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Public Boards/Beginner 
Genkaiart37 (Aug 1, 2003)
i was going for a different style and i hadn't really planned out the pic. I just let my hand take me where it wanted to go. ~__~
3 comments – latest 3:
Zappo (edited Aug 1, 2003)
Kinda looks like XoD in the corner.....
Kazukie (edited Aug 1, 2003)
Yah it does =\
taori (edited Aug 1, 2003)
Oh dear. It really does. o.O; Well, I like your picture anyway.
drawn in 35 min with PaintBBS
purplestarfishy (Aug 1, 2003)
hmm yes well i had no idea what to draw screwed up with the layers again (which i still do not get) and then thought i should have done the background first... but appart from that i think its ok =^.^=
3 comments – latest 3:
gremlin_faith (edited Aug 1, 2003)
oooh, nifty! i like the hair! *pets hair* and her necklace is cool too! *steals necklace* bye! *runs away while scattering skittles everywhere* ^-^~*
Kazukie (edited Aug 1, 2003)
Eee this is really pretty. Her eyebrows kinda small.. *squints* Hehe and her nose is up a little high for my likings but it still looks awsome.
taori (edited Aug 1, 2003)
Wow, that's good. Love the hair.
drawn in 1 hour 22 min with OekakiBBS
Loogie (Jun 29, 2003)
I couldn't think of anything to draw (see animation...)
delete if you want
3 comments – latest 3:
taori (edited Jun 29, 2003)
Augh! I watched the animation and everything in there was sooo good...aah...must be nice to have talented artists' block. O.O; *In awe*
Mikki (edited Jun 30, 2003)
wow, I get days like that *sigh* It's very good.
gremlin_faith (edited Aug 1, 2003)
how come i can't have artist blocks like you? there were so many good pics just coming one after another! *sobs uncontrolably* oh well, here are some skittles for a good job! ^-^~*
drawn in 15 min with PaintBBS
gremlin_faith (Jul 31, 2003)
hi! i'm new here! i used to be on kero kero, but it doesn't exist anymore! *sobs* oh well, here will be my new home-i guess. usually my pics look better, but i have a gerky mouse today and it hates me! evil mouse! oh well, i hope that i'm accepted! *bribes everyone with skittles* well almost sleepy time! ^-^~*
6 comments – latest 4:
Zappo (edited Jul 31, 2003)
allwight taste the rainbow! Welcome to 2draw! Everyones real nice here except me.... Muhahahahahaha They make a hell for people like me! I get my Thrills off telling kids that santas not real! Muhahahahahaha Oh....yea and around here people call me Sexy Zappo Pharaoh Wizard.....
Marienkind (edited Jul 31, 2003)
the zappo lies! he is not sexy Zappo Pharaoh Wizard. he's just sexy zappo. o_O

welcome to 2draw.
Zappo (edited Jul 31, 2003)
Woohooo! Better than nothin......
gremlin_faith (edited Jul 31, 2003)
thank you! don't worry, you will see some pics from me! yay! i feel so special *feels special* he he he! ^-^~*
drawn in 24 min with OekakiBBS
AnimalRights (Jul 31, 2003)
Started out as a little doodle, but then I went totally nertz and made that background. I like how it turned out.
3 comments – latest 3:
Marienkind (edited Jul 31, 2003)
the clouds are really beautiful for some reason i cannot fathom..
taori (edited Jul 31, 2003)
I adore the lighting effects...rowr.
noxoteus (edited Jul 31, 2003)
I really like you r color sense and your clean clean line. I am compelled to wonder what he is meditating upon. Cool piece!
drawn in 43 min with OekakiBBS
Marienkind (Jul 30, 2003)
i've been reading a book about the angel mythos. my sister asked if she could read it, and i said no because i wasn't done. she frowned and said, "Oh, right, cause i'll probably stain the pages and doodle on them."

that ruined my mood for the day.
4 comments – latest 4:
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 30, 2003)
that ruinded your mood? it's not like she grabbed the book from you and rippde it up. anyway, an AWESOME picture. very sleek angel. his wings could use just a tad more definition (i didn't know they were ings until you mentioned it).
mazi (edited Jul 30, 2003)
Marienkind (edited Jul 30, 2003)
i don't wanna fix the wings; i'll end up pinning the picture, therefore making me feel very guilty.
taori (edited Jul 30, 2003)
That's incredible...very different from your usual style, ne? I lurv it just as much.
drawn in 26 min with PaintBBS
Marienkind (Jul 29, 2003)
hmm, i'm not too attached to it, but at least my hand isn't hurting that bad anymore. trying hard not to strain and stuff.
1 comment – latest 1:
taori (edited Jul 30, 2003)
Yaaay! *Eats hand* Keep getting better! *Jumps around obnoxiously with pom-poms*
drawn in 55 min with PaintBBS
Zappo (Jul 29, 2003)
6 comments – latest 4:
taori (edited Jul 29, 2003)
Oooh. This brings me joy. o_O;
Turtlebuster (edited Jul 29, 2003)
i know a guy who looks like that. he's realy picky about what he eats :) great picture, this could be an awesome log or something ("or not 2 draw" :P)
concannon (edited Jul 29, 2003)
Pretty. May I lick?
Ameraq (edited Jul 29, 2003)
This picture makes me want to eat popcorn for some odd reason...
drawn in 21 min with OekakiBBS
Marienkind (Jul 28, 2003)
the pain in my hand has spread to my arm. and i didn't even sit on my arm or do anything to make it hurt. it's not even that weird sort of cramp pain you get when you draw. it's that numbing pain you get when sitting on your leg too long.

i can't feel my pinky.
5 comments – latest 4:
Zinc (edited Jul 28, 2003)
Nice swirl thingy from the wand. o.o Your drawings are great. Please get better soon. :/
- $
taori (edited Jul 28, 2003)
Get to a doctor... I'm worried about you. :( Awesome picture, though. Nifty halftones.
Knockoff (edited Jul 29, 2003)
*patpat* I hope you fell better soon. Taori is right you might wanna get to a doctor. And the picture is great!
concannon (edited Jul 29, 2003)
I agree, doctor is a good idea. You figure out what it is, it can be isolated, and kept from spreading any farther, in the very least.

Very pretty. I like the tie, and the rosy cheeks. Why in the WORLD are you still on the practice boards? Eh?
drawn in 39 min with PaintBBS
kaT (Jul 28, 2003)
HA HA HA... no comment.
5 comments – latest 4:
taori (edited Jul 28, 2003)
Looks like a marble. Grooooovy.... o_O;;
mkkmypet (edited Jul 28, 2003)
I like it! X-ellent colors, shading, and brightening! You're drawings are always good! : D
raenboe (edited Jul 29, 2003)
Whoa cool! That would be kick-arse on a necklace!
Knockoff (edited Jul 29, 2003)
Hmmm yes it does look like a marble. Good job anyways!
drawn in 17 min with PaintBBS
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