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Public Boards/Beginner 
Zazoriffic (Aug 15, 2003)
muahahaha, it's TIKO
2 comments – latest 2:
taori (edited Aug 15, 2003)
Of course it is. *Baffled, goes along with it*
Zazoriffic (edited Aug 15, 2003)
hehe, it's an, erm, friend of mine's cat
drawn in 57 min with PaintBBS
amuy (Aug 14, 2003)
im just learning how to use this oekaki thing...and its fooon!
1 comment – latest 1:
taori (edited Aug 14, 2003)
It is indeed. Welcome to 2draw!
drawn in 6 min with PaintBBS
AmericanIdolUSA1 (Aug 14, 2003)
I am very sad right now because most of my pics are being erased. This is a practice board right????
1 comment – latest 1:
taori (edited Aug 14, 2003)
The problem is, you can't take the practice board for granted. Practice means practice, not wasting time. The practice board is meant for gettubg used to the tools and really trying to improve. If you really put effort into your drawings, you'll get much better, and you're pictures won't be deleted! I mean, most of what I draw isn't very good, but I'm constantly trying new things and trying to improve, which means putting time and effort into every drawing. Thus, most of them aren't deleted.
So don't get discouraged, just keep working at it! Yes, it's a practice board. Practicing is what it's here for. If people can tell that you're putting effort into your drawings, they'll help you improve. People here are nice, you just have to get on their good sides! ;D
drawn in 13 min with OekakiBBS
Zappo (Aug 14, 2003)
Marcello said that 2draw with be so intense...You head would explode.....most likely to due to long exposure to such a kick ass site...(Thats my guess)
Edit: Oh yea...and this dudes computer screen was BLACK & WHITE! think about that!
3 comments – latest 3:
taori (edited Aug 14, 2003)
Yes, V2 is scaring me a bit...I am intimidated by the very idea of such ass-kicking.
Knockoff (edited Aug 14, 2003)
Haha That a good one zappo. *pokes brain*
dragon_girl (edited Aug 15, 2003)
nice one zappo
drawn in 12 min with OekakiBBS
nyao (Aug 13, 2003)
Here's Sesshomaru! You guyz wanted me to draw him... but it's not all that great.... dont hurt me!
2 comments – latest 2:
Ameraq (edited Aug 14, 2003)
*huggles sesshoumaru*
Aa, thank you! mucho pizza's for you!
taori (edited Aug 14, 2003)
Yaaaaay! *Runs off with Sesshy* Here, you get a cookie for making him look pretty.
drawn in 29 min with PaintBBS
nyao (Aug 13, 2003)
me was trying to draw Inu-Yasha.... It started off pretty bad... but the final result lookz ok. ^^
5 comments – latest 4:
taori (edited Aug 13, 2003)
Ehehe, yes, you must draw Sesshoumaru-sama! *Waves signs reading something to the effect of "MARRY ME, SESSHY"* Ahem...looks awesome. Great shading on the hair.
raenboe (edited Aug 14, 2003)
OMG InuYasha is my FAVORITE!!!! You so ro><orz!!!! thank yu very much!!!
WildMageDaine90 (Mar 6, 2004)
eeks! (hugs) Daniela can say all she wants about Inu Yasha being a cat, but I DON'T CARE! Awesome...^_^

NOVEMBER93 (Jul 26, 2006)
I love this picture. It looks really great. I love Inuyasha!
drawn in 54 min with PaintBBS
Zappo (Aug 13, 2003)
This was Fun...Please Comment
6 comments – latest 4:
Marienkind (edited Aug 13, 2003)
i'm suddenly reminded of "hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy". did you read that one zappo? it was... tasty. o.o

edit: the book is great. it's cheesy at some points, but in a weird intentionally funny sort of way.
Zappo (edited Aug 13, 2003)
LOL Wow Ive heard about it.....My friend Told me about that book about a week ago..he reads alot..He said it was one of the few books he literally laughed out loud to.....Ive heard it was cheesy and great and funny at the same I right?
Turtlebuster (edited Aug 13, 2003)
there's nothing odd about the book. It's one of the most literal books I've read.
actually, i think he resmebles Timmy the Tooth (if you've never heard of him, be glad)
EDIT: i was not being serious about that first part...
taori (edited Aug 13, 2003)
Bwahaha. The Hitchhiker's Guide series rules, Mostly Harmless being the best of the series. If you decide to read the series and you decide to go in order, I recommend skipping So Long And Thanks For All The Fish and going straight to Mostly Harmless; you can read the other one later, you won't miss anything, and Mostly Harmless is better.

Awesome alien, by the way, Zappo.
drawn in 23 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Zinc (Aug 13, 2003)
10 comments – latest 4:
concannon (edited Aug 13, 2003)
I LOVED that show. Norbert was the best. *nods* I bow to you, Armando. *bow bow*

P.S.: ...I successfully return from California. *waves a flag weakly and shuffles away*
taori (edited Aug 13, 2003)
Augh, Angry Beavers was the greatest show ever, next to Pinky & The Brain. Why do they always move the good ones to times where nobody sees them? You're a god now, Armando.
lumpypixels (edited Aug 15, 2003)
I love that show!
Cianteed (Sep 3, 2004)
They cancelled it up hmyah... whcih sucked 'cause I adored Angry Beaver. If any season of it ever comes out on dvd, im so buying.
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Maiko (Aug 13, 2003)
yay, to celebrate me being ranked 20 (really no reason to) i drew Youko Kurama ^__^ he looks a bit like inuyasha Oo;; but SHHHhh dont say that, cuz i dont really like inuyasha... >>
oh well, C & C please ^__^
9 comments – latest 4:
Gothic_Otaku (edited Aug 13, 2003)
since when does he have black hair? But it's sexy nonetheless ^_^. *touches him* *gets burned*
Hotaru-chan (edited Aug 13, 2003)
ooooo. he does look like him * takes out note book and write down this look a like* he's awsome!! * blows kiss to picc because I don't want to get burned like Gothic_Otaku * A very well done picc!!! happy 20th thing!!!

mikemmaan17 (edited Aug 13, 2003)
very SHWEET!!!! Awsome hands!
Lark (Oct 24, 2003)
sigh.... you're such a kurama freak.... just like KF..... even then....
drawn in 36 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Marienkind (Aug 12, 2003)
timer is 45 min off.
14 comments – latest 4:
SaheraNights (Feb 24, 2004)
Hes cute for a cyborg ~.^
Amethysts (Apr 20, 2005)
I still remember every detail from studying your animation 1 and 1/2 years ago...
mazi (Apr 20, 2005)
marienkind ran off :( maybe if we butter up her ego enough she'll come back. (she dissapeared from deviantart and aim too. boo.) she was t3h awesome and she ran away. :c

(p.s. im giving out free prepackaged hugs in a can. come baack)
Xodiak (Apr 20, 2005)
Xod hopes she comes back one day! |:)
drawn in 5 hours 11 min with PaintBBS
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