2003)
ok: am i a spammer? i TRY, my work is always at least 20 minutes, but my stuff just gets deleted. maybe its that i'm not good with a mouse. you give me a pen that i can use on this site and my work would be different.
and for those who saw my first drawing on something other than the public board: i worked the full 41 minutes on that thing and i thot it was one of my best. i have an idea to ponder: we base some of these semi-new people's (like me) art on others. why not base it on their own to see if they've improved since their last drawing? it can be discouraging if they work hard and just because it's not as good as someone elses, but its their best, and it gets deleted. i'm just wondering if marcello and his other co-operators would take this into consideration. and as many of you know, i've complained about this subject to marcello before. |
raenboe (Nov 3, 2003)
Yes, and your complaints get annoying. Like I just said on another post, it might not be the quality. If you haven't noticed yet, 2Draw is having a bandwidth problem and maybe one of the mods is deleting the "minority" pics to help conserve the bandwidth. I don't know for sure, but your idea about deletion might not be the truth. How do you know if they are judging your pics on others? Everyone has a different style. All you can do is try your hardest and try not to complain so darn much.
Knockoff (Nov 3, 2003)
Reanboe is totaly right, (1)Most People don't base on weather your good or bad, They base it on attitude ( Like saying your bored, ect ect) and effort, If you spent five hours and trully belived it was your best and it wasnt that good Im sure the mods wouldn't of deleted it,. (3) Ok Ill shut up because these complaints are very stupid.
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Nov 4, 2003)
It was just an idea! but sometimes my drawings are good compared to me, and they get deleted! and my proof that they are comparing other peple's work to others is that mkkmypet had their best drawing deleted and i'm on their side! plus, it should not matter about the attitude thing if ur drawing gets deleted or not! thats just plain wrong, especially if the drawing was actuallt pretty good.
and you haven't answered my qwestion yet: AM I A SPAMMER??? |
Harmanye (Nov 4, 2003)
PurpleLlamasRcoming: Are you a spammer? My 'benifit of a doubt' impulse would only allow me to say maybe.
I understand that people don't learn to draw without practice, and you -have- submitted a few pictures worthy of submission ('specially that tennis kirby one). But a right doesn't outweigh a wrong, and a good picture doesn't give excuse for bad ones. Mods delete what doesn't measure up, it's their job, they are competent individuals, otherwise they would not be given the responsibility. As to your remark about them judging your work by the standards of others; unless they have a personal vendetta against you and you alone, this statement does not measure up; a good deal more people would get their pictures deleted much more often if this were true. There is a bandwidth problem, and every picture (Bad or good) takes up bandwidth. If you do not have time to devote at least a hour (Anything less is ridiculous when one is trying to improve) to a picture, then wait until you have time; details make people happy and details are not done in 30 minutes or less (unless you're just that good, which you aren't, yet) it's better to have a little with a lot than a lot with a little. It takes effort to make picture that -are- worth the bandwidth (Take my word for it >_<, thanksfully I've deleted my own crappy pictures before the mods got to them. To mods: HA). That was just to answer your question. Please stop asking? |
marcello (Nov 4, 2003)
And a good tip. submit as unfinished hidden until you're done. That way no one has to look at your crappy first versions until it's completed.
method3 (Nov 5, 2003)
That's a great point Marcello, if people actually learned how to use this site properly they might realize that there's alot of ways you can get your art to stay here without a moderator having to interfere. And yet so many people don't use this option and wonder why their crappy work is getting deleted before it's finished, and complaing about the unfairness of their arts' deletion.
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Nov 5, 2003)
ok that makes sense. i guess i was just confused, but hey. btw, method3, i think ur icon it very well drawn.
furyofroy (edited Nov 5, 2003)
That... came out of nowhere.
marcello (Nov 5, 2003)
or possibly someone's ass.
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Nov 6, 2003)
my, marcello, what colorful language! :(
raenboe (Nov 6, 2003)
Switching subjects, are we, PurpleLlamasRcoming? And as for the language? Who gives? I've seen worse words on the site. Get used to it.
marcello (Nov 6, 2003)
or leave. 2draw isn't really for kids. not as though we're throwing anyone out, but we're not forcing anyone to stay. 2draw isn't oc. :)
PurpleLlamasRcoming (Nov 8, 2003)
2637!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whooooo.....spaz........WAY too much mexican food..........
sry, i love being random, and that is one way i express it!!! |
marcello (Nov 8, 2003)
talk about cliche. why can't people be original?
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